Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1759: Came to the heaven terrace

North America certainly didn't know Huang Long's thoughts. She saw Huang Long's look of interest. She couldn't help but say: "Uncle, if you really meet this girl when you arrive, how far do you run, don't fight with him, don't Seeing that he smiled very purely, he was very poisoned."

Huang Long heard the words and laughed.

Fang Wei, Peng Yu also lost his voice.

North America twisted the Huanglong arm, but it didn't make a good breath: "What do you laugh at, people are real, don't think that you have the strength of the middle of the heavens, it is very great, it is a girl who touches this, he has a filigree finger You can poke you."

Huang Long couldn't help it anymore. He laughed and said, "Well, Shantou, I know, your uncle is clever. If you meet this girl, you must run."

This girl, even angry is so beautiful.

Huang Long stared at the angry face of North America, and her heart was bright.

Still come back to the gods.

Huang Long thought in his heart.

In Hell, although he is full of enthusiasm, but it is boring.

"However, although this Zen talent is enchanting, although the strength is very strong, but it is not the hot choice of the first place in the battle of heaven." North America said: "Whoever agrees that this battle of heaven is the first, certainly It is the emperor's view of the emperor. This emperor has a heavenly body. This is the first god. It is the best in the world. He has successfully cultivated the dragon and the dragon, and can get the ancient dragon protector. Some people even have only a few thousand in this life. Years, but many people have reached the tenth order of Heaven!"

Huang Long's eyes are shining.

Heavenly body!

Huang Long took a deep breath.

Yulong**, he knows, his Hongmeng parasitic cockroach is known as the first method of the gods, and this jade dragon ** is known as the second method of the gods!

Of course, there are also people who are not weaker than the parasitic scorpion of the dragon, and can be called the first method of the gods.

This Yulong ** is a practice practiced by the ancient Emperor. However, the modern Emperor did not cultivate this Yulong **. I did not expect this Emperor's view to be successful.

Also, since this emperor has a heavenly god, then the other party must be the first, m. ≥ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒

Because the heavenly gods and the heavenly gods are accompanied by each other.

The sacred **** emperor just sealed the Zen, Huang Long did not really put it on the heart, but now this day, it makes Huang Long feel the pressure.

"This emperor has already broken through the tenth order of Heavenly King?" Huang Long asked: "However, a hundred years ago, I heard people, he is only a middle-class."

A hundred years ago, he did listen to his brother Jiang Hong. This day is only the fifth level of Tianjun.

North American shaking his head: "It is impossible to be a middle-class man. It should be a misinformation. The talent of the emperor's emperor is now at least the tenth step of the heavenly king. However, in addition to the emperor and the evil god, the bright emperor Lan Tailong It is also the hottest candidate for the top three. He listened to the light and sacredness of the Lantailong, and he has cultivated Dacheng, and he has ten wings. Moreover, he also obtained the unsupported inheritance of the Guangming Emperor’s patrons in the forbidden area of ​​the Guangming Imperial Palace. !"

"His strength may be weaker than Fengzen, but it is not much different."

Yellow dragon head.

This Lan Tailong can cultivate the light and sacred ** to the ten wings, and the talent is indeed enchanting.

You must know that he has not yet broken through to the great emperor. After waiting for the great emperor, he will be able to cultivate to the twelve wings.

The heavens are bounded by four heavens, the fourteen wings are the highest, and the twelve wings are already the highest.

Of course, he has the inheritance of heaven, has sixteen wings, and the three wings of Lantailong are two concepts. His sixteen wings are directly passed on, and Lantailong is trying to cultivate and unite.

At this time, the disciples of the evil spirits after the departure came to a palace in Tianjie.

"Fang Zen brother, I did not expect that Huang Long really dare to participate in the battle of heaven." Wang Yongsen confessed to the evil **** emperor, the heart is excited.

He waited for more than a hundred years on this day.

Since the last time he was defeated by Huang Long, he has been extremely shameful. For more than a hundred years, he has been working hard all the time, and he is always thinking about the battle of heaven to defeat Huang Long.

However, he was afraid that Huang Long would not participate, and now see Huang Long appear, rest assured.

The evil **** Emperor Feng Zhan looked at Wang Yongsen: "The yellow dragon is not simple, you still have to heart, Zhou Chen died, Hurt made them die, and now the Imperial Palace is completely blocked, we don't know what is going on, but I always wonder if it will be related to this."

Wang Yongsen smiled: "Fang Zen brothers think too far, how can it be related to Huanglong, Hurt, Chen special envoy is the late tenth stage of the emperor, they can blow Huanglong a hundred times."

The possibility that the evil spirits have sealed their heads is indeed minimal.

"However, your grandfather's death is afraid of being related to Huanglong. Let's check if the middle-aged man has followed Huanglong to come to heaven." The evil **** emperor sealed the meditation.

At that time, the evil spirits palace dispatched Wang Yongsen's grandfather Wang Qi to kill Huanglong. Later, Wang Qi was killed, and the evil spirits palace was suspicious. Later, there was news that in the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, Huang Long’s hands were suddenly shaken back to the Ming Emperor Palace. Peng Xingfei, the ancestor of the fourth stage.

It is also this news that the evil spirits palace suspected that Wang Qi was killed by Huang Long’s unmoved middle-aged man.

When he mentioned that his grandfather was killed, Wang Yongsen’s eyes were full of killings. He said: “Relax, seal the Zen brother, I will make people investigate. This time, Huanglong and the people of the Imperial Palace can’t escape! All have to dead!"

"And, let's find out how the middle-aged man will serve Huanglong."

According to the fact that Huanglong was a **** of the past, it was impossible for a great middle-class powerhouse to serve his life.

"Yes, Feng Zen brother."


After the three women in North America strolled around, Xu was tired. When the night fell, she finally returned to the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Huang Long breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a kind of relaxation after the war.

After returning to the headquarters of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, North America originally wanted to let the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce prepare for the banquet, and to wash the dust for Huang Long, Zhao Lei and others. However, Huang Long was evasive.

Huang Long shut himself in the room, took out a thousand pieces of Yao Ri Shen Dan, and began to practice.

After swallowing the blood of Sun Shihai's demon god, Sun Shihai's demon blood has not really integrated into his demon blood, so he intends to refine the blood of Sun Shihai's demon **** into the blood of his demon **** through these days.

There are still more than two months from the battle of heaven, and it should still be catching up.

Huang Long called the three most supreme gods to run out and run the paradise.

Suddenly, the one thousand glory of the glory of the glory of the sun, like the same sun, exudes a strong radiant radiance, constantly pouring into the body of the dragon.

Over the yellow faucet, three figures emerged.

These three figures are golden, black, and colorful, which is the blood of the body of the demon.

After the appearance of the three demon gods, they swallowed the heavens and the earth, and a burst of amazing heaven and earth aura ran through the void, rolling in and falling into the body of Huanglong.

This heaven and earth aura, like a waterfall, each waterfall, in gold, black, nine colors, clearly, this is the demon spirit that exists in the depths of the void, only those who have the blood of the devil can swallow refining, also positive Because of this demon **** reiki, so the people who have the blood of the demon god, after the blood is awakened, the cultivation speed is extremely amazing.

Soon, a few days passed.

A few days later, the people of the Imperial Palace and the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce began to set off.

There are a thousand disciples in the Imperial Palace, but there are 5,000 disciples of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, and the disciples of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, even the weakest one, are ranked in the middle of the Michang Palace. Strong, can see the strength of the younger generation of disciples of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce.

Generally speaking, from the strength of the disciples who participated in the Battle of Heaven, we can also see the overall strength of a super-power. It can be seen that the strength of this giant giant of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce is far from being comparable to that of the Imperial Palace.

When he set off, Huang Long also saw the old pro-disciple of the North American mouth. His appearance was a bit rich. His name was Guo Deyun, some ordinary, but Huang Long could feel a mysterious and extremely powerful blood force hidden in his body. .

This blood force is not the blood of the devil, but it is not weaker than the blood of many devils.

On the road, this handsome Guo Deyun and Huang Long were very chattered, and Huang Long found that Guo Deyun had a wide range of knowledge, and he was very broad and refined. For example, alchemy, refining, and array, Huanglong was self-satisfied. However, it was found that Guo Deyun was not inferior to himself, and even stronger than himself in the formation.

From Tianjie to Tiantai, not far away, after passing through Tianjie, and then through the starry sky blocked by the heavens, a few days later, everyone came to the rooftop. (To be continued.)

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