Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1707: My Tao!

Song Litao looked up, saw heaven, and saw the golden six-story map of heaven. He saw that the horrible destruction power was pouring down from the map, and his eyes were afraid.

"Do not!"

Song Litao was frightened and stunned, fled wildly, exhausted all his strength, used every means, exhausted all his skills, and escaped the scope of the six diamonds.

Lu Tianyuan did not escape, but snarled: "Protect the young master!" His arms suddenly soared, and a group of blood rushed among his arms.

He hurriedly flew up, and his fists slammed into heaven and rushed to the six diamonds. He tried to block the attack on the six diamonds and fight for time to let Song Litao escape.

Although Lu Tianyuan also knows that with his strength, he can't resist the paradise attack. However, he still did this, and the heart of the lord could not help but shake his head.

The other ancestors of the Tumen Gate also violently attacked and attacked Heaven.

At this time, the golden light of the six diamonds destroyed the earth.

In front of this golden light, Lu Tianyuan’s attacks were so fragile, the golden light did not have any blockage, like the raging waves and waves that destroyed the gravel and gravel, and instantly drowned the power and attack of Lu Tianyuan and others. Then, there was no Staying, instantly devours Lu Tiantao and other ancestors of Tu Shenmen.

Lu Tianyuan, the emperor's eighth-order early stage, even the screams did not have time, it was purified by the paradise of the six diamonds, completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth!

The same is true of several other ancestors of Tu Shenmen.

Although everyone has already expected this result, but seeing it, the face is suddenly changed.

In fact, although heaven is not a treasure to Hongmeng, but as a paradise for the best of the spirits, it has the supreme light power, which is exactly the nemesis of hell, plus the light of tomorrow’s fourteenth emperor Fully motivated, so for the hell, the lethality is not weaker than the 100-year-old city that the undead clan is urging.

You know, the fourteenth light tomorrow, but there are two fourteen wings! There are only fourteen wings in the legend! Moreover, both of them are the tenth-order peaks of the great emperor. The two four-winged light tomorrow will join forces to compete against the existence of the eclipse.

Even if there is such an existence of eclipse, it will not be able to block the 14th tomorrow, which will make a push of heaven, not to mention Lu Tianyuan.

This is also the reason why the previous paradise hit, can kill dozens of emperors, seriously injured hundreds of ancestors.

After the golden light of the six diamonds swallowed up Lu Tianyuan, they continued to swallow up Song Litao. The speed was fast, and they immediately caught up with Song Litao.

Song Litao looked at the golden light that was approaching in an instant, and he was frightened and said: "I." However, he just said this, the golden light drowned him.

Without exception, Song Litao's body was instantly purified and instantly turned into a cloud of smoke.

However, when Song Litao's body was instantly purified into a cloud of smoke, suddenly, in the golden light of heaven, a screaming sound, a radiant burst of blue light, even the golden light of heaven could not completely cover this blue light. .

A huge object is to be taken out of the golden light.

Soon, everyone can see what this giant is shining through the blue light, it turned out to be a godhead! A huge godhead with more than 400,000 miles!

This huge green goddess, with a strong dead temperament, bursts with amazing evil spirits and darkness, exudes the supreme breath, seems to be the king over the heavens.

"The Supreme King!"

There are ancestors screaming.

That's right, this is a **** of the supreme king, Song Litao's godhead!

Even if the energy of heaven is stronger, even if the paradise of light purification is stronger, it will not be able to instantly purify Song Litao’s supreme king, and it will not be able to destroy the spirit in its gods!

Song Litao's supreme king's deity is covered with a rune and exudes an immortal atmosphere.

This is not a rune! The indecent rune completely covers all corners of Song Litao's Supreme King, and covers 100%!

Song Litao, the genius who is known as the younger generation of the Shura community, is truly talented.

However, the golden light of heaven continually blasts the indecent runes above his godhead, only to see that the inexhaustible runes on the top are being quickly and easily stripped.

As long as this immortal rune is completely stripped, Song Litao's deity loses the most important layer of defense, and it is not far from death.

"Pluto organization, I am killing the gods and you are not wearing the sky!"

Among the gods, Song Litao’s screaming screams were screaming.

"Save the Lord!"

The ancestors of Tushenmen roared and rushed to the side, desperately attacking heaven.

However, these ancestors of the Tushen Gate are desperately desperate, they can not get out of it, and occasionally there are a few people to get out, and the attack can not be divided into heaven.

The paradise of the golden six-spotted figure suddenly accelerated again, and numerous golden rays slammed down. Song Litao screamed, and saw that the indecent rune above the supreme king's **** was quickly smashed away.

"I can not be reconciled!"

Song Litao screamed.

Then, the sound came to an abrupt end.

In the end, Song Litao, the genius of the Supreme King, was killed!

Everyone's heart is full of shock, it is hard to believe, Song Litao, this is the king of supreme, the Tumen Gate is the main gatekeeper, and will later take over as the leader of the Tushen Gate. Before the Tumen Gate, it is necessary to unify the existence of the entire Shura community. .

Song Litao, the owner of this Tushen Gate, is now dead! Killed by people!

Huang Xiaolong looked at Song Litao's supreme king's deity, his heart moved, his right hand was one, sucking, sucking it to the front, then the demon god's supreme gods urging, a burst of madness, suddenly, Song Litao's supreme gods, bursts of divine power And soon, all the chaos laws of all the power in the gods are swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong.

In the end, Song Litao's godhead appeared to be cracked, and more and more cracks eventually collapsed and dissipated.

Everyone saw that Huang Xiaolong swallowed the scene of Song Litao's supreme king, and his throat swayed.

Especially the eclipse, the wing blue, the face is ugly, in the eyes, it is difficult to hide the fear in the heart, Song Litao is dead, even the gods are swallowed up, then what about them? Maybe it will be their turn soon!

They are the pride of the heavens, but they are mortal geniuses, but they are the hegemons of the future. Now, is it going to die here? !

Just in the moment when Song Litao’s soul was destroyed, there were many billions of miles of the Tushenmen’s headquarters in the sea, and the ancestors of Tushenmen’s ancestors screamed: “My Tao Er!”

The screams of Yan Han resounded throughout the headquarters of Tushenmen, and alarmed all the ancestors of the Tumen Gate, all the elders, all elders and disciples. (To be continued.)

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