Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1748: Don't say I won't give you a chance.

Originally, I was very excited. The other disciples who were going to Huang Xiaolong rushed over and saw this scene. They were all shocked and suddenly braked. How urgent is it to be urgent.

These disciples of the Imperial Palace stopped there and sweated all over the body.

Scared the baby!

However, they just stopped, suddenly, they saw Huang Xiaolong raise his hand again, their eyes were terrified, just shouting, Huang Xiaolong hands holding a void.

These disciples of the emperor's palace have burst into a **** fog.

These hundreds of disciples of the emperor's palace are the disciples of the Xueyue Temple. The Xueyue Hall has been serving the morning for Zhou Chen. Therefore, for these Xueyue Temple disciples, Huang Xiaolong will not be polite.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not kill all of them, but left one.

I saw the unspoken Xueyue Temple disciple watching the **** fog floating around, his legs shaking, and a stream flowing down from his trouser legs.

It was wet!

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and took a photo with one hand. He took the photo to himself in front of him. A burst of urine smell came from, and Huang Xiaolong directly searched the soul.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong will search the soul.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold and flashing. From the memory of this Xueyuedian disciple, Zhou Chen actually turned Fang Fang, Peng Yu, Fang Mingyu, and his master Zhao Lei, Jin Mei, blood knife, his brother Chen Hao and others all imprisoned. !

In particular, his master Zhao Lei, Jin Mei, blood knife and his brother Chen Hao were locked in the bottom of the jail of the Imperial Palace!

At the bottom, that is the heaviest layer of punishment.

Under the instructions of Zhou Chen, the disciples who guarded the prison tortured his master Zhao Lei several times every day.

"Zhou Chen!" Huang Xiaolong killed the stunned, the flames of the palms flashed, and the disciple of the Xueyue Temple turned into ashes.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed, and he did not like to continue to fly into the palace of emperor.

Because of the imprisonment, the palaces of Peng and two women were the most recent, so Huang Xiaolong first came to imprison the palace of two women.

Along the way, the disciples of the Emperor of the Imperial Palace saw that Huang Xiaolong was a "wolf" big hair and rushed over desperately.

Below the Tianjun, Huang Xiaolong directly shot, or killed, or pinched, or shot, or fainted.

Above Tianjun, Huang Xiaolong did not make four shots. Before the battle of heaven, he did not want to expose his strength too much.

The disciples of Xueyue Temple and some of the elders, elders, and Huang Xiaolong who made the life of Zhou Chen did not kill them directly, and blew them. As for the others, they all flew and stunned.

Huang Xiaolong is like a tiger into the wolves, and it is unstoppable.

Soon, he came to the palace of imprisonment, Peng Yu and two women.

Within the palace, Fang Wei and Peng Yu are thinking about how to break the palace ban and suddenly hear the screams outside, and they can't help.

This scream is clearly a disciple of the Imperial Palace who is outside.

what happened?

Immediately, the two women saw a young black-haired man rushing in from outside the palace.

"Little Dragon!"

When I saw the young black-haired young people, they were the dreams of Huang Xiaolong. The two women shouted in unison and Huo Ran stood up.

But then, the two women's faces changed.

"Little dragon, you run fast, run away! Zhou Chen offers you a reward!" Fang Hao screamed.

At the same time, Peng Yu anxiously cried: "You don't care about us, you can quickly escape, and ask the silver fox chamber of commerce, Bei Xiaomei's sister for help! If you can't escape, you can't get out!"

Huang Xiaolong saw that both women were worried about themselves. When they saw what they thought, they were going to flee, not to fall in the hands of Zhou Chen, and they could not help but feel warm.

Huang Xiaolong smiled at the two women and shook his head: "I don't escape, I won't leave you behind."

The two women glanced at each other and heard that Huang Xiaolong said that they would not leave two people, and their hearts were sweet.

However, the two women are about to open their mouths to persuade Huang Xiaolong to escape. Suddenly, a round of applause sounded and the applause was very loud.

Fang Wei, Peng Yuyi, looked at it, and saw Sun Shihai marching into the palace with his palms, and behind Sun Shihai, followed by the descendants of the temple, Gong Sun, and so on.

Sun Shihai heard the following disciple's report, saying that Huang Xiaolong was back. He was with the grandson of the temple, Gong Sunchi and others. After listening to it, he and Ji Gongqi and others suddenly rushed over.

Fang Wei, Peng Yujian is Sun Shihai, Gong Sunchi and others, and his face has changed dramatically.

"It’s really touching." After coming in, Sun Shihai looked at Huang Xiaolong with a smile and said: "Huang Xiaolong, your hero saves the beauty, even the life is not even care, even I am moved very much, but unfortunately, unfortunately."

Sun Shihai said this, shook his head and looked at Huang Xiaolong with a look of pity: "Unfortunately, you will die soon, I will take you down, in front of Peng Yu, cut your flesh and knife, right. And you are below, cut down together, think about waiting for you to scream, it is really exciting and looking forward to."

Huang Xiaolong heard it and laughed. It seemed that he was not angry at all: "You are so sure to cut my flesh?"

Sun Shihai laughed and looked at the four heads behind Huang Xiaolong. He smiled and said: "Huang Xiaolong, I know that the strength of these four monsters behind you is not weak. There should be a high-ranking strength of Tianjun. Even the elders of the Kowloon Imperial Palace can kill. However, do you think that they are the opponents of the grandson of the grandson?"

Gongsun Chi, Tianjun ten-stage late peak master, once escaped a life in the hands of the strongest early stage of the great emperor.

A peak of the tenth-order late stage of the heavenly king can escape from the hands of the great emperor in the first stage of the emperor. It is rare, but the strength of this grandson is strong.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on Gongsun’s body.

At this time, Gong Sunchi stood up and said to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, you still want to smash it, as long as you are shackled, I plead with Zhou Chen's ancestors and ask for the life of Zhou Chen's ancestors."

At the beginning, Huang Xiaolong from the branch to make the Imperial Palace to participate in the assessment, the performance is amazing, Gongsun Chi also once argued with the Pharmacy Hall to accept Huang Xiaolong as a disciple, so for Huang Xiaolong, he still has a different kind of "feelings", he can do It is to ask for not killing Huang Xiaolong in the morning.

Sun Shihai is a wrinkle, and he is equating to the grandson: "The grandson of the grandson, pay attention to your current identity. Huang Xiaolong is now a traitor to the emperor. Like this traitor, there is no need to ask for him!" Speaking of this, Sun Shihai’s eyes Warfare looked at Huang Xiaolong arrogantly: "Huang Xiaolong, don't say I won't give you a chance. If you can beat me, I will tell my master, let you die a little bit more."

Sun Shihai’s body momentum rose wildly, and the palace was bursting around.

Tianjun first stage late!

Huang Xiaolong was amazed.

I did not expect that this Sun Shihai actually broke through to Tianjun, and reached the late stage of Tianjun, no wonder dare to open a big mouth.

At this time, Sun Shihai looked at Huang Xiaolong with blood in his eyes. For a long time, Huang Xiaolong was his shameful shame. In recent years, in order to defeat Huang Xiaolong, in order to speed up his strength, he did not hesitate to practice the secrets that his master gave him in the morning, extracting and consuming his talent. .

With his constant efforts, he finally broke through Tianjun, and now he has reached the late stage of Tianjun.

He wants to defeat Huang Xiaolong before killing Huang Xiaolong. Otherwise, he will not be reconciled in his life. (To be continued.)

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