Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 845: You can really blow!

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But when King Yan Luo doubted his judgment, the two words "Star Wars" that Ning Tianlin spit out directly shocked him, because from the feeling that Ning Tianlin gave him to judge, this Star Wars, Yes, it does have someone!

And for him Ning Tianlin, it is extremely important!

Otherwise, King Yan Luo would not feel such a strong secret law fluctuation!

"Star Wars?"

"Who is this Star Wars?"

Only momentarily, countless tyrannical figures emerged in King Yan Luo's mind, but none of them could match the name of the Star Wars. The strongest man, although King Yan Luo had not yet reached it, from the mouth of Master Know a lot.

There is no information about this Star Wars!

"Is that another strong guy who can't keep tabs?"

King Yan Luo thought so.

This situation is not without. Some strong men have traveled the universe with various pseudonyms and rarely use their real names. Even the disciples he taught, the various followers they received, did not know his real name.

Just like before King Yan Luo, he didn't know the true name of Master.

"It seems that my guess is good. There is such a thorough figure behind my brother."

King Yan Luo secretly said in his heart.

And this also explains why Ning Tianlin is young and has achieved so much. The Master of Array is very proficient. Only the true strongest in the universe can cultivate such a character.

What's more, this top powerhouse has arranged a time matrix method, so that Ning Tianlin stayed in the time matrix method and spent a long time.

Otherwise, such a high achievement is simply unreasonable.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the Master made himself pay attention to this Ning Tianlin and pay close attention to his movements.

at the same time.

In the void of the earth.

A crack in space appeared without anyone being aware of it. It was King Luo Luo, who had great fighting power, and Zhong Yan, who had not noticed.

With the formation of cracks in the space, an extremely narrow and bright eye, ten thousand feet wide, appeared in this world. Even the entire earth, under this eye, seems a bit small.

The eyes, bright and deep, were filled with indifference and ruthlessness.

It was clearly there, but no one knew of its existence, and seemed to be hiding in another void.

At this moment, he was gazing at Ning Tianlin below, especially after hearing Ning Tianlin saying the word "Star Wars", his eyes blinked and he murmured repeatedly, "Star Wars?"

"This name does exist, but who is he?"

Indifferent eyes are filled with a trace of doubt, and this expression has been unknown for billions of years and has not appeared in this eye. It seems to be thinking back, who has used this name in the endless years.

Just a few seconds later, nothing was found.

And these few seconds may be short and pathetic for others, but in the eyes of the owner of this eye, it is no longer known how many epochs have been calculated, and even countless epochs have been calculated in it.

One second can be eternal.

However, maybe there is no result. These huge eyes have not disappeared, but stare at Ning Tianlin in the air, seemingly want to see whose shadow from his body.

But always no result.

So, the stasis of the void, since it is here, look at this, Ning Tianlin, if there is any way to escape this calamity.

At least in his mind, if the star wars behind him couldn't make a shot, he would rather escape.

The relatively large combat effectiveness gap is a natural divide that cannot be crossed.

He was the first to change, and it was impossible to hide.

Ning Tianlin, who was in the midst of the storm, did not know at all. The word agitation caused by the Star Wars, what seemed to be the power hidden in the depths, had begun to emerge slowly.

"Star Wars?"

"Your master is Star Wars?"

And unlike King Yan Luo, who has the best means, and huge eyes in the void, it only has more than 500,000 and nearly 600,000 fighting powers. Zi Chengluo, after hearing the name of Star Wars, was like meeting his closest person. general.

His face was incredible, "Sure enough!"

"You are really his apprentice!"

"I said, how familiar are your martial arts moves!"

"It was his apprentice!"

Speaking, he paused, and said, "Speaking of me, your master and I are good friends who have nothing to say."

"It's just that I haven't seen you for hundreds of years. I didn't expect him to accept your apprentice, and he was so amazing. At a young age, he would have more than 400,000 fighting power. He has the style of that year."

This Zicheng Luo, a series of lies, said absolutely.

He was trying to test the truth of Ning Tianlin's speech. Moreover, in his heart, he did not believe what the indigenous people said.

Shit Master!

You have such a great master, who came here to save you long ago!

Will keep talking with me on this BB!

For others, space distance is a problem, but you are so young at such a young age that the master must also be a remarkable person. Space distance is a fart in his eyes!

It ’s been a long time since I opened the space to save you!

Will you compare with me here?

"Is it!"

"Predecessor, you and my master are good friends, then, let's say that the flood has rushed to the Dragon King Temple.

Ning Tianlin quickly pretended.


Zi Chengluo nodded seriously and said, "If you are really my friend's apprentice, we can completely change the dryness into jade."

"Yes, how old are you now?"

"I haven't seen him for more than 300 years. You should be about 200 years old this year."

Zicheng Luosha asked about it.


"I just passed a hundred years old this year."

Ning Tianlin thought about it and raised his age a few times, which is several times his own.

Since the other party has not seen it for three hundred years, he is twenty years old, and some of them cannot be justified.

But where did he know? This was another temptation by the other party. All I could say was that he was still on the earth, and he had never seen the outside world. He did n’t know many things.

At the very least, he didn't even know what it was for his 20-year-old to have more than 400,000 fighting capabilities.

Just two hundred years old, with more than 400,000 fighting power, is also a genius among geniuses!

This silver prince has more than 300,000 fighting power, but he is almost five hundred years old! It is dozens of times of his Ning Tianlin! And it is the endless cultivation of various resources!


"Real chickens can hold them!"

When Zi Chengluo heard this, he twitched at the corner of his mouth, "One hundred years old, how dare you put gold on your face!"

"If the hundred-year-old has more than 400,000 fighting powers, make this name come out, it is estimated that the Lord of the Galaxy is rushing to take you as an apprentice!"

"Will you stay on this indigenous planet?"

"Don't brag about drafts!"

Zi Chengluo had endless contempt in his heart, and at the same time he was even more unconvinced by Ning Tianlin's words.

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