Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1705: Eclipse has no double injury

When the ancient city flew out of the body of Huang Xiaolong, it was like a dust that was hard to see with the naked eye. Then, it expanded in an instant, with a fist size, a fist-sized city of the ages, and a hundred-time high-level undead. At the time of the urging, the power of destroying the earth was destroyed.

This power makes the whole city of the ancients, like a sun origin, smashing the world, the light pierces the heavy space, and the nine days are shining.

The ancient city is spinning at a sultry speed, welcoming the eclipse of the undead.

The eclipse was only stunned by the light of the ancient city, and then “铮!”, the demon bone sword and the ancient city collided strongly.

At this moment, the Devil's Bone Sword made a non-human and non-beasting humming sound. It seems to be painful. It seems to be liberation. It seems to be anger. It seems to be panic.

The eclipse only feels that the right arm of the Devil's Bone Sword is like a super hard chaotic barrier. The arm hurts and the Devil's Bone Sword almost falls off.

And the whole person can't restrain himself from being shaken back.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows were thunderous, and Chaos Jinlong Lei Li and Chaos Xuangui Lei Li became a golden and black lightning.

Two lightnings, the eclipse of the heart of the eclipse.

The human body, the heart is often the most vulnerable defense, which is why the previous sneak attack is the heart of attacking Huang Xiaolong.

The eclipse was reversed by the ancient city, and its shape was not stable. Two Rays of Light had already attacked the front.

On the occasion of the eternal ecstasy, the eclipse was stunned, and the devil's bones and swords in the hands turned back. The swords screamed, and the black swordsman screamed out from the blade and turned into swords. These swords became A demon sword wall, greeted two thunder.

Nourish! The violent bang continued.

Although Chaos Jinlong Leichi and Chaos Xuangui Leichi are one of the nine thunder pools in the world, they are extremely powerful. However, Huang Xiaolong’s strength is weak after all, and the eclipse has been blocked.

However, at this time, the city of the ancient times suddenly rose, and when it came to the top of the eclipse, it turned into a chaotic giant city of millions of miles.

One hundred undead Guards are fully motivated, and countless devastating forces gather in the sky over the ancient city, just like Hong Tao's huge waters, from the eternal city to the eclipse of the eclipse.

The eclipse undoubtedly looked up and looked at the ancient city on the top of the sky, watching the hundred undeads in the sky above the ancient city, and his face changed completely.

One hundred undead Guardians are urging the city under the ages, and the attack is already comparable to the attack of the Great.

If this blow is made, it will be him and he will be seriously injured.

The eclipse is suddenly screaming, and the mouth is sucking. If the giant whale absorbs water, the amazing corpse is constantly breaking open from the distant sky and then sucked into the body.

The eclipse has swallowed up these amazing corpses, and the body has skyrocketed, and it has become a giant.

A giant with an infinite corpse and a horrible corpse.

From a distance, the eclipse is like a giant corpse flying from a peerless tomb, a green corpse, wrapped around his huge body.

"Huang Quan Hell, the corpse of the dead!"

The eclipse has no double screams, and the huge double fists slammed up to the ancient city of the top of the head. Countless green corpses have turned into a long river with a wide width, and the long river is rolling, and the destructive power poured down by the ancient city has come together.


The loud noise that rang through the whole sea, shocked everyone's mind and lost all voices.

This impact, the stars are stunned, the sun and the moon are falling, the heavens and the earth are dull, the space cracks are constantly cracking, and numerous chaotic air currents are splattered. Within a few million miles below the sea, the sea surface is directly slammed down, and countless waves are smashing Husband.

Some of the strongest people who could not escape were hit by the waves of the sea, screaming, or some were directly destroyed by the destruction of the ancient city, and instantly exploded into a **** fog.

Even some of the nine yin corpses that had to escape, Tushenmen, Xiaoyue wolves and other ancestors were also shaken and flew.

And the eclipse of the unparalleled himself, was in this bombardment, was shaken by the power of the ancient city to the shape of the sea to fall, the eclipse of blood has been surging, can not help but a mouth "wow", a **** spray Out.

Everyone saw this scene and couldn’t help but be shocked.

The eclipse has been injured!

Known as the undead world, except for the strongest of the nine yin corpses, the ancestors of the ancestors, the eclipse is incomparable to the existence of the surpassing emperor!

Everyone looked up and looked at the ancient city above nine days, looking at the hundred undead clan guards over the city of the ancient times.

“Hong Meng Zhi Bao!”

"This is undead, one hundred undead! And all of them are higher than the emperor! The ten most powerful, is the undead master of the late tenth stage of the Emperor who appeared in Shuramen?!"

The masters lost their voices.

He Jingyi, Yanshui Palace, Qinhuangzhong, Fengzheng, Pengzheng, Wuhuan, Wudeng, etc., did not change their faces.

Previously, Huang Xiaolong wars Shuramen headquarters, everyone knows that there are ten great emperors in the late tenth stage of Huang Xiaolong, but I did not expect that the undead masters around Huang Xiaolong are far more than ten, but one hundred!

Just when everyone was shocked, the ancient city humming and screaming, like the ancient magic city that passed through the distant time and space of hell, exudes a group of people’s heart-warming light, such as blood, like a corpse, such as Devil, like God.

The city of the ancients once again came to the eclipse.

Hey you are sick, want your life!

"Father Dad!" The eclipse that escaped to the distance saw it, and his face was shocked. He said: "Fast, shot, save the patriarch!"

Suddenly, the masters of the nine yin corpses who fled to the distance turned and attacked, some attacked Huang Xiaolong, and some attacked the ancient city.

Song Litao and Yi Qing saw the situation and could not help but hesitate.

Obviously, if you flee at this time, you will inevitably be hated by the nine yin corpse.

"Kill!" Hesitated a moment, Song Litao bite his teeth, but also led the public to attack Huang Xiaolong.

The Xiaoqing patriarch, Yiqing, can only return to the public.

Huang Xiaolong sneered, he wants a family of Jiuyin giant corpse, Tu Shenmen, Xiaoyue wolf back, as soon as they come back, then never want to leave the sea!

All die here!

Huang Xiaolong ordered the flood giant Tai Yue and others to say: "Don't care about me, kill me all!"

"Yes, master!"

At the moment, the nine great leaders, including the giants such as Taiyue, led the Pluto to organize the command of the generals. The small commanders greeted Song Litao, Yi Qing and others.

Then, Huang Xiaolong, who is responsible for his own fascinating teachings, Mao Shu, the six-headed patriarch Liu Wei and other dozens of super-sects, the lord, the main lord: "No matter which school, which kills the nine yin corpse family , Tushenmen and Xiaoyue wolves are one of the great emperors of the Great Emperor, and enjoy a million chaotic spirits!" (To be continued.)

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