Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1755: Departure to heaven

In Zhao Lei, Fang Mingyu, a few people were stupid, and Huang Xiaolong went out of jail.

When I returned to the palace, Li Shan and Chen Yirong had already cleaned up the scene. The body of the black man who had been smothered by the blood was not seen, and there was no **** smell. I could not see that there had been intense fighting.

Even the walls of the destroyed palaces have been initially restored.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he nodded secretly. This Lishan and Chen Yirong were very efficient in their work.

Li Shan and Chen Yirong both came back to Huang Xiaolong and hurriedly greeted them. Xiao Gong said: "Huang Shaoxia, you are back."

If they are in the same place, they will wait for Huang Xiaolong.

No way, no Huang Xiaolong allowed, they really did not dare to leave.

Zhao Lei, Fang Mingyu saw Li Shan, Chen Yirong like a slave to Huang Xiaolong nodded and laughed, could not help but stay.

"The scene was cleaned up well." Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Those disciples have sworn?"

"All swears, no one leaks." Li Shan and Chen Yirong rushed to answer, and then rushed to ask: "I don't know what Huang Shaoxia ordered?"

Zhao Lei is a few people.

Huang Xiaolong said: "All the disciples of the Xueyue Temple were detained. The prisoners of the emperor's palace were first detained. Those who dare to resist, all killed on the spot, especially the Yanyue Temple Lord Yan Ying, must not let her escape."

"Huang Shaoxia, you can rest assured that we have already watched Yan Ying, we are now letting people and her disciples of Xue Yue Temple get down!" Li Shan hurry.

"Huang Shaoxia, you see, do we want to open a big battle now, forbid all disciples to go in and out, in case there is a party to escape in the morning?" Chen Yirong also showed his way.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Chen Yirong and said: "The order is passed down, and the big battles will be opened. Temporary access is forbidden. If there is any dissatisfaction, they will be dealt with by the party in the morning."

Later, Huang Xiaolong told Li Shan and Chen Yirong that they had some matters, and the two respectfully went to death.

Looking at Li Shan, Chen Yirong's fart, and a happy face, Zhao Lei, Chen Hao Zhang Zhang mouth, like a dream.

It is night and the night is quiet.

At the top of his own palace house in God, Huang Xiaolong stood in the wind.

The night is quiet, but Huang Xiaolong’s heart can’t stand still.

The battle of heaven is near, and Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts are impetuous. He is always uneasy.

For the mysterious respect, although Zhou Chen did not know his identity, but Huang Xiaolong integrated the two to meet the dialogue, but there is some faint speculation.

Moreover, there are not many people like Hu Er, who are the special envoys of the late tenth-order emperor. The nearly 30 emperors are high-ranking, such forces, such power is definitely not owned by the evil gods.

Jiuyin giant corpse!

Only the nine yin corpse family has this strength!

Moreover, from the dialogue between Zhou Zun and Zhou Chen, it can be seen that this statue is on the plot of the gods. Then, the identity of this statue is ready to come out, and the ancestors of Jiuyin are eclipsed!

The recent disappearance of more than a dozen great emperors seems to be related to the Jiuyin corpse.

The forces of the Jiuyin giant corpse far exceed the imagination of Huang Xiaolong.

Even Zhou Zhou is the spy of the nine yin corpse, then, other emperors in the realm of the gods must also have the spies of the nine yin corpse, and absolutely no more, otherwise it is impossible to disappear a dozen emperors.

It may not even be possible that even the Hongmeng Palace has the spies of the nine yin corpses.

The dozens of great emperors were missing, and the imperial palace had no owner. I am afraid that now, it has already been controlled by the nine yin corpse.

It seems that the nine yin corpse family can not stand it!

However, judging from the dialogue between Zhou Chen and Jiuyin's ancestors, the other party should have two or three thousand years to start the plan. Is it planned to advance?

Is it because of this sudden emergence of the Lord of Hell, let the Jiuyin corpse plan ahead?

Just when Huang Xiaolong thought about the Jiuyin giant corpse, a burst of body fragrance came, Fang Wei, Peng Yu and the two women walked lightly, and they came to Huang Xiaolong.

“What do you want?” Fang Fang asked happily.

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "I wondered what happened to the uncle and other dozens of great emperors."

Two women at a glance.

"What do you mean by saying that it is possible that the forces behind Zhou Chen did it?" Peng Yu asked in amazement.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and then told his two women about his thoughts.

"Jiuyin giant corpse family!" The two women heard that they may be related to the Jiuyin corpse family. They are all pretty and changeable. Anyone who mentions the horror giants of the Jiuyin corpse can't keep calm.

"Then my father, he." Fang Wei immediately dismissed.

"Do not worry, I will contact Xiaomei, let the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce help, find Fang Fangfu and rescue the uncle as soon as possible." Huang Xiaolong said with a sigh: "But after that, the gods are afraid that it will not be flat." ""

As long as the plan of the nine yin corpse is launched, the gods will flow into the river, and many of the imperial palace forces may even be destroyed in the long history.

However, this is not something Huang Xiaolong can stop, at least, he can't stop before he has the power to kill and ruin.

"Xiaolong, Zhou Chen is dead, Jiuyin giant corpse is afraid that it will not stop." Peng Yu said, thinking that the Imperial Palace will be eye-catching by the Jiuyin corpse, she has the feeling of scalp tingling. .

"That's better." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "I am still afraid that the nine yin corpse will not come to me."

He is really true. He is not afraid of the nine yin corpse family to come to him, he is afraid that he will not come. As long as the ancestors of the nine yin ancestors did not come, he guarantees that the nine yin corpses have come back.

However, even Hurt, Chen special envoys have been planted, it is estimated that the nine yin corpse family is not so stupid will come to provoke the creation of the Imperial Palace, at least before the nine yin corpse plan to start completely.

Four days, it will soon pass.

In the past four days, the Emperor's Palace has been cleaned up and down. All the disciples of the Xueyue Temple were arrested and imprisoned. The Yingniu of the Snow Moon Temple was successfully captured.

After the cleanup, Huang Xiaolong let Fang Mingyu, the emperor and his master, Zhao Lei, begin to preside over the overall situation, rectify the imperial palace, and make things for the emperor's palace. Huang Xiaolong is too lazy to manage, and he is happy to sneak.

After another ten days, seeing that the Imperial Palace was completely stabilized, Huang Xiaolong began to depart for heaven.

In the past, the battle of the heavens was led by Fang Gan and Zhou Chen. Due to the disappearance of Fang Gan, Zhou Chen was already dead. Therefore, this time, Zhao Lei and Li Shan led the team.

As for Chen Yirong, he was seated in the Imperial Palace, and Fang Mingyu did not intend to participate, so he stayed in the Imperial Palace.

Taking into account the security issue, Huang Xiaolong left the two heads and did not like Chen Yirong sitting in the palace of the emperor, with two heads that are comparable to the existence of the emperor, and the emperor's palace is solid.

On this day, the wind and the sun, Huang Xiaolong stood in the bow of the dragon shark spacecraft, looking at the direction of heaven.

"Get off!" (To be continued.)

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