Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1626: Did Sun Chang come?

Gu Cheng took a deep breath and pressed the heart of the gushing killing, saying: "It can only be like this, let this kid live for a month!"

"No, it's 28 days more!"

Now, the distance assessment is over, only twenty-eight days left!

"That Jia Yuan, will there be anything?" Gu Cheng suddenly turned his voice and asked Wang Sinan: "He always shelters the Shura royal family of Dewey, I always feel a little strange."

Wang Sinan disregarded his face: "Reassure, the small commander Sun Chang adults are very valued to me. I am also brought up by Sun Chang, although I said that I did not report Sun Chang’s adult and then removed Jia Yuan’s position, but With Sun Chang’s emphasis on me, naturally I will not punish me for this little thing!”

Speaking of Jia Yuan, Wang Sinan’s eyes are cold: “Wait, I will report to Sun Chang’s adult, saying that this Jia Yuan’s following commits, does not obey the order! When Sun Chang’s adult allowed, I will kill Jia Yuan and sacrifice the ancients. The spirit of Zhengxian!"

Just as Wang Sinan put Jia Yuan and the five heads of the Guards into the bottom of the Pluto dungeon, the Shurajie starry sky, a huge spaceship is constantly flying toward the Wuyuan god.

This huge spaceship, above the hull, also has the word "Pluto", but this ship is even larger than the one of the Pluto ships that Wang Sinan is riding. The "King of the Kings" contains the gods of the gods.

Inside the space control hall, a group of people stood.

This group of people, headed by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, the whole body breathe like a chaotic god, and stands there, like a giant peak of a stalwart, people dare not look up.

This middle-aged strong man is the great commander of Jiao Qingshan, a great nine-order powerhouse!

This Jiaoqing Mountain, although not the most powerful of the Pluto organization, is the best talent.

Behind Jiao Qingshan, more than 30 people standing respectfully, are all under the command of the youngsters, and are the first strongmen of the Great Emperor. Standing behind Jiao Qingshan, these usually call the wind and rain, and only cover the sky with a small commander, but the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. Although they did not know why Jiao Qingshan suddenly went to the Wuyuan **** plane, but the cold face of Jiao Qingshan made them feel faintly, fearing that something was going to happen.

Jiao Qingshan holds a letter. His face is cold.

There is not much content in the letter, saying that Wang Sinan has withdrawn the position of Jia Yuan! And Jia Yuan was put into the bottom of the Pluto dungeon!

"It seems that some of us in Pluto have been timid, and we can ignore the law of Pluto's law of law. What do you think?" Just as the youngsters were uneasy, Jiao Qingshan suddenly opened his mouth.

Everyone has a glimpse.

"Yes, yes, Jiao Qingshan adults." Everyone groaned, I don't know how to answer.

Jiao Qingshan suddenly turned his head and his eyes fell on one of them: "Sun Chang. What do you say?"

Other small leaders also fell on Sun Chang.

Sun Chang’s heart suddenly jumped, his face changed slightly, and he smiled strongly: “Yes, it’s Jiao Qingshan’s adult. For such a disciple, we should kill a hundred, and we must not tolerate it!”

At the same time, he faintly guessed something in his heart.

At this time, Sun Changxin suddenly shocked.

"It seems that some people have something to report to you, open the letter. Let everyone see what it is." Jiao Qingshan said quietly.

"Yes, Jiao Qingshan adults!" Sun Chang heard, did not dare to resist, and then scalp. Take the letter out and open the message content.

"He is a great man, and his deacon is Jia Yuan. The following commits and disobeys the order. The subordinate proposes to withdraw the deacon of Jia Yuan! I hope that Sun Chang will be allowed! Wang Sinan will be on!"

This is the letter content.

originally. This letter is nothing, but then, Jiao Qingshan said: "I propose to withdraw the deacon of Jia Yuan? But as far as I know, just now, this Wang Sinan has removed the deacon of Jia Yuan without authorization, and Put Jia Yuan into the bottom of the Pluto dungeon!"

Sun Chang’s face changed.

Other small collars are strange.

Wang Sinan, as a big deacon, had no right to revoke a deacon without authorization. However, he not only withdrew, but also put him into the bottom of the Pluto dungeon!

At this time, everyone understands that just why Jiao Qingshan said that some people are daring, ignoring Pluto's laws and regulations! This refers to this Wang Sinan!

"Jiao Qingshan adults, is under the dereliction of duty! Subordinates must severely punish this Wang Sinan!" Sun Chang quickly squatted down, respectfully replied, cold sweat.

"No, wait until we first go to the Wuyuan God's plane branch, but I just got a report saying that after Wang Sinan removed Jia Yuan's deacon, he is drinking in the inner temple and the ancient family. Congratulations!" Jiao Qingshan looked indifferent.

Sun Chang’s forehead cold sweat continued to flow.

The inner temple of the branch is an important place to drink alcohol with an outsider! If you pursue it, this blame is not small!

A few hours later.

The spacecraft finally came to the Wuyuan **** plane, and then went straight to the branch.

When the spacecraft appeared, the parties in the Wuyuan **** plane were even more shocked.

This spaceship is a flying ship that the Pluto organizes the small commander and strong, and it appears in the face of Wuyuan!

Wuyuan God plane, the **** king is rare, let alone Tianjun, so, before Wang Sinan and Guzheng appeared, Wuyuan God plane was extremely shocked, and now, it is the emperor-level powerhouse!

Soon, in the inner hall of the Pluto organization branch, Wang Sinan and Gu Zheng got the news.

Wang Sinan and Gu Zheng looked at each other and were surprised.

"Is it that Sun Chang is coming?" Wang Sinan was surprised.

"Do you want to avoid it?" Gu Chengdao.

"No, this banquet is not necessary to withdraw, Sun Chang adults come just right, we receive Sun Chang adults!" Wang Sinan shook his hand and said.

This little thing in the district, Sun Chang will certainly not punish him.

"You go out with me to meet Sun Chang, I will introduce you to Sun Chang adults." Wang Sinan said this and stood up.

The ancient face was a joy: "Thank you for the Sinan brothers."


So the two went out to the inner temple and then went outside the temple to meet their grandchildren.

When the two just came out, a huge spaceship appeared in their sight. Soon, the spacecraft came to them and stopped.

Then, the spacecraft door opened and walked out of a group of people.

When Wang Sinan was crouching down and welcoming, suddenly, I saw a group of people coming out and stayed, this is this? !

When he saw the middle-aged man in front of him, his face changed dramatically and he was shocked. He crouched down and trembled: "Wang Sinan sees the big commander!"

Big leader? !

The ancient was shocked, stunned, and the whole body was violently shocked. What happened?

In the shock of the ancients, Jiao Qingshan walked slowly with the people behind him. (To be continued.)

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