Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1721: Entering the undead world

He came to **** this time. If there is still something "thought", it is the emperor Fang Mingyu.

Before coming to hell, he promised to help him find his older brother.

Although he did not say that he was a great emperor, it must be the meaning of Fang.

So, no matter what, Huang Xiaolong must move all the power to find Fang Mingyu. Now, finally, I have the news of Fang Mingyu, and I am sure that I am in the undead world!

Although the undead world is still very large, since it is determined that Fang Mingyu is in the undead world, then continue to work hard to find, and the approximate location of Fang Mingyu should be determined soon.

Now, not only Fang Mingyu has news, but the giants of Taiyue Taiyue also heard the news of Hongmeng’s anger, which made Huang Xiaolong happy.

Since entering Hell, his realm of strength has been soaring, but Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches have been stuck in the third layer, and can not break through the fourth layer, which makes Huang Xiaolong regret!

Now, since I know that the treasure house of the Jiuyin giant corpse may have the temperament of ignorance, then he must go to the undead world anyway.

"The undead world."

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are shining.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong came out of paradise and took the paradise into the body and flew to the hole.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong saw the red flame unicorn.

"Your Majesty." Chi Yan black unicorn saw Huang Xiaolong came out, his face was happy, and hurriedly greeted him, respectfully.

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "Wait a long time?" Speaking of this, throwing a chaotic fruit to the red flame unicorn.

Chi Yan black unicorn Zhangkou caught, swallowed, smiled: "Not long after, not long, the thirty-six holy fruit, all under the refinery? I thought that it would take hundreds of years to refine the holy fruit. ""

In the past, some geniuses like He Jingyi, Erosion, and Song Litao, after obtaining the Holy Fruit, refining a holy fruit, usually for decades or even hundreds of years.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​Chi Yan Black Kirin, Huang Xiaolong, the prince of Pluto, even if his talent is amazing again, it will take at least thirty years to refine and refine it.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Yes, all refining, 12 years, um, time is still a little longer."

Chi Yan black unicorn is speechless: "Twelve years still long?"

If it is the eclipse, I am afraid that even one can still be refining.

Suddenly, Chi Yan’s black unicorn was the boss of the tiger’s eyes: “Your Majesty, you, now, Tianjun’s sixth-order late?!”

Huang Xiaolong was shocked to see the red flame of the red unicorn, and there was no accident: "This retreat, I was lucky enough to improve it, but the strength is still too low."

The red flame black unicorn is completely speechless.

Is this a lucky upgrade? Twelve years, from the middle of the fifth stage of Tianjun to the late sixth stage of Tianjun! If this is the case, what is it? It was already in the middle of the fourth stage of the Great Emperor 100,000 years ago, and it is still in the middle of the fourth stage of the Great!

"Let's go." Huang Xiaolong turned over and fell to the back of Chi Yan's black unicorn.

The red flames of the black unicorn were scattered on the four legs. When they suddenly arrived, they came to the sky and the whole mountain range was shocked.

"Your Majesty, where are we going now?" Red Flame Black Kirin asked casually.

"Go to the undead world!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the direction of the undead world.

"Undead world?!" Red flame black unicorn is awe.

"Your Majesty, the forces of the Jiuyin giant corpse are all over the dead, we really have to go to the undead world?" Immediately, the red flame black unicorn is tight.

Huang Xiaolong laughed: "That's just right, when we go to the headquarters of the Jiuyin corpse and destroy it."

Chi Yan black unicorns took cold sweat.

That's it, when it didn't say it.

The two broke away.

From the Shura to the undead, you must pass through the Lingu River.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong’s direction is the Lingji River.

Lingji River, there is also a name, called the Lingjijie River, which is intended to be the border river between the Shura and the undead.

At the speed of two people, it takes two or three months to get to the river of the corpse, which is still the reason why the two use the transmission array.

All the way through.

After more than two months, the two finally came to the river of the corpse.

On the road, Huang Xiaolong ordered the flood giant Tai Yue and others to pass the letter, so that they could fully investigate the exact location of Fang Mingyu, and let the giants of Taiyang further confirm whether the gas of Hongmeng was in the treasure house of Jiuyin.

"A strong corpse!" Looking at the river in front of the corpse, Huang Xiaolong's eyes were condensed.

"The corpse of the corpse is very difficult to entangle, and you should be careful when you kneel down." Red flame black unicorn is also a look of awe.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, this spirit corpse river, is a big and dangerous place in hell, the corpse is strong, even if many Tianjun strong people cross the river, accidentally invaded by the corpse, and finally have to become this boundary river A spiritual corpse on it.

Although he is not afraid of this corpse, he is still careful.

Moreover, the spiritual corpse on the river of this corpse is a small trouble.

These spirit corpses are weak and strong, strong, and even have the high-level strength of the great emperor.

"We are in the past." Huang Xiaolong rode the red flame of the unicorn, jumped into the sky above the river.

Although this river of the corpse is called the river, it is very large, not smaller than the sea of ​​the sea. It takes more than a month for Huang Xiaolong to cross the river.

Upon entering the river of the corpse, the corpse above the boundary river and the river, but if there is nothing to gather with Huang Xiaolong.

The two directly broke the corpses and flew forward.

Not long after, a dead body on the boundary river wandered to Huang Xiaolong.

This dead body is extremely tall, with round eyes and sharp fingers. It is a spiritual corpse in the middle of the eighth step of the Heavenly King. At first glance, this corpse is no different from the disciple who practiced the undead, and the only difference is It is a vitality, there is no vitality in the body of the corpse, and the disciple who cultivates the practice of the undead is alive.

Looking at the floating body, Huang Xiaolong did not let the red flame black unicorn shot, and reached out to the empty space, a sacred light flashed, and instantly hit the corpse of the eighth-order middle of the Tianjun, the head of the corpse Call it and dissipate it.

Originally, the corpse was not so easy to kill. However, the sacred light power of Huang Xiaolong, passed down from heaven, is the strongest force of the world. For the dead bodies of evil spirits, it is naturally a blow. .

The two continued to move forward.

As the two deepened, more and more spiritual corpses, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger, at first, Huang Xiaolong can still deal with. Finally, the spirit of the Great Emperor, had to let the red flame black unicorn shot.

When he came to the center of the corpse of the corpse, Huang Xiaolong had to use heaven.

All the way.

More than a month later, Huang Xiaolong passed through the Lingshen River and came to the undead world.

The Shura world is full of **** gas, and the undead world is dominated by dead air, and between the heavens and the earth, it is gray and gray.

"Go, go to the dead grave city in front!" Huang Xiaolong pointed to the front.

The dead tomb city, close to the Dead Spirit River, is one of the most famous ten cities in the undead world.

Pluto has a branch in the Dead Tomb and is a very important division. (To be continued.)

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