Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 748: it. . . . . . It's gone!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Just at this moment, a muffled roar came from the sky. Although the voice was not loud, the faces of these Mainemen changed greatly. Because of this voice, they were too familiar. They just came from the voice master. Escaped!

Even the soldiers of Huaxia were in a stunned expression, faintly feeling what was happening.

These days, everyone knows what happened, how can they not know. And these days, the black dragon is raging in Maine!

Does the other party really come here?

It was just that they did not retreat, but the lance in their hands tightened, staring at the distant sky with a solemn expression.

What about the black dragons, if they want to enter Huaxia, they have to step over their bodies! This is the duty that has been carved into the soul since the first moment they stayed here!


It was only very soon that the wind and clouds were turbulent, and the whole world seemed to be discolored. The originally dark sky became more gloomy at this moment.

The soldier looked up, and saw that in the distant sky, about two or three hundred meters above the ground, a huge creature, looming, sometimes bent and sometimes stretched, is not what the black dragon has been raging in the world for so long!


But it was only an instant. The black dragon, hundreds of meters away, had reached the top of everyone's heads. It seemed that he had just stretched his body, and it was black, as if the mountains were on their heads.

Staring at the scarlet eyes, staring at them.

"Black Dragon!"

"Really that black dragon!"

The Chinese soldiers also all changed their faces, shaking their hearts.

They have heard of the brutality of this black dragon long ago, but they have all seen it in the video before, which is far less shocking than it is today. The coercion alone made them very panicked.

Even the legs were snoring involuntarily.

They are people, not gods! There are also anger, sorrow, and more fear!

It was just these soldiers, but none of them retreated. Although their legs were trembling, they all gathered the greatest courage and looked directly into the eyes of the black dragon! There were even one or two people who, despite the fear in their hearts, raised their guns and aimed at this black dragon!

Although they also know that this bullet is not useful to the Black Dragon, the other party is not afraid of nuclear bombs, not to mention this small bullet. But raising their guns and aiming was the only way they could fight.

Even if they die, they will shoot this bullet out!

Even if only a spark can be splashed on the black dragon's body, but this is their responsibility!

"Leader Wu, the superior let them pass!"

"Also let us retreat!"

At this time, the person who reported to the superior sent an instruction, but it also made the squad leader Wu smile a bit.


Where else to retreat at this time?

The speed of this black dragon, which can they compare? And now they are under the eyelids of this black dragon!

However, he waved his hand to signal that the Mainemen on the border could come over.

Dead or alive, full screen!



And these nearly a thousand people saw his movement, and rushed towards this side. And as soon as I crossed the border, I ran quickly towards the distance!

What about crossing the border?

That's also under the eyes of the Black Dragon!

They do not escape, waiting for the Black Dragon to devour them!

Only as far away as possible!

But can the black dragon let them escape?

So many people in their country died in the hands of this black dragon!

And at the same time, the eyes of nearly the rest of the world ’s humanity are focused here, and the mind is extremely excited! Because at this time, the black dragon is facing the Chinese people! It is a Chinese soldier!

Too many people believe that this black dragon was released by the League of Legends! And the League of Legends belongs to Huaxia, it is very likely that this black dragon will not rag in Huaxia at all!

I did n’t have the opportunity to appraise this time. At this time, it is to verify the accuracy of this guess!

Too many people want to see, this black dragon, in the end, does not kill the Chinese people!

"Why not do it?"

"What is it looking at!"

"What are you dangling over!"

Just to everyone's surprise, after two minutes, the black dragon hovering above still had no hands, but scarlet eyes, staring directly at the ground, wondering what was thinking.

It is too different from its previous watch reality!

Before, it rushed down and slaughtered humans! Even with a big mouth, he sucked the human on the ground into his belly!

What is going on now?

However, if anyone can read its mind at this moment, it will be found that the eyes of the Chiyan Heilong are looking directly at the stone monument below! Steles on the borders of the surface!

With wisdom, it has long been known that Huaxia is ahead!

That person explained to him, if it breaks into Huaxia, kill!

It's just that it has high arrogance and has always been addicted to killing. It recognizes that it is noble and somewhat dissatisfied. It struggles. If you don't violate that person, choose to start! Break into Huaxia! At least the Chinese in front of them have been swallowed!

Struggling, unable to make a decision for a while!

Because if it really violates that person's words, it is likely to face retaliation from the other party! And it is not yet able to face this revenge!

"Come on!"

"Let's leave while it's still moving!"

The squad leader Wu waved at the soldiers as a signal for retreat.

Although he knew why the black dragon didn't do it, he also knew it was an opportunity. Didn't he see the Burmese soldier who had crossed the border, had he run hundreds of meters away? After a minute or two, I'm afraid that no one can see the figure.


This was just when they were in action. The black dragon above their heads roared from the sky, and the huge waves rushed into the clouds, almost dispersing the black clouds above their heads.

And at the end of it, he rushed away!

Leaving this side of the world!

It's not willing!

This is its first time, letting these foods escape from its mouth! But it is unwilling to be unwilling, but it is afraid! If you really enter Huaxia territory and wait for it, I am afraid it is crazy revenge!

Although it is proud of heart, it also knows forbearance!

Oppose that person at this time, I'm afraid there is only death!


For a moment, the figure of this black dragon disappeared into everyone's eyes!


"The black dragon is gone!"

"The black dragon did not kill these Chinese soldiers, but left!"

Countless people who saw this scene were shocked and didn't know what to say.

In particular, the Chinese people are almost all excited. This black dragon does not invade China.

You know, they were also very nervous just now. Once the black dragon crosses the border, it will enter the territory of Huaxia. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Huaxia will also endure a disaster!

Will it become like the demise of other countries? No one knows!

Because that was nothing, since the first appearance, no one knows where he is! I'm not sure at all whether he will fight this black dragon for the Chinese people!

(End of this chapter)

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