Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 786: Create another skyway!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Cosmos, is it so cruel?"

Too many people are silent. Looking at the picture, I don't know what to say. Is the universe like this, cruel and abnormal, and the combat effectiveness is high, can you bully the combat effectiveness at any time!

No law?

No law enforcement to maintain the order of the universe?

Ning Tianlin did not answer this question, because it is not necessary at all, because it is a fact! Even if there is a place that is peaceful and the aliens are kind, people always have two sides!

Just like in a modern society ruled by law, there are often such things as who is destroyed, who is killed, which big country bullies small countries, and which country is in turmoil!

Only when you are strong can you protect everything!

"Fight now, Sao Nian!"

"Work hard, Sao Nian!"

"Improving combat effectiveness is the foundation of everything!"

"Only with strong fighting power can you protect everything you want to protect!"

Ning Tianlin's voice was loud and spread through everyone's eardrums. "To this end, I declare something on behalf of the League of Legends!"

"From now on, League of Legends will build 108 schools on the planet!"

"Specially taught how to improve physical combat power! How to forge combat power equipment! Ways of formation! And various martial arts and so on!"

"Everything that improves combat effectiveness will be taught in it!"

"Also, as long as Chinese people are five years old or older, they can study in it!"

Ning Tianlin originally made a decision to select the Huaxia elite to make them heroes, but from now on, he expanded the decision so that all Huaxia people, who are five years old, can enter it to learn.

Doing this is to penetrate the concept of combat power into everyone's bone marrow!

Maybe at some point, you can get out of it and enter the sky!

As for the school teacher, he also has a decision, that is, robots, and let various robots teach these, and he will teach anything that can improve the combat effectiveness. How much you can learn depends on everyone's fortune.

"Also, League of Legends will set up a scholarship!"

"Everyone who learns well can get various resources rewards from League of Legends to improve their combat effectiveness!"

"No matter how expensive you are, wait for your life!"

"Everyone will start from scratch!"

In doing so, Ning Tianlin will also completely destroy the aristocratic system in China today, break them down, and let the real arrogant lords take over. Because civilians and nobles are equal in the schools he builds, the foundation is the same.

Whoever wins depends on the ultimate effort and talent.

Unlike today, many degrees, even brand-name degrees, can be solved by money.

With him, no!


Ning Tianlin's words were off, and countless people were shocked, especially 98% of them were extremely excited, all eyes showed an incredible light. Because of this decision, it's all about opening a door for them, a door to the top!

Nowadays, it is difficult for a child to have a child. This difficulty is dozens of times more difficult than before! Nowadays, college students are everywhere, and they will not be assigned any good jobs. They must fight for themselves.

But when ordinary people contend with those in power, it is really too difficult.

And now, by practicing combat power, you can also stand on top of the world! Even higher than ever! Especially the starting point for everyone is the same! You have to start from scratch.

How can this not be exciting!

Some people who have spent most of their lives may be able to reach the peak in terms of combat effectiveness!

After waiting for the end of the debate, Ning Tianlin's voice remembered again, "In addition, anyone who has a physical combat strength exceeding 50 points can enter the League of Legends and become a hero in the League of Legends!"

"Also enjoy hero-specific resources in the League of Legends!"

Ning Tianlin set this limit very low, only 50 points, which is also the limit of hero apprentices in the League of Legends today, but this is also set for the situation of the Chinese people.

Who makes most of the fighting power of humans now single digits!

Most of them are not even five o'clock!

Fifty o'clock is really a great journey for them.

It may not take long for this limit to rise, but it is by no means now.


"Beyond fifty, you can become a hero! Enjoy the resources inside!"

Hearing this news, too many people are even more excited to add, because the resources in the League of Legends have been overwhelmingly reported.

These things are hard to buy with money.

Unless you can afford the sky-high price of one hundred million for one point!

Whoever gets these things can live forever! As long as you don't die, it is not a natural thing to improve combat effectiveness through continuous practice!

Therefore, as long as you enter the League of Legends and become a hero, you will enter a never-ending virtuous circle!

"All right!"

"The opportunity has been created for you. Whether you can grasp it depends on your fortune."

Ning Tianlin finally said a word, and then hung up the communication.

Instantly, everyone's screen, whether it was a computer, TV, or mobile phone, lost the signal from Ning Tianlin.


Although the signal was hung up, Chinese people, in this regard, are engaged in fierce discussions.

No one doubts the truth of this sentence, because this is what the League of Legends leaders say! Can such things be false?

"As soon as this school opens, I will take my son to class!"

"I also want to improve my combat effectiveness and physical attributes! Maybe I can be a hero too!"

A fur-faced big man threw his fist in excitement.

He considers himself tall and burly, and certainly does not suffer in terms of physical attributes, and it is likely that it will not take long to become a hero.

"Don't you let your son go to school?"

One person on the side asked, "Chinese, math, English, oh, no, English is no longer needed, and the blood course of physical chemistry is very important!"

"Learn a fart!"

"Whatever you say, I have failed, and I haven't lived well!"

My son lives well without learning! "

The big-faced man grunted coldly, arguing.

If he had killed him before, he would not have said such a thing. After all, anyone would let children learn to go to school, but now it is different. The avenue of combat effectiveness has been opened, and learning it is useful!

But how did he know that although Ning Tianlin cancelled these courses, some of the content would also be closely related to them, such as forging combat power equipment, which would use a lot of physical and chemical knowledge.

How could it be that simple!


Ning Tianlin's body flickered and disappeared into this void, but when she appeared again, she had already reached somewhere in Laoshan.

This is where the Emperor Qin Shihuang was buried.

(End of this chapter)

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