Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 757: Parasites rushing out of the universe!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Then tell me now, what is Dan Ling?"

"In the end, what role does it play in my body?"

"Just with magical power?"

Ning Tianlin felt a bit confused by the golden Dan Ling in his body.

It was just a moment ago, but almost all his blood was swallowed up. If there wasn't any Jin Ridan, he might be a dead body now. If you do n’t know, maybe in the future when he ’s in trouble, you do n’t know how he died!

"Speaking of Dan Ling, we must start with this" Ancient Star Astrology ", after all, with this Dan Spirit, it can be regarded as the introduction of" Ancient Astrology "."

The combat system has always answered what Ning Tianlin said in detail.

"Ancient Ancient Stars" was a powerful practice called "Ancient Ancients" in the chaos of the universe. "

"He was born from chaos, and I felt that the universe was changing, with his body as the universe, the cells in his body as stars, the galaxy and other galaxies as the meridian organs, and he wanted to make the whole body into a universe!

"This exercise is so successful that his body is the universe, and the universe is him!"

"A single body cell can be transformed into a star! All meridians will be the track of the stars!"

"Everything in the world runs in his body!"


Hearing here, Ning Tianlin took a sip of cold air directly, and her eyes were completely shocked, almost speechless.

The body is the universe!

This desolation is going to refine the entire body into the universe!

This aspiration. . . . . . It's too big!

If he succeeds, isn't he the universe!

"Wrong!" But at this moment, the combat system negates, "He has not been arrogant enough to turn the body into the current universe. He just refers to the structure of the universe and refines himself."

"Let all the small profits in the body turn into stars!"

"If this exercise is successful, he is the universe, but it is only a small universe! It cannot be compared with the large universe now!"

"But if you give him some more chances and let him go further, the small universe may not be the big universe now! Replace this universe!"

With the combat effectiveness system, Ning Tianlin's eyes were a little mumbled, "Replace this universe?"

"Can this universe be replaced?"

Involuntarily, Ning Tianlin was a little bit dry, how could he never have imagined that the universe that lives today, including the universe of billions of stars and galaxies, could even be replaced?

And still a warrior!

"Why not!"

The combat system sneered, "Have you ever thought about it, if the universe you are living in is just a creature's body!"

"Inside the creature's body?" Ning Tianlin looked dumbfounded, completely unable to understand what the combat system said.

"It's like having more than six trillion trillion cells inside your body. And on each cell, there are countless microorganisms."

The combat system continues to be likened, "Your body is a universe, and the countless cells of your body are equivalent to the countless stars of this universe. ! "

"When you imagine the boundless and vast universe, have you ever thought that the microbes living in your body are also imagining how vast the planet it lives in and how vast the universe it lives in!"

"Inside your body is its universe of microbes!"


Hearing this explanation, Ning Tianlin's ears were ringing like bells and drums, and some were unbelievable. He never thought about this possibility, but now that he is mentioned by the combat system, he really thinks it is possible!

From his perspective, this universe is vast and vast, but standing on the microbes that live in the cells of his body, the cells are the planet, and the interior of his body may not be comparable to the universe!

"This is the ultimate mystery of" Ancient Stars "."

"In those days, the ancients had learned about this mystery, changed their foundation and started to practice."

After the combat effectiveness system spoke, he paused, because he knew how shocking this theory would be to Ning Tianlin, and it took some time to digest it. After all, these words already involve some core of the universe.

Tell him now, it's a bit early.

It was a little anxious.

"This universe is most likely the inside of a living body?"

"So how powerful is this creature?"

"Are we just microorganisms living in his body? The earth that lives is just a cell?"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were a little dazed. He thought of the vastness of the universe, but he never thought that he was just a microorganism, and even the parasites didn't know how much bigger he was!

Parasites are usually ten centimeters long in the body!

I don't know how much bigger than a cell!

"Yes, host, since you think of parasites, I can go on talking!"

What Ning Tianlin thinks, of course, the combat system knows that if he thinks about parasites, why not talk about it more esoteric, "If you practice to a certain extent, you are indeed equivalent to parasites!"

"Because your strength makes this creature uncomfortable! Causes his physical discomfort!"

"Because you want to be strong, don't hesitate to absorb energy, and the energy absorbed is actually the energy of the universe, but the energy of the universe is also the body!"

"Even the damage you have done to the universe is this body!"

The metaphor of the combat effectiveness system is somewhat indecent, but Ning Tianlin nodded in agreement. "It is true that our growth requires energy and even damages the planet!"

"By then, a star can break a star!"

"And this star is just a cell of this body!"

"Destroying countless stars is destroying countless cells!"

"Of course it will cause damage to this cosmic creature!"

"Of course it is equivalent to destroying the parasites in the body!"

At this time, the combat system continued, "In the face of parasites, there are only three results!"

"First, kill it!"

"Second, get rid of him!"

"Third, the parasites are getting stronger and stronger. They eat this creature and finally break out! Break out of this universe! Come to a new world!"

"Eh?" Ning Tianlin's eyes lit up suddenly, "Run out of this universe!"

"Yes! Parasites can eventually eat this creature and get out of their own world!"

"Also, isn't this a step forward in" Ancient Stars "?"

Note: These are some of my conjectures about the universe, which may not be clear, but the meaning is that. . . . . . I don't know if the explanation is not clear.

(End of this chapter)

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