Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1655: Seniors, are you?

[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point of reading, get the first hand news of 515 red packets, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

Thoroughly killed?

Listening to the proposal of the ancestor Jiading, the other ancestors of Shuramen looked at each other.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong has come to let me be a hundred meters away.

Huang Peng, the master of the Shuramen Gate, said to the side of the Shuramen ancestor Chu Yunnan: "Yunnan, take the other side first."

Chu Yunnan, the tenth-order mid-term strong of the Great! In Shuramen, the strength is second only to Huang Peng, the second master.

Although Huang Peng saw that the dragon giant Tai Huang around Huang Xiaolong was very strong, but in his opinion, Chu Yunan shot, completely able to suppress the other side.

However, considering that the identity of Huang Xiaolong may not be simple, he decided to take Huang Xiaolong and others to the first time, and wait for the investigation of Huang Xiaolong's identity to be clear, and then kill it.

"Yes, the master." Shuramen's ancestor Chu Yunnan nodded, and when he finished, he came to Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing this time, the strong neighbors turned out to be the ancestors of Shuramen’s ancestors, Chu Yunan, who had a strong commotion.

Xu Shenghua, the ancestor of Sanshengmen, Wang Gong, the hero of Fenghai, and Deng Feizhi, the ancestor of Yuanyanggu, were also taken aback. The body sat up a few minutes.

Although they are also the high-ranking powerhouses of the great emperor, Chu Yunan is their predecessor, and Chu Yunan has a high status in the entire Shura community.

Of course, Chu Yunan's strength is undoubted, although on the surface, Chu Yunan is the tenth middle stage of the Great Emperor, but even some of the tenth-order mid-level peak masters of the Great Emperor are not the opponents of this Chu Yunan.

Chu Yunan once defeated two great emperors in the tenth-order mid-level peak, one is the ancestor Zhao Fu and Zhao Fu, who ranked seventh in the Shura world. The fierce name is billions of years, and the great power of the great emperor who died in his hands is not one hundred. There are also dozens, and the other is Li Xueyao, the ancestor of the third-ranked Yanshui Palace.

This Li Xueyao. The fame is bigger than that of Zhao Fu. Before the encounter with Chu Yunan, there was no defeat.

However, whether it is Zhao Fu or Li Xueyao, both of them lost to this Chu Yunan.

Chu Yunnan came to Huang Xiaolong, and he did not talk nonsense. He said, "Is it your hand? Or am I personally?"

Huang Xiaolong’s face was indifferent. If he didn’t see the Chu Yunnan, he still went straight to the master and left me.

Chu Yunnan's face sank.

He became famous for billions of years and was ignored for the first time.

"Hurricane!" Chu Yunan eyes cold, left hand to Huang Xiaolong to take over, at the same time, the right hand a palm, attacking the giant giant Taiyue.

The wild giant Taiyue saw Chu Yunnan attacked himself with one hand, grinned and raised his hand. The right fist hit a bang and directly greeted the right palm of Chu Yunan.

Although Chu Yunan saw that the strength of the giants Taiyue is very strong, but. I haven’t put it in my heart yet. However, when the giants of Taiyang’s boxing force came to the ground and felt the destructive power contained in the horrible boxing power, his face could not help but change dramatically.

At the moment, he refused to take Huang Xiaolong, and his power was fully motivated, and his palms were shot at the giant giant Taiyue.

With the palms of Chu Yunan, the surrounding space is instantly dark. Ghostly winds, countless screams and screams.

"This is the dark night palm! One of the strongest secrets of Shuramen!"

"It is rumored that this dark night **** is the creation of the sect of the Shura Gate to watch the dark night tree. It is the ultimate, and the palm of one hand. It can make a **** face fall into the endless darkness!"

"In those days, Chu Yunan's predecessors used this dark night to defeat the dead bones Zhao Fu and Yanshui Palace Li Xueyao!"

Surprised by the powerful parties around the world, the giants of the wild, Taiyue right fist and Chu Yunan both slammed together.


The whole mountain is violently shaking, countless rays bursting, the darkness is broken, and the heavens and the earth are restored to the moment of light. Everyone sees that Chu Yunan himself is hit by a chaotic mountain. The whole person is knocked out and broke into another mountain. .

The mountain peak collapsed.

Everyone was shocked.

"What!" On the rostrum, Huang Peng, who was originally sitting, and Huo Ran, the ancestors of Shura, stood up and looked unbelievable.

Chu Yunnan, actually lost!

And the defeat is so thorough.


Everyone looked at the wild giant Tai Yue, next to Huang Xiaolong, and stunned.

The wild giant Taiyue looked at Chu Yunnan, who was smashed into the distant mountain peak, and grinned: "You are not my opponent. Maybe, Huang Peng, the kid can still get me a few punches."

He is not arrogant in this regard. In the entire Shura community, only the ancestors of the Tushen Gate and the Palace of the Smoky Water Palace are worthy of his opponent.

He was born with a giant body, and he was invincible. Even Fan Hui, the king of the devil who was the peak of the tenth stage of the Emperor, did not dare to pick him up, not to mention Chu Yunan, a tenth-order mid-term.

"Who is the predecessor?" Huang Peng, the master of Shuramen who stood up, was shocked and looked at the giant giant Taiyue.

At this time, the figure flashed, and the devil's king, Fan Hui, also appeared behind Huang Xiaolong.

"Who we are, it doesn't matter." Fan Hui, the demon king, smiled lightly: "Huang Peng, your talent is higher than Liu Shiwei, but, based on your current strength, it is not our opponent."

"You, know my master?!" Supreme doorkeeper Huang Peng was surprised.

The ancestors of Shuramen and the ancestors Xu Junhua and others were also taken aback.

Liu Shiwei, the master of Huang Peng, was also the master of Shuramen. However, when Liu Shiwei and Jiuyin's ancestors attacked the heavenly court, Liu Shiwei died in the hands of the ancient Emperor.

Fan Hui, the demon king, did not answer.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong has already come to let me be ten meters away. I was originally detained for being mad. The two Shuramen disciples who were after I was mad were seen and scared back.

When I was looking at Huang Xiaolong, I was puzzled because he searched through memories and couldn’t remember when he met such a savage young Shura royal family, Chu Yunan, but they were Shulumen’s ancestors, second. The strong, for him, that is the existence of the sky, but Chu Yunan was shot by a young man from the Shura royal family!

Looking at the Huang Xiaolong who came over, I was somewhat afraid in my mad heart.

This Shura royal family will not really come for themselves? Will it be the wrong person looking for the wrong person?

When I was in my mad heart, Huang Xiaolong had already come to him. Then, Huang Xiaolong reached out and pressed a mysterious force into his body. I was surprised to find that my body ban was cracked!

"Predecessors, are you?!" Let me scream.

Huang Xiaolong did not answer, but the light flashed in his hand and took out the blade of Shura.

"The Blade of Shura!" I am stunned.

Huang Xiaolong saw me arbitrarily recognize the blade of Shura in my hand, confirming that it is my master's madness, not the same name.

"You, how can you have the blade of Shura!" After I was shocked, I asked.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "This blade of Shura is found in a valley in the mainland of the lower realm of Wushen."

Lower bound! Wuhoujie! Windy snow continent!

I was so mad that I looked at Huang Xiaolong with disbelief.

Then the other party is his? !

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (To be continued.)

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