Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1703: The owner of all of them?

Listening to the words of the female disciple of Yanshui Palace, He Jingyi of Yanshui Palace did not export reprimands, but secretly sighed and said to himself: "It's a pity!"

It’s a pity that such a fascinating talent, even the thirty-six holy fruit that the other party got.

If she has such a enchanting talent, if she gets thirty-six holy fruits, it will be unified in the three realms of Hell!

Although the Yanshui Palace has always been secretive and low-key, it does not mean that the Yanshui Palace does not have a hegemony. It does not mean that she has no ambitions.

The wild giant Taiyue hugged Huanglong for a moment, only to see that the corpse of the Huanglong wrapped in the dragon was actually turned back to him, and the corpse was extremely amazing, and there was no wind and no hole, and his hands suddenly changed. It became grayish green.

The hunter giant Taiyue was shocked, and the divine power was urging. Under his divine power, the amazing corpse slowly faded out of his palms.

This is the case, the wild giant Taiyue is also a cold sweat.

"Master, master!"

Several people anxiously called Huanglong.

However, Huang Long’s eyes are closed, his body is grayish green, and his breath and heart are getting weaker.

The giants of the wild, Taiyue and others are eager to be like hot pot ants. Although they know that the new master has been passed down by the old master and become the new master of hell, it should not be so easy to die, but in the face of the eclipse In one hand, they completely lost their confidence.

That is eclipse, not the ordinary great powerhouse.

In the distance, the eclipse looked at the whole body and was eroded by his own corpse, and Huang Long, whose breath and heart became weaker and weaker, could not help but sneer and overjoy.

"Father, do we want to grab the Scepter in his hand now?" The eclipse is no match for the eclipse.

The eclipse turned his head and smiled: "No hurry, anyway, this child is dead. The Scepter in his hand must be our family of nine yin corpses." Here, Song Litao and Wing Qingdao on the side: "The two sages Do you not object?"

Song Litao’s face was somewhat unnatural, and he smiled: “This is nature, it is nature.”

Wing Green also echoed.

The eclipse smiled with a smile: "You can rest assured that except for the Scepter, the best of his kind, and the chaotic Lingshi, we are divided equally."

Hey, m.≯.o≧m Song Litao and Yi Qing both breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Thank you for the unparalleled predecessors."

"However, father, strange, that you have a full hand in the child, how does the body not explode? Also, he still has breath and heart!" The eclipse suddenly said.

Although Huang Long’s breath and heart have been weakening, it has reached a point where there is almost no breath and the heart is almost stopped, but it is still not dead.

For this, the eclipse is also strange, he thought, said: "I am trying to hit this moment, I feel that there are several mysterious forces in this body, and I can sense that his body is indeed strong, but The genius of the supreme king like him is somewhat special. His **** is so strong, and there is nothing strange about it. Of course, I am fully in the palm of my hand. Even if the Emperor is dead in the early tenth stage, he can’t live. ""

For the palm of my hand, the eclipse is still very confident.

Or, for his own strength, he has always been very confident.

Just the other hand, it was the flood giant Tai Yue and others who were hit under the precaution and were seriously injured.

The eclipse looked at the anxious, painful giants Taiyue and others, and said: "Taiyue, Jinyuan, the son of my corpse, will die, no doubt, now, you don't have to work for it, I can give you again. One chance, hand over the corpse, I will let you go."

The wild giant Tai Yue and others heard the words, turned to the first, glared at the eclipse, and the face was killing.

Just when the eclipse was unparalleled and everyone thought that the Huanglong would die completely, suddenly everyone seemed to hear a strange singer that seemed to come from heaven and earth.

This pulsating sound was like a dull thunder at first, but, soon, this pulsation became louder and louder, as if it were underground and underground, and all the space was filled with this pulsating sound.

Not only did all the strong people in the sea have heard the sound of this singer, but even the entire Shura community, all the strong people in the three hells at this moment, heard the increasingly strong pulsation.

Everyone looked up at the sky and looked at the day of hell.

"This, it seems to be a heartbeat? Hell has a heartbeat?" A Fengducheng ancestor was surprised.

"What is going on? We hell, how can there be a heartbeat?!" Another ancestor called.

Hell heartbeat? !

The eclipse unparalleled suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked at Huanglong.

Soon, he saw the heart of the chest of Huanglong, like the huge sea surface up and down, this is, Huanglong's heart is jumping, beating strongly, and the frequency of beating is exactly the same as the sound of the whole hell.

"Is it?!" The eclipse of the eclipse changed dramatically, as if I saw a horrible thing, screaming.

The unparalleled reaction of the eclipse made many people in the sea feel strange, and they could not help but look at Huanglong. They all saw the strong beating of Huanglong's chest.

"This, this son, his heart is jumping, so fast, so powerful! What happened, he didn't die? Didn't the nine yin chiefs die?!" A smoked palace ancestors screamed loudly call.

Everyone seems to be stunned by the sight of incredible scenes, but obviously, these people haven't thought of the things that eclipse unparalleled.

After all, the biography is too old, even if many of the great ancestors did not think of that thing for a while.

However, Qin Huangzhong, obviously and the same as the eclipse, thought of a possibility, he and the eclipse are the same, screaming and shouting: "Heart of Heart!"

Heart of hell!

This word seems to have a kind of horrible magic, so that the surrounding moments are dead.

"Ground, hell, the heart of hell? He, is that the heart of hell?!" A ancestral ancestors screamed.

"What is the heart of hell?" Some ancestors looked confused.

"The heart of **** is the heart of our hell. It is transmitted, as long as we get the heart of hell, then we can get the recognition of our hell, that is, the new master of our hell." The ancestors of the inanimate trembled and explained the voice. Road: "That is, he is our Lord of hell!"

Lord of hell!

All the strong people in the sea are stunned, stupid, and stayed.

This Shura royal family is their Lord of Hell, the master of all of them?

Well, just now, the eclipse is unparalleled, the Jiuyin patriarch is actually going to kill the Lord of Hell? Want to kill the owners of all of them?

He Jingyi, Yanshui Palace, and the female disciple, especially the big cherry mouth, how big is the stool.

At this time, suddenly, Huanglong’s body broke out with a strong sacred and extremely bright light. The corpse that had covered the whole body of Huanglong was quickly dissipated in front of this sacred light. (To be continued.)

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