Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1723: Dead volcano

The white light was so fast that it instantly penetrated the eyebrows of the nine-yin disciple.

The nine-yin disciple fell down and his eyes were full of horror and unbelief.

Mutation in front of the eyes, let everyone stay.

"Who?!" Nine-yellow red-faced old man Gao Ning Huoran turned and shouted: "Get me out!"

However, his voice just fell, suddenly, a bright object flew in the air, faster than the previous white light, the nine-yellow red face old Gao Ning did not react, it was hit by the bright object in the chest.

A scream, the old man of Nine-yin, the old man Gao Ning flew out, and reached the wall of the hall, the wall cracked.

I saw that the red-faced old man Gao Ning’s chest was hit, and the “nourishing” sounded, and white smoke appeared, and the wounds continued to expand.

Everyone was shocked.


You must know that this red-faced old man, Gao Ning, is the late tenth-order emperor! Was seriously injured by a blow!

Even Zhang Long, Malayui is also shocked.

Immediately, everyone brushed and looked at the bright object that would fly the red-faced old man Gao Ning.

"this is?!"

Zhang Long and Ma Lairu both have bright eyes.

At this time, suddenly, outside the hall, the screams sounded one after another.

This is the voice of a disciple of the nine yin corpses who are outside.

In the gaze of the crowd, a Shura royal family rode a hellish beast shaped like a black lion and walked in from the outer hall.

"Yes, it is the prince of Pluto!" Zhang Long, Malayui two excited.

All the faces of the nine yin corpse masters were shocked and changed, and they were frightened and retreated.

Zhang Long and Ma Lairu staggered to Huang Xiaolong, and no one dared to step forward in the surrounding masters of Jiuyin.

"Zhang Long, Ma Lai Rui, I saw the prince of Pluto!" Zhang Long and two came to Huang Xiaolong, excited, squatting down, respectful worship.

Huang Xiaolong let the two get up.

"Pluto, you are." After Zhang Long got up, he was about to speak. Huang Xiaolong nodded. "I heard it just now. Don't worry, the blood of the people I have organized in Pluto will not flow."

Zhang Longyi, then and Malay Rui respectfully should be, and then retreated to behind Huang Xiaolong.

At this moment, suddenly, a flash of people flashed, and saw a fierce knife slammed into Huang Xiaolong, and instantly came to the top of Huang Xiaolong.

The knives rolled up heavy waves and the space was cut.

However, just when this knife came to the top of Huang Xiaotou, a tall figure appeared, and with a punch, the knife wave was opened, and the extremely sharp knife edge collapsed. Then, the figure that attacked Huang Xiaolong and the previous The red-faced old man, Gao Ning, flew out and slammed into the stone pillar of the hall, and the hall shook.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the sneak attack was to kill Huang Xiaolong. It was the little leader who had previously betrayed the Pluto organization.

He Yan fell under the stone pillar of the hall, the internal organs were broken, and the body was bursting with anger. He opened his mouth and sprayed blood, and the blood stained the surrounding area.

Huang Xiaolong looked at each other indifferently.

"Cough." Gao Ning, a former red-faced old man who had been bombarded by heaven, struggled to climb up from the ground and looked at Huang Xiaolong. He suddenly laughed and smiled. "You are the shit, the prince, the boy, I didn't expect you." I dare to come to the undead world. You are looking for death. Since you are here, you should not think about leaving the undead world. Our ancestors will kill you and hang your body in the door of our headquarters. on!"

Huang Xiaolong was not angry, and his face was indifferent: "Can your ancestors hang my body on the door of the headquarters of the Jiuyin Giant Corps? I don't know, but I know, I will hang your body in the dead tomb city. Above the gate, and you will die very badly!"

After Huang Xiaolong finished, his hands were a move, and suddenly, heaven became a light origin, and instantly passed through the heart of the other chest, and then shot from the back of the other side.

The red-faced old man Gao Ning screamed.

Corrupted by the sacred light energy of heaven, the pain in the heart spread throughout the body, causing his face to be distorted.

The masters of the nine yin corpses saw the masters, and their faces were pale. I don’t know who yelled, and the masters of the nine yin corpses scattered and fled.

However, these nine Yin and Yi masters have just fled, and a white light flashed without it. These nine Yin and Yin masters have fallen to the ground, only to see their eyebrows are worn by heaven.

Soon, the nine yin and the genius were all lying on the ground, leaving only the red-faced old man, Gao Ning, and the little commander of the betrayal of the Pluto.

A few hours later.

The red-faced old man, Gao Ning, and the body of the little commander He Wei, who betrayed the Pluto organization, hung upside down on the gate of the dead tomb city. For a moment, he was alarmed by the tomb of the tomb.

The body was Zhang Long, and Malayui personally hanged it up.

The death of the two is terrible.

Many people have read and want to vomit.

The original tomb of the deadly tomb, suddenly quiet a lot, the city, a repression.

When night falls, Huang Xiaolong is on the street of the dead tomb city riding on the red flame unicorn.

"Refining Hongmeng to treasure." Huang Xiaolong blinked.

Before killing Gao Ning and He Wei, Huang Xiaolong searched the memory of two people. From the memory of the two people, Huang Xiaolong learned a lot about the Jiuyin family.

One of them is about the nine yin ancestors and the road rafts are working together to refine a Hongmeng treasure, although I don’t know what kind of Hongmeng treasure, but once the refining is successful, then the road and the nine yin long eclipse Unparalleled can use the law power of Hongmengbao to advance to break through the realm of the Emperor.

If so, it is indeed a trouble.

Huang Xiaolong thought about this, and unwittingly, he rode the red flame unicorn to the front of a mountain.

The whole mountain is red and red, like a piece of red iron.

"Dead volcano?" Huang Xiaolong.

This should be the famous extinct volcano in the dead tomb city.

This extinct volcano is integrated with the dead tomb city. As for why it can continue to erupt in the past 10 billion years, no one can really find out the reason.

After standing for a while, Huang Xiaolong rode the red flame unicorn to the crater of the top of the dead volcano.

Within the dead volcano, there are tens of thousands of cultivation chambers. As long as they pay a certain spiritual stone, they can enter and cultivate. Of course, the location of the chamber is different, the degree of richness of the molten gas is different, and the required spiritual stones are different.

When Huang Xiaolong came to the crater, they were stopped by the dead city guards who were guarding the crater.

"Give me the lowest level of the training room, I will use it for a month." Huang Xiaolong threw a space ring to the captain of the city guard, which is exactly thirty pieces of chaotic stone.

The bottom of the dead volcano, the cultivation room, the best practice, he inquired Zhang Long, one day to have a chaotic Lingshi.

The captain of the city guard swept the 30 pieces of chaotic Lingshi in the space ring, and looked at Huang Xiaolong from above and below. He said: "You are not a family disciple of the dead tomb city. You must have 60 pieces of chaotic Lingshi."

Huang Xiaolong frowned, according to Zhang Long, Ma Lai Rui, no matter who, is the same price, the other party now asks for twice the price. (To be continued.)

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