Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 926: I am one of the top ten elite students!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Do you really want to enter Jiumu College?"

After a while, Meng Yifan gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a decision. He asked Ning Tianlin, at the same time, clarified the pros and cons. "Entering college practice is different from your own practice. There are advantages and disadvantages."

"Lee will get the resources and martial arts issued by the college, and there will be special instructors, and he will be able to make a lot of friends."

"But the bad thing is that it is subject to the restrictions of the college. There is no freedom to do anything. Even after some time, the task assigned by the college must be completed. This task may even be fatal!"

"And it must be done, you can't refuse!"

After that, staring at Ning Tianlin's eyes to see if he would flinch.

"It doesn't matter."

Ning Tianlin waved her hand with a smile. "Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, life and death, wealth and wealth are in the sky. Drinking cold water can also jam your teeth, not to mention that you will encounter danger when you practice outside."

"And there is no certain danger, how can it stimulate the body's potential."

Ning Tianlin said some grand words, but what he said was not unreasonable. He also felt that only in battle and in constant danger can he better stimulate his potential.

Let yourself progress faster.

"So too."

Meng Yifan nodded, "I didn't think you were so young, you have such insight."

"Indeed, where is there no danger, unconstrained?"

"Freedom is only relative."

After thinking about it, Meng Yifan continued, "If you really want to enter Jiumu College, there are two ways."

"The first is Jiumu College. Every ten years, a group of heavenly pride will be recruited to study in the college, and anyone who wants to enter the college must pass various assessments of the college."

"This difficulty can be said to be no different from catching fire with the sword."

"After all, Jiumu College is the top college in Jiumu County, and the students who want to join him each time are worth hundreds of millions from millions of planets. To kill out of billions of people, admit 1,000 people, this You can imagine the difficulty. "

With that said, I took a look at Ning Tianlin, and wanted to see from his eyes whether there was any fear, but the other's eyes, always calm and without waves, so that he could not see anything at all.


"Choose the thorns, show your strength, and choose the best. This is what it should be."

Ning Tianlin didn't say anything, because it should be. If he is the dean of this academy, of course, it will also set the difficulty for those geniuses to enter. In addition, resources are limited, so it is a good idea to set a quota of 1,000.

"Also, all those who are enrolled must not be more than one hundred years old. I wonder if you do not agree?"

Then he asked Ning Tianlin.

He can only see that the life-saver in front of him is relatively young, but as for how many years old, he does not have this ability. After all, there is no shortage in the universe of over a thousand years of age, and it still looks like a teenager.

"meets the."

Ning Tianlin nodded slightly, he was only twenty years old, of course. It also admits that this should be done. Don't even think about entering if you are over a hundred years old. Because warriors who practice combat power have a long life span, it is not impossible for centenarians to live.

If you haven't entered for more than a thousand years, it's not genius, but stupid.

What use does the college want for such people!


Meng Yifan nodded his head. "This first type is for ordinary arrogant lords. There is no barrier to entry, only fair competition. Anyone who passes strict assessment can enter smoothly."

"It's held every ten years, and the next time is just two months later."

"At that time, the geniuses will gather and it will be another hegemony."

After speaking, it seemed to remember the scene when I entered Jiu Mu College on that day, and then I said, "The second kind I said is recommendation!"

"A recommendation system exists in the college!"

"This recommendation system has existed for more than 10,000 years."

The words fell, and he focused on Ning Tianlin again, and wanted to see how he reacted, because although this recommendation system was public, it was unknown to outsiders.

For example, when he entered Jiu Mu College, he didn't know this system at all.

It's just a pity that he still didn't see any reaction from the other side, neither sad nor happy, not surprised, it seems that everything is on him, it's all this expression.

"Jiumu College has a total of one million students and ten thousand teachers. So among this teacher, there is an excellent teacher named Feng Feng. It is said that among students, there are also good students and bad students."

"All these recommendation systems are in these good teachers and students."

"Every student recommended by them as a guarantee can pass through the test and be able to enter Jiumu College and become a student among them."

"Conversely, if the insured student fails the test, the recommended person will be punished accordingly, and who will make him unknown!"

Meng Yifan said here, staring at Ning Tianlin's eyes, slowly said, "And I am one of the ten elite students in Jiumu College. I just have this qualification and recommend you to enter the college for study."

"In this way, you can avoid fighting among hundreds of millions of students, which is directly assessed by a special person."

In the voice, Meng Yifan's tone showed a little pride, and he did have the pride of capital. He can break into the top ten among the million-day pride, without certain strength, it is absolutely impossible.

It's just that his shiny eyes are dark. What about the top ten?

Isn't it almost killed by the vulgaris? It was the two men who saved themselves.

However, he still didn't feel how powerful a man and a woman were in front of him. Both of them drove pets, which happened to be the nemesis of the vampire mosquito. The fighting power might not be as good as himself.

"Do you mean that I was recommended by you to go directly to Jiu Mu College, after a special test?" Ning Tianlin asked, knowingly.

"Well." Meng Yifan nodded. "But before that, there is a condition."

"That is you must defeat me!"

"Or have my strength!"

Of course, the recommender can't recommend it casually. He must also have a certain strength. Although the man saves himself now, he drives the pet, and the combat effectiveness is not necessarily higher than himself.

You have to try it yourself!

Otherwise, he will be punished if he fails the test!

And 80% of the strength is definitely enough to qualify!


A smile in Ning Tianlin's heart, this young man is really interesting. If he bursts out with all his strength, it is estimated that he can be crushed to death with a finger, 80%?

But he nodded, "Okay, how do you start?"

Now that the combat effectiveness has been set up, he will definitely complete it and complete it as soon as possible.

This is a shortcut.

He can also not fully expose his strength in silence.

After all, the mission this time was not simple. It had connected the entire galaxy. He had to be careful. Maybe when the mission was not completed, he was in big trouble.

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