Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1559: This time they must not escape.

At this time, the emperor one, Bai Yunxiang and others are a smile.

More than three years ago, after the Golden Horn Mavericks let them roll down the Tianmu Mountain, they hated the extreme anger, but after leaving, they did not leave the UFO.

They are in this secluded magic land, and they have been listening to them. Three years of hard work, just recently, they finally found two chaotic konjac spirits!

However, these two products are chaotic, they are not found in the Tianmu Mountains, but also in another mountain range millions of miles away from the Tianmu Mountains.

Therefore, at the beginning, they found that Huang Xiaolong and others had obtained the chaotic magical spirit in the Tianmu Mountains, which is simply impossible.

Because, the chaotic magic of the next product, is not in the Tianmu Mountains.

"This time, we found the chaotic magic of the next product, you can have a good drink!" The Emperor of the Emperor Guangming Palace smiled.

Elder Bai Yunxiang smiled and said: "That is natural, but not two cups, but two hundred cups!"

The two men and the disciples of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Palace laughed.

"We haven't seen the city of Devil Tiger City for many years. Let's go. Let's go to the main city of Devil's City now, take a few days off, and then return to the Guangming Emperor Palace!"

"it is good!"

The two men and the disciples of the Guangming Emperor Palace entered the Devils Tiger City, and the two were old friends with the Devils City.

Although the disciples who came in from outside would become the big fat and fragrant meat in the eyes of the sorrowful demon, the disciples were even more daring and did not dare to deal with the Guangming Emperor Palace.

Not only did not dare, but instead saw the emperor one, Bai Yunxiang and others have avoided.

However, the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others have not yet reached the main house of the Devils City City, and they saw a middle-aged man wearing a robe robe leading a group of magical disciples to them.

This middle-aged man. It is Wu Chao, the master of the Devil Tiger City.

In the days of the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others entered the Devil Tiger City, Wu Chao will get the report of his men. So that people come to meet.

Although Wu Chao is also a strong man of Tianjun, his status is honorable. But it is only a small city owner under the Emperor Wudi Palace. Compared with the emperor, Baiyun Xiang is a poor elder of the Guangming Emperor Palace. However, it is a lot worse. So, knowing that the two came to the Devil Tiger City, he is a little Do not dare to neglect.

"Zi Xiong, Yun Xiang brother!" Far away. Wu Chao, the master of the Devils Tiger City, clasped his fists and laughed: "The two brothers from the Guangming Emperor Palace came to my devil's tiger city, and the magic tiger city wall was shining."

I found the chaotic magical veins of the next product. The emperor was in a very good mood. Haha smiled and said: "Where, where we passed the Devil Tiger City, we must stay in the Devil Tiger City for a few days, and then we must disturb Wu Chao's brother."

Wu Chao was a hi, laughing: "How many days do you want to stay for a few days and how many days of staying in the cloud?"

Everyone smiled.

"I have ordered people to prepare a banquet in the government, a brother. Yunxiang brothers and brothers of the Guangming Emperor Palace please!" Wu Chao came to Zizi, Bai Yunxiang and others in front of him, his hand lifted. Make a request, and be humane to the emperor.

"it is good!"

The Son of Heaven is not polite, and Bai Yunxiang goes ahead.

"Zi Xiong, Yun Xiangxiong, how come you come to the UFO?" On the road, Wu Chao casually asked: "The last time you came, there are more than 100,000 years?"

Bai Yunxiang smiled, half jokingly said: "We come to the UFO, naturally looking for a baby."

Wu Chaoyi. Laughter asked: "Look at the expression of two old brothers, did the baby find it?"

The Son of Heaven did not hide. Nodded and smiled: "Although I had some minor troubles before, I was finally found by us."

The little trouble he said in his mouth. It refers to the encounter with Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks and others three years ago.

Thinking of the scene of rolling down the Tianmu Mountain Peak, the emperor’s eyes and the hatred flashed past.

Although the past three years, but the shameful scene, their memory has become more profound.

Bai Yunxiang is also a two-eyed killing.

Wu Chao saw the two people's expressions, and they were amazed at the thoughts. They thought about it and asked: "I don't know what troubles the two older brothers have encountered? If they can help them, the two older brothers can say that it is fine, I am going through the fire. Do not leave."

When the Son of Heaven heard a word and smiled, it was easy to say: "In fact, there is nothing. It is a few people who have not known good things in the past few days. They have had some disputes, but the other side escaped quickly and escaped by them!"

When they first rolled down the Tianmu Mountains, now in his mouth, they became Huang Xiaolong and others escaped.

Wu Chao smiled and said: "It turns out that if I meet them again, I will take them down and give them to my two brothers."

Bai Yunxiang smiled and said: "There is Lao Wuchao's brother."

Everyone walked and talked, and when they passed a certain section, suddenly, the first son of the day stopped, and looked at somewhere in front of him with some horror.

Bai Yunxiang felt strange and looked down. Suddenly, he was also amazed.

But then, the two of them killed the sky.

I saw everyone walking in front, not who is Huang Xiaolong?

"Two old brothers, how?" Wu Chao asked.

The eyes of Tianzi looked coldly at the front of Huang Xiaolong and others, and said to Wu Chaodao: "I just said that they are!"


Wu Chao instantly understood that the emperor pointed out that the emperor had previously escaped the few people.

"Yes, it's really clever." Wu Chao laughed. "I didn't expect them to be really fat enough. They even dared to stay in the Umbrella! And they also came to the Devil Tiger City! They are really paradise." If you don't go, there is no way to go in hell!" To say that, let the people under the hand go forward and take Huang Xiaolong and others.

Bai Yunxiang is a wrinkle, and stretches his hand, and Wu Chaodao: "Wu Chao's younger brother, those few people are not weak, or else, you report your master, please your master and the master of the Emperor Wuwu, in case they are again Escape?"

Wu Chao is the registered disciple of Chen Qinghai, the elder of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu.

Wu Chao stunned and then smiled: "The two older brothers have thought about it, even if their strength is really weak, my magic tiger city is not that they want to come and want to leave, this time they must not escape. ""

However, the emperor is still shaking his head: "Their strength is higher than you think. I think, please ask your master or the master of the Emperor Wuwu to take the shot."

Wu Chao was amazed. He looked at the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and other people with serious expressions on their faces. After confirming that the two were not joking, Shen Shen said: "Well, I will report to my master, and I will say these people come. Devil Tiger City has a messy situation and is extremely strong. I am not an adversary. Please ask Master and my Lord of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor."

One of the emperor, Bai Yunxiang nodded.

Therefore, Wu Chao took out the letter and reported it to his master. Of course, when he reported it, he deliberately said that the matter was exaggerated, saying that the other party is a high-ranking Tianjun or even a tenth-level master of Tianjun, saying that the other party The mouth is not inferior, the arrogance is boring, and the Magic Wu Emperor Palace is not in the eye. (To be continued.)

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