Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1788: Father reassurance

In fact, even the evil spirits of the emperor's sacred meditation, the other emperor disciples are even more scared, the face is bloodless, before the evil spirits palace issued a reward, no matter who can kill Huang Xiaolong, you can get five million under the chaotic spirit stone When the preliminary game was over, countless disciples were tempted. Oh,

Numerous disciples all dreamed of killing Huang Xiaolong, who did not want to receive the five million of the evil gods, and killed Huang Xiaolong, and also got the peerless treasure of Huang Xiaolong.

Therefore, in the preliminary round, almost all the disciples were looking for Huang Xiaolong in the secret territory of Tiantai.

Now, these disciples are not all cold.

If it was originally found in the Tiantai secret territory, they found Huang Xiaolong, then!

At this time, the purple flame in the hands of Huang Xiaolong surged again. Suddenly, the two supreme gods of Lan Tailong began to sound a "click" sound.

Everyone looked and saw a crack on the surface of the two supreme gods.

Then, soon, it collapsed and broke into countless pieces.

Seeing this scene, everyone is even more shocked and upset.

The two supreme gods of Lan Tailong are absolutely close to the kind of the Supreme King. Like this supreme godhead, there is basically nothing to destroy it. Even if it is the best, it is only a million times. It’s not broken, now, under the purple flame of Huang Xiaolong, it’s bursting!

Even the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Tiandi is also a change of face.

What is this flame? !

Emperor Tiandi faintly felt familiar, but could not remember.

"Huang Xiaolong, I want to kill you!" In the distance, Chen Wenqian, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at the two supreme gods of their emperor Lan Tailong, and tried their best to scream.

The soul of a person is destroyed. If the godhead is still there, then one in a billion may be resurrected, but now even the godhead is bursting, that is, it is really dead, and there is no chance for even one in a billion. Now!

However, Chen Wenqian just struggled to stand up, and his mouth was bloody.

The previous four are not like two palms, so it is difficult for him to stand up.

Huang Xiaolong’s face was indifferent. He said to the referee on the side of the ring: “Is the test finished?”

The referee happened to be the one who drove Huang Xiaolong out of the house of the 61st house. Zhou Han, heard the words, woke back, looked at Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, and the soul was excited. This quickly announced: “The No. 6 ring, the creation of the palace Huang Xiaolong Win!"

However, his voice could not be smooth, just like the strings that were pulled.

However, the voice announced by Zhou Han fell, there was no applause around, no cheers, no screaming, and the world was silent. All the emperor disciples looked at Huang Xiaolong with horror. It seemed to be immersed in the scene of Huang Xiaolong’s killing of Lan Tailong. I have been unable to extricate myself for a long time.

Huang Xiaolong walked down from the ring.

"Good!" Just when the heavens and the earth were silent, suddenly, Bei Xiaomei shouted.

Huang Xiaolong looked at it and saw that Bei Xiaomei was drumming and smiling like a flower. The little hands were in the sun, very white and very nice.

This girl!

Huang Xiaolong showed a smile.

"it is good!"

At this time, Zhao Lei was also laughter and laughed loudly.

Then, the disciples of the Emperor of the Imperial Palace burst into a flood of laughter and resounded through the Tiantai Square. There was no glory and glory on the faces of all the disciples of the Emperor.

Before the preliminary round, the disciples of the Imperial Palace were hunted by the Emperor's Palace, the Emperor's Palace, and other disciples. The disciples of the Emperor's Palace and the Emperor's Palace were all fleeing. They pressed the fire and pressed the boulder. It has completely broken out now.

The laughter of the disciples of the emperor's palace, after a while, was a while.

In the distance, the disciples of the Emperor Guangming Palace only felt a tingling pain in their ears.

At this time, Chen Wenqian, Chen Wenxin, and others who had been helped by the disciples of the Emperor of Guangming Temple, and their faces were ugly, and Chen Wenqian stared at the figure that Huang Xiaolong walked down from the ring. The eyes were like swallowing Huang Xiaolong. general.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the 61st area and felt Chen Wenqian’s eyes killing and his face was indifferent.

"What is the purple flame in the end, so horrible, even the blue dragon's supreme **** can be easily burned out!" Yan Tianchen around the emperor opened his mouth, his heart was full of shock.

"Even if it is the first ruin of the ancient gods, there is no such horrible power!" Xiao Yi is also full of shock.

Emperor Tianjun’s eyes flashed and he was thinking about something.

"Jinger." Suddenly, Emperor Jun opened his mouth.

The Emperor of Heaven has a glimpse of the scenery, and he said: "At, the father."

"Do you still have the confidence to defeat Huang Xiaolong?" Di Jun voice is a bit low.

Originally, he was extremely confident in the strength of his son Dijing, but just after the collapse of the stage, after seeing Huang Xiaolong killing Lan Tailong, his confidence was shaken.

Lan Tailong is the peak of the seventh stage of Tianjun, and has the dual supreme gods. It cultivates the light and sacred ** into the realm of Dacheng. It has ten wings, and it has won the uploading of the Guangming Emperor's ancestor. The soul of the will, but still easily killed by Huang Xiaolong!

A punch is seriously injured!

Two punches!

Third, the soul is destroyed!

Fourth, the gods are bursting!

This is enough to show that the strength of Huang Xiaolong is amazing, no, even horrible!

Emperor Tianzi looked at Emperor Jun, suddenly smiled, smiled very sunny, very bright, even very cute, he said to Emperor Jun: "The father is relieved, above the platform, if Huang Xiaolong meets me, he will die!"

Emperor Tianzi has a kind of tenacity and self-confidence. This self-confidence comes from his true strength.

Emperor Junyi stunned and then nodded and smiled: "That's good, then it's good. At that time, you must not let Huang Xiaolong live away from the ring!"

Huang Xiaolong was so enchanting that he had been practicing for less than a thousand years. He was so horrified that he could not imagine how much Huang Xiaolong would grow if he continued to practice.

Huang Xiaolong always gave him a strong sense of uneasiness and disgust.

It stands to reason that he has never seen Huang Xiaolong before, and there is no such feeling of disgust, but he has it, and it is so strong, just like the two are enemies.

"Please ask the father to rest assured."

With Huang Xiaolong, Emperor Tianzi, the evil **** Emperor Fengzen and other people's test ended, other Fujian and Taiwan also ended in the test, but Huang Xiaolong killed the scene of Lan Tailong, so that it is difficult for everyone to have the mood to watch other downfalls.

It didn't take long for the second round of the Battle of the Top 100 to draw lots.

The evil spirits Emperor Feng and Huang Xiaolong and others walked out again, and when they went to the Gaotai lottery number, their hands shook.

Soon, the number drawn by Huang Xiaolong came out, it was the eighth.

The evil spirit emperor shuddered and shook his hands and turned the number in his hand. At the moment he opened it, his heart leaped wildly. (To be continued.)

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