Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1744: Fang Gan disappeared

this is? !

Huang Xiaolong looked at the heart of **** in amazement. At this time, the heart of **** exudes a burst of dark light, and the darkness of the light, as if it contains a different color, is so beautiful and so charming.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the palace. There is something in this palace that can actually evoke his **** heart!

However, just as Huang Xiaolong lifted his footsteps and continued to approach the palace, suddenly, a strong force came in, and Huang Xiaolong was shocked. The three most supreme gods were fully motivated. However, this is still the strength of the strong. The earthquake retreated back and forth and went straight for hundreds of meters.

At the same time, an evil, cold cold cold instantly invaded the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's Yuanlong deity and three kinds of demon gods can't resist this cold invasion!

Almost instantaneously, Huang Xiaolong's hair, eyebrows, and even the nostrils also formed ice, a black ice.

The blood of Huang Xiaolong was frozen, and the soul of God was almost frozen to stop.

this is!

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. At this time, the heart of **** slowly swayed, and the darkness of the road shone. The evil, the coldness of the cold, slowly dissipated, and the blood of Huang Xiaolong’s body was slowly recovered.

Huang Xiaolong's **** spirit is restored.

This is the case, Huang Xiaolong also has a cold sweat, and there is a feeling of rest for the rest of his life.

This is the first time he has encountered a dangerous moment after he passed the inheritance of Hell Lord.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the palace of the dark king in front of him with amazement. Just now, he could not see the palace ban, and the palace was banned so much.

If he didn't have the heart of hell, I don't know what will happen next.

Thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong called out of paradise.

Heaven power is all darkness, all evil things nemesis, the effect of prohibiting the palace of the dark king with heaven should be better than the effect of the ancient city.

After heaven came to the palace of the King of Darkness, the fourteenth light tomorrow made it to Huang Xiaolong's command, and fully urged the Liuling of Heaven.

Suddenly, countless bright energy, such as the water of the Tianhe River, rolled down and rushed to the Palace of the Dark King.

But at this moment, a group of amazing darkness flies out of the palace of the Dark King, forming a dark column of light, which blocks the bright energy of heaven!


Then, Huang Xiaolong saw that the dark light column was constantly rotating and rising, and the light energy of heaven was gradually pushed back step by step!

Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

How could this be!

Even the 14-day paradise that was hosted by Bright tomorrow could not resist the dark power of the palace!

Seeing that the dark light column was getting closer and closer, Huang Xiaolong had only one hand and took heaven back.

Fortunately, after the heavens were withdrawn, the dark pillars of light were also retracted to the palace of the Dark Lord.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes flickered, and then the city of the ancient times was also called out, together with heaven, rushed to the palace of the dark king.

As before, the dark light column appeared, blocking the ancient city and heavenly bombardment, but this time, the dark light column could not be approached.

However, the ancient city and heaven cannot break the dark pillar.

The stalemate is there.

After a few dozen minutes, Huang Xiaolong had no choice but to take back the city and paradise.

Unwilling to do so, Huang Xiaolong tried other methods, but still could not break the prohibition of the palace of the dark king. After a few days, Huang Xiaolong had no choice but to withdraw from the inner hall.

It seems that I can only wait for him to improve his strength in the future.

After coming out, Huang Xiaolong asked the four who were waiting outside, but the four did not know what was in the palace of the Dark King.

Moreover, for the memory of the demon god, the four are not as much as they know, as if the memory of the demon **** is almost cleared.

Huang Xiaolong searched the memory of four people, and sure enough.

With doubts, Huang Xiaolong did not come out from the ground with four.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the field outside the demon battlefield, watching the big ghost hole under the ghosts and gods, and stayed for a while, then let the 14-wing light tomorrow set the defensive array around.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong took four without leaving.

Now, there are still more than seven months from the Battle of Heaven. It takes more than ten days to return to the Imperial Palace, and return to the Imperial Palace, just in time to catch up with the disciples of the Heavenly Court.

According to the past situation, the Imperial Palace will go to heaven to participate in the battle of heaven in the first half of the year. After all, it will take a lot of time to go to the heaven court from the Imperial Palace.

Not long after leaving the valley, Huang Xiaolong took out the small spaceship of the top of the black dragon throne, and then sat up.

The black dragon throne was spurred by the big array. Suddenly, the Black Dragon throne turned into a black streamer with Huang Xiaolong and disappeared into the battlefield outside the field.

Four are not following the four people closely behind.

At this time, unlike the breath convergence, the shape of the thousand feet has been reduced, and the height is only two meters high. Although it looks strange, it is not too eye-catching.

After all, the gods are big and there are quite a few strange races.

All the way through.

After the Vientiane God plane, Huang Xiaolong stayed for a few minutes and then continued on his way.

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong entered the star field ruled by the Imperial Palace.

Another day later, Huang Xiaolong came to the face of the snow god, looking at the face of the snow god, Huang Xiaolong remembered the big squad that the little girl said that year, and the ruins of the wild had hidden treasures left by the great emperor.

After stopping for a moment, Huang Xiaolong came to the face of the snow god. Since passing by, he went to see the big ruins, and he couldn’t help but wonder about the treasure left by the great emperor.

Moreover, it was too late, so I stayed here for one night. He still had a Tai Cang Mansion in the Snowy City, or was given to him by the Silver Snow Chamber of Commerce. He had not seen it for many years.

After entering the face of the snow god, watching the familiar white snow, Huang Xiaolong reached out, the snow fell on the palm of his hand, cool.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong and Si did not appear in the snow city.

Entering the Snow City, Huang Xiaolong walked along the street.

"I heard that it was unknown that the emperor's emperor's emperor's whereabouts were lost and disappeared."

"Lian Fanggan has also disappeared? In recent years, there have been more than a dozen imperial palace emperors missing, and now it is a mystery."

In front, the voices of several family disciples passed into the ears of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s face changed and Fang’s disappeared? !

And not only the square, but also other emperors more than a dozen emperors?

More than a dozen emperors are missing, this is not a trivial matter! And the battle of heaven is near, but it is missing at this time.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and he stopped the family disciples. (To be continued.)

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