Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1736: Tell the ancestors soon!

The eclipse is a smile: "The ancestors and fathers are refining Hongmeng to the treasure. We will not report them to this matter. When we get the three flowers, we will give the ancestors and fathers a big surprise. Wouldn’t it be better to report it again?”

Yang Xiao smiled and said: "That's good, but there is a lot of corpse souls, we still have to be careful."

The eclipse has nodded.

"Go, we will pass now." The eclipse was standing up, and some were impatient. For the three flowers, he was not in a hurry.

That is the first **** flower in the world.

With this flower, maybe the strength of their ancestors will be even greater. At that time, the king of the gods of the gods will be a fart.

At the moment, under the road of Yang Sihai, the eclipse, Yang Lan and others began to leave.

However, under the circumstance, the eclipse has brought four senior emperors to go with the ancestors, and there are two people, or the tenth order of the great emperor, the late tenth stage of a great emperor, and the tenth middle stage of a great emperor.

Soon, a few people in the eclipse came to the mountain where the three flowers were growing.

“Just here?” asked the eclipse.

Yang Sihai respectfully said: "Yes, the young patriarch is there." One finger in front of the cliff.

A few people in the eclipse of the eclipse flashed into the face of the cliff.

"There are traces of being dug up." The eclipse of the eclipse flashed, and joy said: "And there is a strange space-time force around this wall, which should be owned by Sanshenghua."

"Well, Yang Sihai, you have made great achievements, great achievements, you can rest assured that when I will report to my ancestors and fathers, I will greatly reward you." Eclipse yin turned to Yang Shihai and laughed. .

"It is a small patriarch." Yang Sihai looked "happy" and was very happy.

"This Luo Haoming should not go far, wear all the ancestors, you use the secret method, give me the full force to find this Luo Haoming!" Eclipse yin to an ancestor behind him.

Dai Quan is the tenth-order late ancestor who followed him.

"The young patriarchs are at ease." Dai Quan smiled: "I will use the ancient suffocation method to find out the atmosphere of Luo Haoming." After that, the hands waved, and the mysterious runes appeared.

These mysterious runes slowly gathered into a stream.

"go with!"

Wearing a full wave of hands, the runes that converge into a creek instantly emptied away and disappeared in front of everyone.

In less than a minute, Dai Quan smiled and said to the eclipse: "The young patriarch, Na Luohaoming has found it, just in front of a mountain peak not far from the cave."

The eclipse screamed and laughed: "This Luo Haoming is smart and wrong. He thinks he is hiding nearby. We will search far away?"

"Go, let's go and get that Luo Haoming out!"

A few people eroded and smashed.

"Erosion, this Luo Haoming for a treasure, actually committed the following, seriously injured Yang Sihai, and after receiving such a treasure, did not turn in, no matter which one, is a crime of death." On the road, Yang Lan began.

Because of the previous Yang Jun, she did not like this Luo Haoming, but there was no reason before, she could not arbitrarily kill each other. Now, with this, it is nothing to kill Luo Haoming.

The eclipse was heard and laughed. "When you catch the Luo Haoming, how do you deal with it? If you want to kill him, you will kill him. If you want to torture and kill, you must torture and kill."

Yang Xiaomei opened his eyes and smiled: "I know that you hurt me the most."

When the two talked and laughed, they came to the mountain where the ancestors Dai Quan determined.

"It is the cave." Dai Quan refers to the mountain peak and halfway up the mountain.

The eclipse looked at it and smiled. "This cave is indeed hidden. However, we don't have to go in, just flatten the mountain and let Na Luohao Ming come out."

Dai Quanying is, a finger flicks, suddenly, a very unmatched gray light burst out, such as a huge gray blade, instantly flatten the mountain.

A figure flew out of the air and appeared in front of the eclipse and others.

The eclipse looked at Luo Haoming who was "forced" and laughed: "Luo Haoming, you are not afraid, you can't turn in the three flowers, and for the sake of the three flowers, you can attack and seriously hurt the owner Yang Sihai."

Then Yang Lan also said: "Give the flowers of Sansheng, let's talk, how do you want to die!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and looked at the eclipse and Yang Lan: "I want to die, I am afraid that the two will not kill me." This is not a fake, Huang Xiaolong who has the heart of **** even standing there, let alone The eclipse and Yang Lan both used all means and used all their power to kill him.

Eroded yin, Yang Lan, and Dai Quan and others can't help.

The eclipse of the eclipse is staring at Huang Xiaolong, and the eyes are faint and radiant, as if to see Huang Xiaolong.

"You are not Luo Haoming!" Suddenly, that is all open.

"Yes, I am not Luo Haoming." Huang Xiaolong smiled.

At this time, there is no need to cover up.

Everyone has a glimpse.

"It turned out!" Yang Lan suddenly wanted to understand something, and said coldly: "No wonder."

When there was no wolf palace before, she still wondered how this Luo Haoming strength would be higher than her.

The eclipse is staring at Huang Xiaolong: "So, did you deliberately lead us over?" When it came to this, his eyes suddenly fell on Yang Sihai: "Yang Sihai, he colluded with you!"

"I can't talk about collusion, he is only controlled by my mystery." Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

A few people in the Jiuyin family ancestors Dai Quan looked suspicious, Yang Sihai was controlled? They could not see it.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and it was a finger. The finger force suddenly penetrated the Yang Sihai eyebrow, and Yang Sihai fell down.

"You!" A few people were shocked by the eclipse. I didn't expect Huang Xiaolong to suddenly kill Yang Sihai.

"Who are you?!" The eclipse is cold and cold. Although Huang Xiaolong showed his surprise, he still didn't pay much attention to it. After all, here is the space of Jiuyin, and he has several high-end emperors around him. Master, and his ancestors eclipsed and his father was in the land of corpse.

"Who am I?" Huang Xiaolong smiled, his body shape and appearance changed.

"You, Dewey!" The eclipse looked stunned and screamed.

In the Battle of the Sea, he was almost killed by Huang Xiaolong. Although after the World War I, he kept saying that Huang Xiaolong had to smash the corpse, but in that battle, Huang Xiaolong’s horror was branded in the depths of his soul, so I saw it. Huang Xiaolong, he can hardly control his inner fear.

"Chen Neng Tong, you protect the young patriarchs! Let's inform the ancestors!" Suddenly, Dai Dai suddenly slammed into Huang Xiaolong and yelled at several other ancestors.

However, he just shot, and saw the city of the ancients flew out of the body of Huang Xiaolong. (To be continued.)

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