Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 924: Return the wine

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The young man was fooled by the attitude of the zombie Bowen. He was just fine. How to change his face changed his face. Although he was a little emotional, it was also a normal reaction of a man. Who makes your body so hot.

And you said it well, since you saved my life and returned a thick report when you went back, that's right. You did nothing wrong.


"Saved his life?"

Just thinking of this, the young man changed his face and realized something. This woman saved her life, that is to say, she was killed in the swarm of mosquitoes?

This is a long dome mosquito!

That is, in Jiumu College, it is estimated that the dean of Jiumu can not do the most teachers.

How did she do that?

Is her fighting ability the same as Dean Jiumu?

But how is this possible? She looks so young. Maybe she is not as big as herself. How could she have such a strong combat power? Moreover, through the recent contact, he did not feel how powerful the woman was.

Did not let myself feel the breath of the strong.

He has a fighting power of more than 200,000. This woman will not be much higher than him.

"Is that the big red-brown creature?"

He still remembers that in the vagueness, there were two creatures in total. One was a hot woman and the other was a huge red-brown creature with tentacles on his head and claws all over his body.

"It must be!"

"It must be this woman and she has extremely powerful pets."

The young man quickly attributed all the credit to an inadequate person. Because he's heard that some planets in the galaxy specialize in feeding powerful pets.

Although they do not have much fighting power, the pets closely related to them can help them to kill the enemy and protect themselves.

"It seems that these two people are likely to come from this pet-friendly planet."

After thinking about it, I also took a look at Ning Tianlin and found that he is also extremely young.

They can save themselves, and this is the only answer.

"Okay, it's okay."

"She just joked with you."

Ning Tianlin saw the other person stunned, thinking that it was because of the attitude of the zombie Bowen, he waved his hand, and said to the swollen partner, "How is your body now?"

"Can you move?"

"Yes." The young man nodded. "Anyway."

"It just hurts."

After saying that, I thanked again, "Anyway, thank you, without you, I may just be a dead bone now, and even the corpse is no longer there."

He is aware of the horror of the dorsal mosquito. By then, he estimates that even flesh and blood will be swallowed up quietly.

"Just be able to."

Ning Tianlin nodded, staring at each other's eyes like a wise man who sees through everything. "Then I will tell you one more thing, and you have a heart in mind."


"what's up?"

The young man froze and didn't know what the other person wanted to say.

"The reason why these long dome mosquitoes keep up with you is not that you broke into their territory without permission, but that your body is coated with a smell."

"Fuxian crisp."

"This smell is colorless and tasteless, and it has been deeply embedded in your body. It is almost immersed in the bone marrow. In our humans, we may not feel anything, but in the nose of the dorsal mosquito, it is a rare delicious.

When Ning Tianlin said here, he stopped talking and had a meaningful taste in his eyes.

"Fuxian crisp?"

The young man's face changed. Although he had never heard of this blessing and didn't know what it was, he was not a fool. How could he not hear the meaning in Ning Tianlin's words, he was conspired!

Just who is this person?

How did you get into your body?

He has always paid great attention to his body and never gave anyone a chance.

"Did it?"

Fiercely, a pretty figure appeared in his mind and made him stunned, but soon, he shook his head and waved it out fiercely, and at the same time he thought to himself, "No."

"Will not."

"It's not her!"

"It can never be her!"

Thinking of the other person's voice and appearance and how kind he is to him, the young man would never want to count the object of suspicion on her.


"From the beginning to the end, the trial order was in my hands. After receiving it from the college, I never told anyone about it. She didn't know the address above, it was never her!"

"Yes! It can't be her!"

The young man thought of another reason to exclude her.

He is willing to be anyone, but not hers!

It was only very soon that in his ears, he thought of Ning Tianlin's voice again, "This blessing is a kind of powder, which can be mixed in food, drinking water, or wine. It is tasteless, and you will not feel its presence at all. "

"The main thing is that it doesn't work for a while!"

"In normal times, it ’s okay to cite as much as it is just an additive, which is not harmful to the body, but if it is more than a month, this blessed and crispy flavor will be incorporated into your bone marrow and linger for a long time. "

"Without three or five years of work, it will never disappear."

"So, when you enter the site of the dorsal mosquito, it is as attractive as the fireflies in the night. Who are they not looking for?"

Ning Tianlin smiled and explained to the man in front of him.

"Can't take effect for a short time?


"It's also harmless to the body and only attracts the dorsalis?"

Hearing Ning Tianlin's words, the young man's face turned pale instantly, because it was from a month and a half ago that she brought herself a drink called Huan Shen Jiu, a medicinal liquor that replenished Qi and spirit.

Every day.

I have used this kind of things before and it is effective, but because my family is poor and not rich, I stop after drinking for a while.

At that time, she was going out to test every day, she needed to make up, she needed to fight in the best condition, so she brought this kind of drink to her every day. He was still very moved.

I just didn't expect that in this drink, Fu Xiangsu was mixed!

"It must also be in this wine!"

"If not, I would never be like this!"

And because the two shared a drink, he didn't think there was anything wrong. It was just unexpected that this blessing was not harmful to people, it just made a special smell in the body.

"Will not."

"It won't be her."

"It will never be her."

Although the young man has raised the possibility of being the opposite party by 90%, he is still unwilling to believe the fact, "Maybe someone else took advantage of her while she was not paying attention!"

Although this possibility, he feels less than one percent, after all, once or twice is OK, how can I not know for a month. But he was still willing to put this one percent on her.

Because he did not want to be her from the bottom of his heart.

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