Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 887: The purpose of Yixing Dan

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For information about Yixing Dan, Kabbata had seen it on the Galaxy, and he remembered that his saliva was about to wet his clothes. I can't figure it out. In this world, there are so many things that are against the sky.

Swallow one to increase your physical combat power to 100,000!


The combat effectiveness has reached 100,000. In this area, you can completely go sideways!

If he has so many fighting powers, he is afraid of what to look up and the fighting power comes out. He is the proper planet master and a well-deserved consul!

"If you are not afraid of death, swallow it!"

And soon, Ning Tianlin's voice sounded in his ear, making him even more shocked, he asked, "This ... this star Dan ... Is it for me? "


Involuntarily, even swallowed.

I can't believe my ears.

This one-star Dan is actually for him!

But he also knew what Ning Tianlin meant by "don't be afraid to die and eat again", because when he browsed the information of Yixing Dan, he also noticed the following notes, which is not a perfect medicine. !!

But can eat the dead!

It's almost the same as Tiger Wolf's medicine!

Because it contains too much heaven and earth aura, if the will is not firm, it will be supported by the energy contained in it alive and painfully, or even explode! There is a 10% chance of death!

In other words, his chance of survival is ninety percent!

And even if they survived, they would have to endure great pain and inhuman torture!

"Eat or not?"

Ning Tianlin didn't want to talk nonsense, and threw it directly to Kabata, "If you agree to eat now, if you don't want to, I can find someone else!"

This is why Ning Tianlin didn't use Yixingdan as an anti-celestial medicine to swallow up his parents and family, not only because of the huge pain, but also the probability of death!

One star panacea, the chance of death is 10%!

Two-star elixir, the chance of dying is only twenty percent!

Samsung elixir has a 30% chance of dying!

Four-star elixir, the chance of dying is forty percent!

The higher you go, the less chance you have to survive. Jiuxing Pill can directly increase the physical combat effectiveness to 900,000, but the chance of survival is less than 10%! Ninety percent death rate!

Ning Tianlin will not let his parents and family swallow this kind of thing, even if he has a 99% survival rate and a 1% mortality rate, he will not! He will never risk the lives of his parents and family!

Especially swallowing this elixir, even the soul will burst!

Death is completely over. It is impossible to recall from Yincao Difu!

However, it is not that there is no way to solve this problem. It may be helpless for others, but in the combat system, it can be solved and it can survive 100%.

What is needed is a large amount of essence energy, even more essence energy points than redemption!

Today, he really can't afford it.


"I'll swallow it now!"

As soon as Kabata gritted his teeth and his heart was horizontal, he sent the elixir directly into his mouth.

He understood what Ning Tianlin meant, and to find someone, wasn't it just to find another planet spokesperson! At that time, even the ruling planet, what 10 million galaxy coins, all the glory and wealth, will be someone else's!

Has nothing to do with himself!

Sometimes, the fate of people is really only a choice.

Gambling is right, life is noble and dazzling, gambling is wrong, and poor.

Besides, does he have any choice! Unless he continues to stand on Ning Tianlin's ship, he will not know how he died! Ning Tianlin would not kill him, and Barbara's son would also cut his head off as a night pot.


The elixir entered the throat and went directly to Kabata's abdomen, and soon, his entire body began to emit a light blue flame, rising completely from the inside of the body, not only the bones, but also the muscles and tendons, The upper and lower parts of the body are wrapped in this blue flame.


Kabata couldn't help but let out a horrible cry, while his body fell to the ground, slamming and rolling. The light blue flame on the body directly incinerated the floor.

Where it went, it all turned into smoke.

"Thanks for not letting your parents devour it now."

"This kind of pain, I will never let them experience it again."

Ning Tianlin looked at Kabata, who was distorted, almost holding her head constantly and bumping randomly, and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the temptation of the combat system was rejected at that time. Otherwise, parents really don't know if they can survive it.

This light blue flame obviously burns all the impurities inside the body, and then the elixir turns into energy and fuses into it.



Kabata's tragic sound grew louder, his face was distorted, and even his eyes were burned to pale blue. In the end, the breath was getting weaker and weaker, and it didn't turn much when it was on the ground.

Just when Ning Tianlin frowned, thinking that he was dead, this Cabata's breath became stronger and stronger, and his dying body was floating in the air, rising slowly.

In the end, he opened his eyes sharply, and his eyes shot a fine light.

"Master Xie Ning!"

"Thank you Lord Ning for remaking!"

Kabata rolled over, fell from the air, and bowed down before Ning Tianlin. He had felt that his whole body was infinitely powerful, never so powerful. He confessed that with one punch, he could absolutely blast a mountain!

Although the man in front of me really does not know what the purpose is, for him, there is indeed the grace of remaking!

100,000 fighting power!

He survived and has a fighting power of 100,000!


It wasn't just a sentence that answered him, but a light from Ning Tianlin's eyes that fell directly into his mind. Subsequently, a pentagonal array formed in Kabata's mind, exuding a slight coercion.

"I have implanted a manipulation matrix in your mind. No matter where you are, as long as I think about it, I can kill you!"

Ning Tianlin is not a good man. He shaped this Kabata into a 100,000 combat presence, of course, he must firmly control it in his own hands. And this person, this planet, is of vital importance to the earth, and he cannot be sloppy.

"You are my slave! From now on, you must obey me!"

"Otherwise, kill!"

Ning Tianlin's voice was cold and did not contain the slightest emotion.

This cuttlefish star, closest to the earth, will eventually become a bridgehead, or even a springboard, for the earth and aliens to contact. It requires him to spend some time operating, at least, must be in his own hands.

If possible, he will continue to increase the combat effectiveness of this Kabata in the future, leaving him here to block all enemies who come to commit crimes!

Never again do the Silver and Blue Princes invade the earth.

When you get here, stop with me!

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