Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 857: Ding, mission posted!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Only in the incredible eyes of everyone, Ning Tianlin responded to this alien with a saliva! But all are made up of blood, which is a thick mouthful of blood!

Although the whole body veins were broken, the other party still left Ning Tianlin with the power to speak. However, he did not use this power to speak, but he was fierce and spit the other side's blood!


Shit Treasure!

It was him Ning Tianlin who wanted to say, would you believe it!

How to speak about the combat system? Say he is invisible and intangible?

You want me to give you a large treasure now, where can I find it!

And, isn't it just death! Since Ning Tianlin has already decided, he is not afraid of this dead character! What he can do now is to accompany countless Chinese people and accompany his parents and family to die!

All the guardians are gone, what is the point of his being alive.


Although it is impossible for this blood to spit itself out, the invisible suffocation has already blocked them out, but Ning Tianlin's actions still made Zi Cheng Luo furious and waved his hand fiercely, which was a "snap".

A slap in the face.

Even Ning Tianlin's body flew hundreds of meters involuntarily.

There was also a "snoring" sound in his mouth, again a squirt of blood.

"Damn thing!"

"What a death!"

Zi Chengluo is angry, but I really do n’t know where to fight Ning Tianlin. The other limb has been broken, and he is still alive today. He is already relying on his tenacious vitality. If he is more severe, I am afraid he will really die. Already.

By that time, his treasure would really become a permanent secret.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


"I want to see, you have more bones in front of this heart-eater!"

As he said, a palm worm, a black worm, about ten centimeters long and about three centimeters wide, appeared on his palm.

The worm was black all over, but the eyes were **** red, and the body was not furry. Instead, it wore a layer of armor and was as hard as iron.

As soon as he appeared, Zi Chengluo flicked his fingers and ran to Ning Tianlin's mouth. It just didn't enter from Ning Tianlin's closed mouth, but entered from the nostril with a rush.

Just like a cartilage.


"At that time, you can't help but say it!"

Zi Chengluo sneered, this is also a killer of him, forcing people to interrogate, relying on this worm. It is also because of this heart-eating bug that he is confident and can definitely ask what he wants to know.

Because no one in the entire galaxy has been able to hide from the creeping worm!

Heart-eating bugs, as the name implies, are intended to eat the heart! Although the combat effectiveness is not strong, the peak is only 50,000 to 60,000, but if the opponent has no power to fight back, but it is unpopular!

In particular, when it is pleasing to the heart, it will secrete a stream of material and block it at the heart, and then it will flow around the body with the blood supplied by the heart.

And this secretion has no other effect, but it will make everyone feel very itchy, and even without knowing it, it will create a miracle.

In this fantasy, if the other party asks, this person will unconsciously answer something.

In essence, it's almost like a mysterious technique.

In general, the questions are almost the same, and the heartworm eats each other's heart. At this time, the other party has no value to use, it is damn.

"I'd like to see, how long can you hold up in front of this eater!"

Talking, waiting for Ning Tianlin's change.

Just wait for Ning Tianlin's eyes to become as red as the heartworm, that is, when Ning Tianlin is almost eaten by the heartworm. At this time, it was also time for him to ask questions.


As soon as Ning Tianlin entered Ning Tianlin's body, Ning Tianlin felt a foreign body in his blood, especially in his heart. The position where the heart eater really ran was his heart!


It was just that the heartworm had not walked for three seconds, and a crimson head emerged directly from Ning Tianlin's blood, then opened his mouth, grabbed his body, and swallowed it without any response.

Sure enough!

At this time, Wanzui finally moved! Moreover, inside Ning Tianlin's body, it also integrates a part of Ning Tianlin's fighting power, otherwise, it will not be able to swallow about 50,000 fighting worms.


"what happened?"

The heart-eating worm was refined by Zi Chengluo's sacrifice, so as soon as it disappeared, Zi Chengluo's face changed, and he even exclaimed, "You have something in your body!"

In my eyes, it was incredible!

There is something hidden in this indigenous body!

He just felt that a big mouth flashed, and there was no sense of heart eater.


This is a heartworm!

The baby he managed to get, in the entire galaxy, there are not necessarily many, and it is a weapon that he has always used to force people to ask questions! In order to be cautious, he usually releases only when the opponent completely loses combat effectiveness.

But now, it's gone, and something was eaten in the other person's body!

how can that be?

He had just explored the other person's everything with his mind, how could there be any foreign body! He found nothing!


Unable to, I was immersed in the mind again, and quickly searched for my own eater, but what was eaten, but no matter what, even if I put Ning Tianlin's body up and down, inside and outside, I saw a thorough, no Anything found!

Symbiotic beasts, but very rare beasts in the universe, once fused, they are completely indistinguishable from the host. Not to mention that he is the master of the galaxy, and he has never heard of such existence.

He certainly couldn't find out.


Under the anger, Zi Chengluo banged on Ning Tianlin's head. However, in the extreme anger, he still maintained a trace of reason and controlled most of his strength. There is nothing left.

But even so, most of Ning Tianlin's head was recessed!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Since you have a species, don't say, I'll kill everyone first!"

"Destroy your home star!"

Now that Ning Tianlin is already in his hands, these people, this planet, there is no need to stay, it is time to bury his heartworm first!

Talking, the Scarlet Scythe soared into the sky, suspended in the sky, surrounded by thunder, faintly accumulating power.

Three moves!

With just three moves, he can split the planet in half!


Ning Tianlin was in a hurry, but just opened his mouth, and in his mouth was grunted blood, which was vague. He wanted to turn over, but his veins were broken and the pain was endless. He almost lost his heart.


"Post a mission now!"

Just then, a long-lost voice sounded in his ear.

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