Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 937: Stick insect

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


A stinky smell came, causing Ning Tianlin to frown, and at the same time, his ear reminded of the sound of the bottle bell, "This is the stick insect, now there are six knots, and the fighting power is 300,000."

"Beat him, you can live!"

"Otherwise, you are its food!"

Ping Linger had lost the kind of politeness that she had at the gate of the academy, and said to Ning Tianlin in a fiery tone. At the same time, his body flickered and he landed not far away.

"Although you are my student, if this test fails, the student's qualifications will be cancelled."

"You will die too!"

Just at the entrance of the college, in order to grab students with the bad old man, she was too late to test. Now that she has reached her place, she just wants to do whatever she wants. Moreover, she is right, she has the right to kill students!

There are three places per year!

After all, Jiumu College will have an expatriate trial every few years. Many people die every time, so the college also gave them several death places in the hands of each teacher.

If this number is not exceeded, their teachers will not be punished.

In the army of many countries on the earth, there are several death places for training every year. After all, there may be accidents at any time. As long as these places are not exceeded, generally nothing will happen.

However, she has seen the video materials that Meng Yifan showed her. If it is true, this stick insect can't help this Ning Tianlin. She didn't want the genius she had just recruited to die like that!

On the contrary, if it is false, he would die! And it is dead without a whole body!

"Is this my assessment?"

Ning Tianlin snorted in his heart. He didn't expect this to be the case. It seems that he thought things were simple. He thought he was already a student of the other party, but did not expect that there was still a test.

It seems that the bottle of bells in front of him is still a bit uneasy.

"However, this test ..."

Ning Tianlin didn't move. He just stretched his right hand forward, and a huge amount of suffocation formed in his hand. Then, like a giant hand, he greeted the stick insect fiercely. In Bottle Bell's shock, he pinched the stick's neck straight.

The huge body that let it dive can't move stiffly!

"So powerful!"

Ping Linger's eyes narrowed, and he could hardly believe his eyes. He estimated that Ning Tianlin could win, but he did not expect to use his flesh! She thought that Ning Tianlin would treat Meng Yifan's pet in the video shown to him!

How can I use flesh!

They practice pets together, they should be pets!



It was just that she was shocked, but not very panicked. Stick insect, but her master pet, and stick insects do not have much fighting skills, but one grows, it is difficult to kill!



Later, a clear cracking sound sounded, and Ning Tianlin was surprised to find that the stick insect that he held in his hand broke from the node, split into two halves, and then fell to the ground.

In his hand, there was only a bamboo knot less than one meter long!

This stick insect has a total of six sections, and he now holds only one section!



The five nodes that dropped on the ground began to reorganize quickly, and soon formed a stick insect, just a little less than before.

They also have eyes, noses, and ears.

It's the same as the new scene.

"so amazing."

Ning Tianlin was surprised. He saw this kind of thing for the first time. And he noticed that the section of bamboo he was holding in his hand now had no eyes, nose or ears.

I don't know when it was transferred to this stick insect that was reconstituted in five sections.


However, surprised and surprised, Ning Tianlin was not idle, holding her palm like a knife, her figure flickered, and when she appeared again, she had chopped another broken stick insect in half.

Rolled to the ground.

He knew the magic of the universe, so he was always just curious, not afraid of the unknown.



But soon, the broken stick insects began to recombine, wriggling on the ground body, again centered on the nodes, and began to connect. Even the section of bamboo sticks that he was still on the ground was slowly connected.

"This vitality is really tenacious."

Ning Tianlin has already seen it, as long as the stick insects, any section of bamboo sticks have not died and can be reorganized.

"I'll take a look at it, crush your whole body, how can you regroup!"

Ning Tianlin has seen a lot of tenacious creatures, and even he himself has merged the blood of a zombie. He has become ignorant of how powerful, but was still surprised by the vitality of this stick insect.

However, it also aroused his enthusiasm and wanted to see where this stick insect ends!


The radon gas surged, condensing into a giant hand in the air, and did not know how much bigger than the giant hand that appeared for the first time, and then fiercely, swarmed towards the stick insect.

It wanted to hide, but in terms of speed, Ning Tianlin didn't know how much worse.

It was only momentarily that it was held by this giant palm.



Soon, the sound of shattering came from Ning Tianlin's palm. Section by section, the entire stick insect, a total of six sections, were crushed into powder by the hard and hard. In his eyes, a hand lifted, and the sky was flying.

It's all powder of stick insects!

But there is no trace of blood!

Stick insects, the whole body is composed of bamboo, without blood.

"How can it be!"

"How did he do it!"

"The stick insect is in his hands, and there is no power to fight back!"

Standing aside looking at these bottle bells, I didn't know how to describe my mood, eyes wide, and my face was incredible. She never imagined that the student she recruited was not only proficient in pet practice, but she was also a master of combat skills!

She thought that the stick insect would be defeated, but she never thought that she would be defeated by the opponent's physical combat power!

To do this, his Ning Tianlin's physical combat power must reach more than 300,000! And so calm and calm, the physical combat effectiveness is estimated to be more than 350,000.


"Not to mention pet practice, this combat power alone is also qualified to be my student!"

"It's other teachers who practice with their own fighting power, I'm afraid they are also qualified!"

The video that Meng Yifan showed him did not include her own combat effectiveness. Now these things have given her a big surprise. And even though the stick insect has become fly ash at this moment, but what about it, she knows that the stick insect is not dead!

If you die like this, can you still be called the first undead creature in Kumeme-gun!

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