Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1793: The strength of the emperor

Huang Xiaolong looked at the confident Emperor of the Emperor and felt the arrogance of the Emperor of Heaven. He suddenly grinned and said: "Well, a battle is about life and death!"

"Everyone is not allowed to intervene!"

In the last sentence, Huang Xiaolong aggravated the tone and intended to refer to it.

Although he knew what the calculations of Emperor Tianzi played, he still readily agreed.

Emperor Tianzi wants to kill him in the ring, want to get the secrets of him, and he does not want to kill the Emperor of Heaven? Get the secret of Emperor Tianzi.

With the world's first deity, the first god, the secret of Emperor Tianjing, absolutely amazing, the secret of Emperor Tianjing may not be lower than him!

Seeing Huang Xiaolong readily agrees that the emperor’s view of the emperor could not help but the chill in his eyes flashed.

Immediately, Emperor Tiandi made people rise in the center of Tiantai Square.

The downfall is enormous. The height is only one hundred feet high, and the land occupation is even more than a hundred miles.

The wall terraces around the ring and the river have portrayed countless antiquity bans, and a murderous air that seems to come from the ancient battlefield is scattered.

"The true emperor collapses!"

The crowd exclaimed.

This true emperor collapsed, but it was a downfall that was handed down from the ancient times. It is rumored that this platform was formed by the artifacts of the fallen Emperor-level powerhouse in the ancient battlefield. It is a piece of artifact of the level of power. amazing.

I did not expect that Emperor Tiandi would use this platform to give Huang Xiaolong a test.

In the past, the first battle of the Battle of Heaven, although the origin of the use of the platform is also amazing, but it is far less than the collapse of this true emperor.

Emperor Tianzi looked at the slowly rising true emperor, and his body rose to the top of the real emperor.

Huang Xiaolong slowly walked toward the real emperor. After passing through the Hongmeng Palace, he stopped and looked at Zhao Tong: "When you kill the emperor, I will take your dog!"

Everyone stays.

Zhao Tong’s face was frightened.

"Huang Xiaolong, big words, waiting for you to live and leave the ring and say." Han Qing smiled coldly.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Han Qing.

Han Qing was scared to step back a few steps: "What do you want to do?" Her eyes could not help but stare at the two four behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and walked straight through Han Qing, and then walked to the ring.

Han Qing's face is ugly.

Standing in the ring, Tianzi Emperor Jing sees Huang Xiaolong walking slowly, his brow wrinkles, Huang Xiaolong's move, but it seems that he is impatient with this emperor's view, can't wait?

After a while, Huang Xiaolong finally stepped onto the ring.

The two stood still.

An invisible momentum converges between the two, and the emperor's emperor has no wind and automatic.

Emperor Tianzi stood there, as if he was the sky, he is the master of this world, dominates everything and life and death, the momentum is unparalleled.

Huang Xiaolong stood there, but it was like an ancient abyss, not affected by the momentum of the other side.

The trial has not yet begun, and everyone has tightened their minds and kept their eyes open.

Emperor Tianzi, the talent is absolutely the first of all the people in this battle of heaven!

However, Huang Xiaolong’s two defeats to Lan Tailong made everyone shocked. This made many people feel that this battle of heaven, Huang Xiaolong may not be able to suppress the emperor’s view.

Therefore, half of them believe that Emperor Tianzi is the first, while the other half believes that Huang Xiaolong can win.

"This is the real dragon fight! Finally, you can see the emperor's scene shot! This battle of heaven is worthwhile!"

In the previous rounds of the top 100, the Emperor of Heaven has overwhelmed the opponent with momentum and let the opponent directly admit defeat. Therefore, everyone has not seen the real shot of Emperor Tianzi.

"Huang Xiaolong defeated Lan Tailong with two fists, and he has a black dragon god, and there is a chaotic mine pool. The emperor of the emperor is only afraid of Huang Xiaolong's opponent!" Wang Haojun, the true **** sect, has a dignified face.

He is optimistic about Huang Xiaolong.

"This may not be the case. Emperor Tianjing knows that Huang Xiaolong has a black dragon god. He knows that Huang Xiaolong has a chaotic mine pool. He still stands a petition and lives with Huang Xiaolong. It can be seen that Emperor Tianzi is completely confident that he can kill Huang Xiaolong." The Red Flame of the Flame Emperor Palace shook his head.

He is confident in the Emperor of Heaven.

At this time, above the ring, the emperor's emperor's whole body momentum was completely released, such as the Taotian flood, such as the silence of the earth's core, hot and terrifying.

"Tianjun tenth stage peak!"

Everyone was shocked.

The emperor of Tianzi has already broken through to the tenth order of Tianjun, and it is the peak of the tenth step of Tianjun!

Then, on the nine days, a mysterious light descended to the emperor's emperor, and then disappeared into the emperor's body. Then, the emperor's scene appeared in a mysterious rune, and each rune contained infinite mystery. A rune represents the will of heaven.

Emperor Tianzi’s power has skyrocketed.

"Heavenly god!"

The call came back.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are condensed.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Tianzi’s appearance on the stage will use the heavenly body, and this heavenly rune protector, this heavenly body is indestructible, the Huang Xiaolong Yuanlong is very strong, and the physical strength can be blown by the blue dragon, but even Huang Xiaolong The strength of the flesh is running to the extreme, and it is impossible to shake the heavenly body of this heavenly rune.

Just when everyone was shocked by the gods and gods, suddenly, the Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven, the dragon was flourishing, and the head of the dragon seemed to cross the ancient times and came to him. These dragons radiated the luster of the whole body.

"The Jade Dragon of the Ancient Emperor*!"

The ancient dragon Emperor's Yulong*, above the world, no one can cultivate successfully, even the Emperor Tianjun who surpassed the great emperor could not cultivate successfully, but the emperor's view of the emperor was successful, and the emperor's view only took three thousand years. Successful cultivation, Tianzi enchanting can imagine.

After these dragons came to the emperor's side of the emperor, they spewed the group of dragons and turned them into one side and one side of the dragon wall, holding the space around the emperor's view.

Looking at the dragon wall of this side, it is the ancestors of some emperors in the early stage. They are also dignified in their faces. With their eyesight, they can naturally see the strength of this dragon wall defense.

Huang Xiaolong is also a flash of eyes.

Yulong*, known as the gods can work side by side with Hongmeng parasitic.

The ancient Heavenly Emperor relied on this jade dragon* to dominate the myths of the gods, and you can imagine the power of this jade dragon*!

At this time, Emperor Tianzi stood there, as if it was the incarnation of the ancient Emperor of Heaven, Wanlong Fushen, the momentum has completely overwhelmed many of the Tianjun ten-order late peak powerhouse.

However, the momentum of the Emperor of Heaven has not stopped, and it is still rising. Suddenly, the Emperor of Heaven is full of golden light, and the body is surrounded by a statue of Emperor!

This respected emperor is like a respected singer who casts a space through a space change.

Seeing this respected emperor, the faces of all the powerful people are greatly changed.

"Is this the truth of the Emperor?*!"

"The legendary Emperor's truth* is born in heaven and earth. No one can cultivate success. When the ancient Emperor got the truth of this Emperor*, he could not cultivate successfully. The Emperor of Heaven has actually cultivated successfully!" (To be continued.)

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