Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1753: Swallowing Sun Shihai

Photographed by Huang Xiaolong, he looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was close at hand. Sun Shihai’s face was difficult to hide his fears, especially when he looked at the four four behind him, Sun Shihai was scared and his limbs were shaking. dancing?

Just now, the four did not like a palm to fly in the morning, to kill the black people with the ravages of the dead, he saw very clearly.

He has already scared his courage.

What is not reconciled, what hate, what to beat you personally, these he has long forgotten.

"Yellow, Huang Xiaolong, no, no, Huang predecessor, you spared me, I will never dare, I dare not fight with you, Peng Yu is yours, only you can deserve to be Peng Yu, I Just want to eat swan meat, I am not a person, you should be a fart, spare me, don't kill me!" Sun Shihai cried for mercy, his voice trembled, incoherent.

Next to Peng Yu heard shy and angry, she looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked indifferently at Sun Shihai.

Sun Shihai’s fearful attitude is not pretending. Huang Xiaolong can sense the boundless fear in his heart. The scene just now should have scared him away.


"Yellow predecessor?" Huang Xiaolong said: "Sun Shihai, what do you mean, I am so old?"

Sun Shihai stayed, and rushed to the road: "No, it is Huang Shaoxia, Huang Shaoxia! My mouth is stunned, I am confused for a while, I am an idiot!"

Looking at Sun Shihai's funny, panic-like look, Peng Yu hated his hate, and suddenly "snapped" and laughed out loud.

Huang Xiaolong is stunned.

Peng Yu is full of blush.

However, Huang Xiaolong is too lazy to use this nonsense with Sun Shihai to directly search for the soul. He can't search Zhou Chen, but it is easy for Sun Shihai.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong will search for the soul.

However, from the memory of Sun Shihai, Huang Xiaolong also did not get anything useful.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong's deity of the deity of the gods was swallowed up by force. Suddenly, Sun Shihai's whole body was divine, and all the blood was rushed out and poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Sun Shihai continued to dry up.

After only a few breaths, it became a dry corpse.

Sun Shihai's eyes are round and round, and his face is unwilling, unbelievable, struggling, hateful, and remorseful.

Huang Xiaolong threw it and threw his body to the side.

Li Shan, Chen Yirong saw his face changed his face.

Huang Xiaolong turned to look at Zhou Chen, Hurt, Chen special envoy, thought about it, did not devour a few people, the heart of hell, the dark energy urged, the hand pointed, the force penetrated Zhou Chenmei, I saw Hell The dark energy began to corrode at an alarming rate from the morning of the morning, and it eroded all over the body.

The whole body is constantly corroded, and it is corroded by the dark energy of hell. The pain is very imaginable. It is screaming in the morning and rolling over the ground.

Nahte, Chen’s special envoy, looked at the screaming and tumbling week, and was eroded by the darkness little by little. Rao was determined by his heart and his face changed.

Then, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand, as in the case of the system, pointing to the hole and wearing the Hert, Chen specially made the eyebrows, and soon, the two screamed on the ground like Zhou Chen.

Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent.

After breaking through the high level of Tianjun, the blood of the three demon gods awakened, in order not to affect the blood of the demon god, so he can only swallow the strong person who has the blood of the demon god, which is why he killed several people in the morning without devouring. the reason.

Although Zhou Chen is a high-ranking emperor in the morning, but the blood is inferior, after he swallowed, he will be integrated into his blood, but it will make his devil's blood power drop.

Soon, the three people stopped screaming and rolling in the morning, and on the ground, only the shallow black light fog of the three beaches was left, and the light and fog slowly dissipated.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Shan and Chen Yirong in the distance: "You two, come over."

Li Shan and Chen Yirong heard the words, such as being struck by lightning, panic and then retreating, shaking their heads indiscriminately, watching Huang Xiaolong like watching the horror of death.

"If you want to live, you will roll over." Huang Xiaolong's eyes were cold.

Li Shan and Chen Yirong both stopped physically and suddenly, and their faces turned pale and clear. This carefully walked to Huang Xiaolong.

"Yellow, Huang Shaoxia." The two shouted weakly, and they looked respectfully and looked awkward.

Listening to the two people calling themselves a few heroes, and then looking at the two people's look, Huang Xiaolong is so angry and funny.

"Xiaolong, my master, he is just a moment of confusion, you let him go?" At this time, Peng Yu came to Huang Xiaolong, biting his teeth and opening his mouth.

Li Shan heard the words and was ashamed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to Peng Yu and gave him a reassuring look. He turned to Li Shan and Chen Yirong two people: "You swear by the heavens, and you will not betray the palace of emperor in the future, and promise that today's things will not leak out." ”

Li Shan and Chen Yirong heard the words, even if they said anything more, they quickly swear in the name of Tiandao, and always loyal to the imperial palace, will not betray the palace of emperor, and promise not to disclose the matter today.

After Li Shan and Chen Yirong swore, Huang Xiaolong asked the two to clean up the scene, and at the same time let the two ordered all the disciples outside to swear by the heavens.

The two naturally panic and respectful.

After doing all this, Huang Xiaolong took Fang Biao and Peng Yu and two women went to the imperial palace to imprison, to rescue Master Zhao Lei, Jin Mei, blood knife and his brother Chen Hao.

Four is not like following Huang Xiaolong.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong told Fang Hao about the party.

Fang Wei listened to his father’s whereabouts, and he could not help but look up.

"Hey, you don't have to worry too much, Fang Feifu should still be in the realm of the gods, I will find the uncle of the party as soon as possible." Huang Xiaolong said with relief.

Fang Yiqiang Yan Yixiao, looked at Huang Xiaolong with a soft look: "Thank you, Xiaolong, say it, my brother's business, I haven't thank you yet."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "You don't have to be polite with me."

At this time, Peng Yu’s eyes twitched playfully and smiled. “I said, hey, you really have to thank Xiaolong, or, how about you?”

Huang Xiaolong has a glimpse.

Fang Hao Qiao is blushing and angered: "Well, this little girl, Xiao Long also saved you, I think you have to be with you, as long as you get along with you, I will make it to you."

Huang Xiaolong is sweaty and does not squint.

The two women are all the same.

Fortunately, the prison was not far away. Several people of Huang Xiaolong arrived soon. The disciples who were in prison saw Huang Xiaolong and others coming. They were about to go forward to ask questions, and they were directly flung by Huang Xiaolong.

All the way, Huang Xiaolong and others entered the jail, first saved Fang Mingyu on the first floor of the prison. Although Fang Mingyu was detained on the first floor, but did not suffer any punishment, after Fang Yu explained, Fang Mingyu knew the young black man in front of him. It was Huang Xiaolong who saved him when he was in hell.

Not everyone talked about the old, and soon came to the bottom of the prison. (To be continued.)

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