Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 862: head shot!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"How did he do that!"

The owner of the huge eyes thought through it. In this universe, he had some secrets he didn't know, but this secret should never happen to Ning Tianlin in front of him.

He only has more fighting power, placed in the galaxy, and there are too many people who can kill him in a minute.

How could he have something to hide from him.

But think about it, that is, if there is nothing unusual about him, he has spent such a large price, and how the speculative future will be printed on this young man.

"You ... you are restored!"

"how did you do that......"

The alien Zi Chengluo stared at Ning Tianlin and asked in shock.

"You have no space ring on you, and there is no place to hide in your body. How can you recover?"

Zi Chengluo does not believe that it was Ning Tianlin's own physical recovery. If he could recover, it would have been a long time ago, and he would not have broken his arm or leg for so long.

But now, what's going on!

"How do I recover, do I need to tell you this fool!" Ning Tianlin said coldly. At the same time, without waiting for the other party to respond, a shot of exhaustion was shot in the eyes and blasted directly towards the other party's mind.


It was only for an instant that Zi Chengluo's head was buzzing and banging. In front of his eyes, a beautiful image of a snake with a hydrangea appeared. Although it just passed away, the inside of his body began to petrify .

The veins are constantly hardened under a mysterious energy.


Zi Chengluo's face changed drastically, and he quickly mobilized his whole body to resist. Although it was only a moment and everything recovered as usual, he always felt strange.

It seems that the blood flow is reduced by one point.

It's just not sure.


"Ha ha!"

Zi Chengluo was extremely angry, and an aboriginal man dared to call himself a fool, thinking that if he recovered his normal body, he would be able to see everything?

How can I just cut off your limbs, and now I still can!


He no longer argued with Ning Tianlin. With a wave of his hand, a huge palm force swarmed towards Ning Tianlin, and directly blocked the entire space. In particular, the energy gathered from the palms of the hands directly pinched toward Ning Tianlin's neck.


There was a sneer in Ning Tianlin's mouth. As soon as the hand waved, the sleeves waved, and no action was seen, the rushing palms in front of them disappeared instantly. And the strength of this sleeve did not disappear.

After knocking back his palm strength, he hit him hard.


Zi Chengluo's body seemed to be hit by a strong force, and he involuntarily retreated backward by dozens of meters. After sliding for a distance, he stopped.


Seeing this scene, King Yan Luo and Zhong Yan could not help but shrink their eyes, revealing the incredible color again!


Just a brief confrontation, Ning Tianlin had the upper hand!

Although the other party just hit at will, Ning Tianlin was also light and light!

"it is good!"

Even countless Chinese people shouted with excitement in their eyes.

Jedi fights back!

This Ning Tianlin, will not be the same as the previous two, the Jedi counterattack!

They like!

Hua Lao and Shi Xiaojun also clenched their fists involuntarily!


"Your fighting power has become stronger!"

And Zi Chengluo, who was shocked by the heart, looked at Ning Tianlin unbelievably after stabilizing his body. Just now, although he only hit it with one hand, before, he hit it with one hand!

The fighting power of the two times is exactly the same!

But how did the other party do it.

He obviously did nothing, and even cut his limbs by himself. This situation can also increase the combat effectiveness?

Or has the other side been hiding and not playing to its full potential?


"It can't be without all its power!"

He Zicheng Luo, certainly will not be stupid to that one, was cut off his limbs still hiding strength?

Wait until you die before you play!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"No wonder they dared to verbally insult and speak wildly. It turns out that there are still two brushes!"

However, Zi Chengluo had countless battles. Although shocked, he was still far from being scared. A defeated man suddenly became stronger. Maybe it was some secret method that hurt the body. What a fear!

Moreover, he believes that the combat effectiveness is much higher than the indigenous people in front of him!


"You arc knife!"

Shouting that the huge **** sickle that was suspended in the void appeared directly in his hands. Although it was reduced by half, the power continued to increase. As soon as he started, he was turned into a meniscus, and Ning Tianlin was very good for you.

Even with his figure, it was a shot!

Grow towards Ning Tianlin!


What made everyone unbelievable was that after a muffled sound, the rushing Zicheng Luo went quickly and returned quickly. The whole body, like a football being kicked, shoots quickly!

Moreover, I saw his abdomen, rushing to the peak of blood.

Looking closer, a big hole was opened!

Retreat all the way, spill blood all the way!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


"Ning Tianlin mighty!"

"Ning Tianlin is domineering!"

Countless Huaxia people were crazy when they saw this scene. Although they just hoped that Ning Tianlin could come out to die on their own and stop the disaster for them. But of course, they are more willing to see it!

As long as Ning Tianlin is okay, then they must be okay!

They don't even care about how Ning Tianlin did it, and why they can turn defeat into victory, but this is important either!

Now, this injury is Zicheng Luo!

"So fast!"

However, the silver and blue prince in the void was already looking very different at this moment, because Ning Tianlin had just made a move, he did not see it at all, but the light flashed. There is an extra Fangtian Huaji in his hand.

It was this Fangtian painting halberd that pierced a large hole in Zi Chengluo's body.

Then he threw it fiercely, and Zi Chengluo's body was like a broken kite.

change. . . . . . Strong!

Obviously, Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness has become stronger.

"In the end what happened!"

"My brother's fighting power, what's going on!"

Even King Yan Luo of Yin Cao Difu looked at all this unbelievably. Obviously, for some reason, his brother's fighting power has soared!

Even better than this Zicheng Luo!

Is it that the more abused the limbs are, the faster the combat power increases?

"You didn't kill me just now, now, no chance!"

And Ning Tianlin looked at Zi Chengluo who was retreating quickly, smiled coldly, and then shot violently. In the attention of countless people, in a blink of an eye, he chased Zi Chengluo's side, and then waved fiercely. Boxing hit his Zi Chengluo's head!

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