Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 850: Countdown to death

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"come out!"

"Damn indigenous, you won't come out again! I ruined your planet, ruined your home! Ruined everything you have!"

It was only when Ning Tianlin let the combat power system come out, but Zi Chengluo also started to mad, roaring loudly in the sky.

He didn't know why he couldn't find this Ning Tianlin, so that he could escape under his eyelids! Wrong, escaped from the hands he already controlled!

This is simply the biggest insult to him!

His fighting power is much higher than the opponent, but he let the opponent escape. This is in the air, always watching how the silver blue prince here thinks of him? Say he's not doing well?

He had already won the ticket, but at this moment, he was just like a blind eye. Moreover, he also spread his mental thinking to more than half of the planet in an instant, but there was still no trace of the other party.

Can't feel the breath of any other party.

what happened?

He can't figure it out!

This situation has not been encountered in his thousands of years of galaxing! Obviously, he is better than the opponent, but he can't find many tracks!

"three minutes!"

"Give you three minutes!"

"If you don't come out, I will kill all humans below!"

"Hidden, not hidden, I will kill!"

Zicheng Luohun is full of violent atmosphere on and around him. Normally, he and the gentlemen, even people he knows, think he is a little gentle, but if anyone dares to go against his will and do something that annoys him, he But it will go crazy!




He will kill all the rebellious people!

Kill even the irrelevant!

It is because of this that he offended many people during his galaxy tour, and was finally rescued by the father of the silver and blue prince and gave him his life for a while.

Moreover, when he just glanced at the whole earth, he glanced at almost any place, the ground, the underground, the river, the sea, the mountains, and the whole sky.

Especially the underground and sky near him are very careful. Because if the other party is hiding, it is likely to hide here! It was too difficult to escape under his nose.

So, of course, he knows that there are already some people hiding underground, there are ten meters authentic, there are 100 meters tunnels, the most interesting is a few people, actually hiding several kilometers underground!

These people, he wants to kill!

The people who are thousands of meters underground are not others, but Ning Tianlin's family members Ning Rong, but this Zicheng Luo, I did not know for a while.

"I don't believe it. You are on this planet. There are no loved ones, no family members, no one who cares about protection!"

Zi Chengluo was in the void, with a cold tone, and the whole body was covered with cold chills, and his voice was turned into the standard Chinese language by intelligent voice, so that everyone can hear.

"Although I don't know who the people you care about are, what they look like, where they are, but what about it! I kill all the creatures on your planet and destroy your planet, I don't believe they are not dead! "

"Kill the people you care about, the people you love, your loved ones, your friends, and you regret it! Live your life in pain!"

Zicheng Luo loudly. The sound is almost the whole world.

This is the only way he can think of, and the most direct way. If you can't find it, then force you out! In the Milky Way and the universe, who has no friends and no loved ones!

In particular, you indigenous people have not yet stepped out of the planet. All relationships are still on this planet. I don't believe you don't care!

With their life threats, if you can still hide, your heart is like a heart of stone!

If this is really the case, I will admit it!

"three minutes!"

"You have only three minutes!"

"If you don't come out, I'll do it! I will definitely do it!"

Zicheng Luo snorted and said, "Now start timing!"

At the same time, a wave of his hand and a light curtain appeared in the void. There was nothing on it, only a large number, "180!"


And with the sound of Zi Chengluo's voice, all Chinese people were shocked.

other side. . . . . . It's time to kill!


"It's over!"

"This alien is about to kill!"

"He is going to kill us!"

Only momentarily, the whole of China was in a panic. No one doubts the truth of this alien's speech, because the tragic killing of the Huaxia just now is there!

The collapsed building, the corpse on the ground, and the wet blood show that the other party is not joking.

Everything is true!

He is likely to kill everyone like the Chiyan black dragon!

Destroy the entire planet!

Unable to help, the world was in chaos, people were panicked, and they were shocked by the threat of aliens. Even many timid people were already full of endless fear. Especially looking at the screen, the number of seconds kept decreasing, so that their hearts were mentioned in their throats!

what is that?

That was their countdown to death!

Who can't be afraid!

Who can't be afraid!

Who cares!

"Where is Ning Tianlin?"

"Where is he!"

"Hurry up!"

"Come out quickly, apologize to the alien, and make a mistake!"

At the same time, too many people have raised this idea in their hearts, hoping that Ning Tianlin can stand up at this moment to prevent this disaster for them.

At this moment, it is only Ning Tianlin who can save everything.

Moreover, on what grounds, you are in trouble by Ning Tianlin. You are now in hiding and safe, but it is them who are going to die!

Why do you Ning Tianlin want us to pay you this sin for you!

On what basis!

Some people have even started to search for Ning Tianlin spontaneously, hoping to find it by their side, and then let him hurry to accompany this alien, and apologize! Admit it!

Maybe, if the other party is kind, he will not kill you Ning Tianlin!

After all, these aliens came to you Ning Tianlin, and you offended them!

Hurry up and take up this responsibility!

Especially looking at the screen, the number of seconds is constantly decreasing, many people have begun to scold Ning Tianlin's mother!

"No one is here yet, our hearts are all chaotic first."

In the Forbidden City.

Hua Lao has been through the accident. How can people not know what people are thinking now and sigh, this kind of thing is not something he can decide at all. Although he knew that Ning Tianlin should appear, he was faint and even more did not want him to appear.

Because he had long been aware of people ’s hearts and understood too many conspiracies and tricks in the world, how could he not know that this alien would let them go when Ning Tianlin really appeared?

It's crazy!

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