Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 810: Astral Bead

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Moreover, he knew that in the past two years, King Yan Luo had collected the Yin grass everywhere, but it was only in this regard that he did not let him in. He only heard something about Zhong Ling.

And what is this star yaozhu?

Need to refine?

Isn't this Ning Tianlin not only young and good in combat effectiveness, but also a master of refiners?

You know, this master of the refiner is not easy to find, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate. Without a certain inheritance and experience, it is impossible to make a difference in this area.

Most importantly, Zhong Min's thoughts flickered, because the two of them had only a few words, which showed that King Yan Luo and Ning Tianlin had definitely reached a certain transaction in the past.

"That's good."

"That's good!"

At this time, King Yan Luo laughed and seemed very satisfied. He waited for this day, but he had waited a lot of time. I also wanted to get Ning Tianlin to come over a long time ago, but if you think about it, that's it.

The more time there is for such things as the yin grass, the more you look for it. Moreover, he and Ning Tianlin must meet again. Don't care about these two years.

He cares for millions of years, why care about that.

"That being the case, look at my brother, what about these yin grass?"

"Did you get into your eyes?"

Then, with a wave of his hand, a large green grass-like life appeared in this living room. There are thirty or forty! Even Ning Tianlin obviously felt that with the appearance of so many yin grasses, the room temperature dropped a lot.

And this yin grass has long and short, the shortest is half a foot long! The longest is three feet long and more than one meter!

Ning Tianlin still clearly remembers that 10,000-year-old Yinling grass was only one foot long! Those three feet are at least 30,000 years old or even longer!

"It's released!"

Ning Tianlin's heart was uplifted. If so many yin grasses were replaced by him, it would definitely be a big number. No less than he earns. However, although my heart was excited, there was not much expression on my face.

With one stroke, a two-foot-high Yin grass grew into his hand.

This yin grass is covered with green grass. On the branches and leaves, there are countless small white spots. Ning Tianlin knows that these are the yin that he devoured! This Yin Ling grass, every swallowing Yin Yin, will leave such a faint ball on his body.

And the Yin grass felt hard, as hard as iron, and cold all over.

When ordinary people meet them, they will definitely be frozen into popsicles in an instant.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, I found a strain of 32,252 yin grass, and exchanged 18 million points for essence energy points!" At this time, the prompt of the combat system also sounded.

"More than 30,000 years!"

"18 million points!"

Ning Tianlin's heart was uplifted. This number has already exaggerated his imagination. He thought that it should be 20,000 years in the future, but it exceeded 30,000 years. You know, the 10,000-year-old Yin grass had exchanged him five million points of energy.

A star dazzling pearl only needs 300,000 points of energy, and ten stars are worth 3 million points! If he remembered correctly, the number agreed by him and King Yan Luo that day, but a 10,000-year-old Yin grass, exchanged for eight star beads!

Eight stars shine, 2.4 million points of energy!

That is, he Ning Tianlin, a 10,000-year-old Yin grass, but can earn 2.6 million points of energy! More than half!

Those 30,000-year-old Yin grass can earn at least 8 million points of energy!


Counting here, Ning Tianlin took a sigh of air conditioning directly in his heart, eight million points! This is only two feet long for 30,000 years. If it is more than three feet and one meter, I don't know how much to earn.

The main thing is that there are thirty or forty plants in front of you!

If you exchange all of them, maybe he can earn over 100 million!


"A hundred million points of energy!"

Ning Tianlin was a little embarrassed. He now has tens of millions of points of energy, which has made him extremely satisfied. This billion points of energy will definitely increase his combat effectiveness.

"how about it?"

"How about this ghost grass?"

The King Yan Luo on the side saw Ning Tianlin look like this, but he was so nervous that he did not know what Ning Tianlin meant. If it is not good, then it is troublesome. And this time, he was really dissatisfied with the last star star.

Although Xing Yaozhu is good, it can only last for one hour at a time.

After an hour, you must use it again. If there is any difference in the middle, it is terrible!

He actually paid more attention to what better beads Ning Tianlin said later.

The better the beads, the longer you spend in the nether space.


"This yin grass has been used for more than 30,000 years. With other materials, it is enough to make about 26 stars.

Ning Tianlin replied at the last price.

"Xing Yaozhu?" King Yan Luo stared directly at Ning Tianlin, and asked with some anticipation, "What about Xing Yaozhu?"

"I remember that my brother once said that this star and sun bead can maintain the combat power in the ghost space for a day!"

On the same day, Ning Tianlin once said that if the level of the refining equipment increased, it would be possible to make better beads that resist the power of the rules.

On the side of Zhong Rong, when he heard this, he was shocked, and his eyes were even more incredible.

"Ghost space?"

"Keep fighting for a day!"

As the high-level of Yincaodifu, of course, he knows what is nether space, and he knows more about netherspace. There is a natural suppression of those who come out of Yincaodifu, and the combat power will be reduced to one ten thousandth!

One millionth!

In other words, 10,000 points of combat power can only play a little! Ten million points is just a thousand points!

In this way, they walked out of Yin Cao Di Mansion and came to the nether space.

Although they all know that there are a large number of heavenly treasures and rich resources in the nether space, they have no courage to take them! This crazy rule suppresses and can kill them at any time!

After all, there are other creatures in the ghost space!

Could this star bead, star sun bead be more resistant to the power of this rule?

In other words, can the fighting power be maintained in Yincaodi government?


Could not help but Zhong Yan took a breath of coolness, if this is the case, then the function of this star flaming bead, star sun bead, but too big!

Not to mention everything, it is to change one ten thousandth of this rule to one hundredth, one tenth, and they dare to venture into this nether space!

"No wonder His Royal Highness Yan Luo still valued this Ning Tianlin so much.

Zhong Kui thought about it, and attributed the reason why King Luo Luo liked Ning Tianlin.

"Star Sun Beads?"

"Brother wants Astralis?"

Ning Tianlin turned his mind and replied, "It can be done if you can, but this refining Xingri strain requires more Yin grass and raw materials."

(End of this chapter)

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