Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 864: it's finally over.

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Ning Tianlin hesitated. This news, he did not know from the alien's memory in the beginning, thought that it was the silver-blue prince who wanted the Chiyan black dragon, but he did not expect it to be someone else.

And still the Eight Star Warrior!

The combat effectiveness is over 800,000!


Ning Tianlin didn't hesitate. He stared directly at the silver and blue prince's mind, and then did not wait for him to respond, and forcibly read his memory by using mysterious techniques.

"Mountains ..."

"It turned out that the appearance of Chiyan Black Dragon turned out to be this way."

It was also from this time that Ning Tianlin knew why the Chiyan Black Dragon really appeared on the earth, and behind this, there really was the figure of the Eight Star Warrior.

It's just that the memory of the silver-blue prince has no reason for the eight-star warrior, why he wants the Chiyan black dragon.

"Unfortunately, your keyboard is completely wrong this time!"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly, and the spirit moved away from the mind of this silver-blue prince.

Thirty years!

Thirty years later, it was the deadline for him to transfer to Shan Ying.

Moreover, it takes thirty years of continuous flight to reach the mansion house from the earth.

The distance is long, and it is infinitely close to the center of the Milky Way.

"What is the discovery of this mountain stream!"

"Thirty years from here, that is to say, thirty years later, he might have discovered the death of the Prince of Silver and Blue, and it would be another thirty years if he rushed to Earth from there!"

"For more than fifty years, enough!"

Ning Tianlin is extremely confident.

For others, fifty years may be nothing, for the strong, it is just a drop in the ocean, but for him Ning Tianlin, fifty years is already a long time.

He is only 21 years old now.

Moreover, it took only thirty years to begin to study combat effectiveness.

For more than 50 years, his combat effectiveness has definitely grown to a more horrifying state, and he does not necessarily fear him.

Moreover, all this is said only if the mountain stream can find the earth.

From the memory of this silver-blue prince, today's mountain stream has no idea what happened here, or even the existence of the earth. He may not be looking far away here.

After all, the Milky Way is too big, larger than Ning Tianlin's imagination.

"what did you do to me!"

The prince of silver and blue was awake from the trance, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and at the same time changed the reason, loudly, "You can't kill me, you dare to kill me, you planet, don't try to keep it!"

The Prince of Silver and Blue threatened, "You may not know, my spacecraft is just outside your planet. If you dare to do something to me, I will let the spacecraft fire at the instant of doing it!"

"Thinness that blasts your planet!"

"Let all of you bury me!"

In the eyes of the silver-blue prince, there was a flash of ruthless color, and he thought that for this reason, he could absolutely shake the indigenous people in front of him!

You native, don't you care about your planet, do you care about your kind! I don't believe you dare to do it!


Countless Chinese people have heard these words. You look at me, I look at you, yeah, there is still a spaceship parked in outer space, which is larger than the diameter of the earth.

No one doubts his power.

I am afraid that a spacecraft capable of space navigation can really bombard the earth at once.

"Let him go."

"Be sure to let him go."

Too many people have been shocked by the threat of the other party, struggling for so long, don't they just want to die.

Even the old man who already thought that the winning ticket was in his hands frowned, but he thought more. However, he thinks differently from most people. Instead, he believes that this silver and blue prince must die!

Never let him leave alive!

If you let him go, firing a cannon in outer space is a huge threat to the earth!

"Ha ha."

"Your spaceship?"

As everyone knows, in the eyes of everyone, Ning Tianlin laughed. In expression, not only did he not worry at all, but he was full of jokes, and said, "Then you call the spaceship and see if it promises you?"

"Or fire a shot and see if it can penetrate our planet!"

Ning Tianlin is full of confidence and does nothing else, because now this spaceship is already his, and the combat system has long been converted into intelligent life, and the entire spaceship has been controlled.

It is precisely because of this that he just reached eight trillion points of energy points!

But it also shows how valuable this spaceship is for RMB!


Looking at Ning Tianlin's sarcastic face, the silver blue prince raised anxiety in his heart, seemingly consciously aware of it, and quickly contacted the spacecraft with the intelligent information device implanted in his mind.

No matter what, there is no induction!

"Will not!"

"Will not!"

"How could this be!"

The silver-blue prince's face changed so much that he never imagined that would be the case. He couldn't reach his spaceship anymore 1

How is this possible!

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, the spacecraft's control system has been replaced or captured by stronger technology! Otherwise, there will never be no response!

But how is this possible!

In front of the indigenous planet, how could a group of barbarians in his eyes capture his spaceship control system?

This depends not on combat effectiveness, but on technological strength!

The indigenous planet in front of me has a fart of scientific and technological strength. Otherwise, he would not be in outer space, and he would use such an old-fashioned satellite!

"Nothing is Impossible."

Ning Tianlin sneered, "Now, I'm relaxed, you can die!"

The reason why Ning Tianlin talked to him so much was because his wars were so intense that his thoughts were extremely tense. Now, speaking and sarcastically scorning the other person really relieve him.


Without waiting for the other side to react, a divine thought was shot directly from his gaze, and a "bang" sound directly destroyed the mind of this silver-blue prince into a slum.


Before waiting for the silver-blue prince to fall to the ground, Ning Tianlin waved his hand and swallowed the other person's body with his big mouth.

Even the space ring on his finger appeared in Ning Tianlin's hand.

"It is indeed the prince of the planet of Qatar, and the prince most valued."

Ning Tianlin's energy points soared directly from 40 million points to 67 million points, making him happy for a while. The treasure of this silver-blue prince is almost the same as that of Zicheng Luo.

But when he turned back and looked down at the ground below, his face was bleak.

Ten days!

In only ten days, he is about to leave the earth and break the universe.

Suddenly, there is a strong perseverance!

Reluctant parents, reluctant family members, reluctant to leave.

But this resentment is full of excitement! Because leaving the earth, the outside world is also wider!

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