Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1733: How did he bully you?

When Huang Xiaolong wanted to come, the only way and opportunity was that he also entered the gate of Jiuyin when he arrived, waiting for the opportunity to take the eclipse, search his memory, and get the secret of opening the treasure house of Jiuyin.

However, although some of the lords, elders and elders can enter the gates of the nine yin to practice and sharpen, but the number of places is not much, the quotas are generally prepared for the pro-disciples of the emperor's ancestors.

There is no background like Luo Haoming, and there is no place to enter.

Huang Xiaolong brows a lock.

Do you want to change your identity?

However, now I am looking for a suitable identity from the elders of the Jiuyin family. Some of them are in a hurry. Moreover, the quota is still undecided. I don’t know what the elders of the sixth-order late stage can enter the Jiuyin. The door.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was upset, Yang Lan came to the outside of the forbidden corpse of the Jiuyin family.

The eclipse that was cultivated in the corpse was seen by Yang Lan, and he jumped into the face of Yang Lan.

"Yang Yang, what's wrong?" The eclipse of seeing Yang Yan was a little mad, and he couldn't help but feel strange.

Yang Lan whispered a little mouth: "Someone bullied me."

That way, seeing the eclipse and sighing and laughing: "Who else in this undead world dare to bully my Yang Hao baby? Who is bullying you, tell me, I will help you pack him." The tone is quite relaxed.

He can see that Yang Lan should not suffer any major grievances. Otherwise, he will not only complain to himself here.

Yang Lanjiao snorted and said: "It is the elders of our family, Luo Haoming."

"Luo Haoming?" eclipsed the yin, then smiled: "How did he bully you?"

This Luo Haoming, he knows.

Yang Lan whispered to Huang Xiaolong to save Fang Mingyu in the city that never sleeps, and then she went to the wolf palace to say to Huang Xiaolong's dignitaries.

This Yang Lan did not add oil and vinegar, but just said things truthfully.

"Na Luo Haoming is really abhorrent. He not only threw my baby whip, but also kept staring at people here." Yang Lan said "evil".

The eclipse was heard, and I couldn’t help but look at the two tall, tall meats on the chest.

"You are also abominable." Yang Yan saw the eclipse of the eclipse, reached out and grasped the eclipse of the yin waist, and then twisted.

The eclipse is a bitter smile: "My grandmother, you let go first, I have been smashed by you for tens of thousands of times, and they have changed."

Yang Hao did not let go, said: "Then you said, this gas, you can not help me out."

The eclipse thought and thought: "This Luo Haoming, he is a elder, the status is not low, and he is right, I am a minority patriarch, and can not punish him freely for no reason, just strange, you are not This Luo Haoming opponent? This Luo Haoming strength is so high?"

This is his doubt.

"That's it, after a month, isn't it necessary to open the door of Jiuyin? When you get there, you will give him a quota and let him join us in the door of Jiuyin." Yang Hao turned his eyes and smiled. .

"Let him enter the door of Jiuyin?" The eclipse smashed, and then smiled: "Well, it depends on you."

He understood the meaning of Yang Lan. Since he couldn't clearly clean up Luo Haoming, he would wait for the other party to enter the gate of Jiuyin and clean it up.

"However, I can make it clear that I waited for the door of Jiuyin. How to clean up the Luo Haoming, I can't kill it."

When he died, a father would be traced. If his father knew that they had killed a family of elders for a little thing, his father would be angry.

"I know, when I get him, let him cry, let him cry, let him go crazy, just don't kill him, so it's OK." Yang Xiao smiled and said: "This time you enter the gate of Jiuyin, you should be able to break through. The land of the Great?"

The eclipse yelled and laughed: "This is nature. I have been stuck for tens of thousands of years at the peak of the tenth step of Tianjun. The accumulation of laws is enough. This time I entered the gate of Jiuyin, borrowing the soul of the soul, it is inevitable. In one fell swoop, I broke into the realm of the Emperor." Speaking of this, staring at Yang Lan: "You can rest assured that when you break through the realm of the Emperor, I will marry you and complete our marriage."

Yang Lan suddenly looked blank: "Unfortunately, Master, the old man can no longer see that day." The eyes are rosy.

The eclipse remembered this, and both eyes hated: "You can rest assured that the ancestors said that when he killed Dewey, he would hang his body on the gate of our Jiuyin family headquarters, and invite the strong parties to come and watch. ""

Yang Lan nodded and hated: "Unfortunately, I can't kill the dog thing by myself."


Two days later.

Huang Xiaolong was practicing in the No Wolf Palace and suddenly received a letter from the Jiuyin family.

This newsletter is about the number of places in the Jiuyin Gate that will be opened soon.

To be seen, he was also included in the quota, and Huang Xiaolong could not help but be surprised.

"What happened?" Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

It is said that he is unlikely to have a place to enter the ranks of Jiuyin.

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment, sending a letter to the flood giant Taiyue to check how this happened. Soon, there was news that the flood giant Taiyue wrote back to the letter, saying that the matter was the eclipse of the Jiuyin family. Personally mentioning the ancestors of the An’s ranking, Luo Haoming should be included in the quota.

"Erosion?" Huang Xiaolong instantly figured out before and after.

It should be that Yang Lan’s woman proposed to the eclipse, and the woman must have thought of repairing herself.

After thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong laughed. When he said this, he really wanted to thank Yang Lan’s woman. He didn’t know how to enter the door of Jiuyin.

Huang Xiaolong concentrates on cultivation in the wolf-free palace, waiting for the opening of the door of Jiuyin.

More than 20 days passed away, and soon, it was the day when the door of Jiuyin was opened.

Huang Xiaolong arrived at the designated square early.

However, when Huang Xiaolong came, the Jiuyin family had come to a number of lords, elders and elders. Because Luo Haoming was rarely associated with people, after the arrival, there was no one, the elders, the elders and the elders. Greetings, only a few nodded with no salty.

Huang Xiaolong came to the corner of the square to stay.

As time went by, there were many lords, elders and elders.

There are not many places to enter the gate of Jiuyin this time, a total of one thousand people.

Suddenly, the crowd was commotion.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the crowd and saw that the eclipse was flying from a distance under the crowd of a group of nine Yin and the masters. Yang Lan was in parallel with it.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are awkward, and the eclipse is full of emotions and looks full of smiles.

"Little patriarch!"

"I have seen a few patriarchs!"

In the distance, the lords of the temple, the elders and the elders of the elders respectfully nicked the eclipse.

The eclipse of the eclipse smiled and nodded to everyone. (To be continued.)

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