Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1799: Tiandao Shenge's anti-day

As the voice of the emperor's emperor fell, the heavenly godhead, which was originally like a tens of thousands of suns, suddenly slammed, and the entire space of the gods seemed to vibrate.

The radiance of the gods and gods suddenly began to change.

Originally dazzling, the light filled with the power of heaven suddenly gave birth to a different color.

"this is?!"

Everyone was shocked and their eyes widened.

I saw this color is very beautiful, as if it contains all the light under the sun, this kind of color extends to the heavens and the earth with the light of heaven.

With the extension, these colors are still changing.

Finally, it turned into a rune.

"Heavenly Rune!"

Everyone was shocked.

I saw that on the nine days, the light of the heavens that originally shrouded the heavens and the earth became all a kind of heavenly runes. These heavenly runes are like a very long light dragon, staggered over nine days, and like a strip. Bright passage, across the nine days.

Under the envelope of the Taoist scriptures, the ancestors of the great emperors felt that the gods were suppressed more powerfully. They were suppressed by the strongmen of the late stage of the strong emperor. Now, they have risen to 30%!

The lower the realm, the more severe it is suppressed.

Some of the peaks of the tenth-order Tianjun, who were in the same realm as the Emperor of Heaven, suddenly found that their gods were completely suppressed and could not move, and they could not push the power!

I can't use the godhead, I can't push my power!

what does this mean?

Everyone is at a loss.

What is the situation in this, Tiandao Shenge is so terrible!

Tianzi Dijing stood there, and his whole body was completely covered by the heavenly runes, and it was rigorous and fascinating.

Although he is covered by the Heavenly Rune, it is not only not weird, not only does it make people feel ugly, but it makes people feel that the Emperor of Heaven is the most beautiful incarnation of the heavens and the earth, without a trace of contempt.

Emperor Tianzi’s scene stood there indifferently. Without a trace of expression, he stared at Huang Xiaolong: “Huang Xiaolong, the person with the same realm as me, under the full opening of my Tiandao Shenge Tiandao Rune, even the gods can’t be motivated, a little power Can't use it, what about you? You are the seventh step of Heavenly King, now you can move your three kings of supreme king?"

He has absolute confidence. Under the suppression of his heavenly spirit, Huang Xiaolong could not use his three supreme king gods.

This is the true heaven and earth.

As long as Huang Xiaolong can't use the three kings of the supreme king, even if he has the blood of the three devils, he has the absolute grasp to kill Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, his heavenly and sacred Gods and Heavens are all open, his strength is raised again than before, and Huang Xiaolong has no three kings of supreme kingdom, and his strength has weakened by half.

Divine power is the foundation of one's strength.

Without the power of God, it is equal to losing the source of strength.


Emperor Tianzi’s figure flashed and punched.

Huang Xiaolong raised his fist and greeted him, but he was still half a step slower. He was shot by the Emperor of Heaven, and the whole person retired and went out to the edge of the real emperor.

When Emperor Tianzi saw it, he smiled and said: "Huang Xiaolong, next, you are ready to enjoy my strength!" Speaking of this, suddenly punched Huang Xiaolong again.

However, this time, his boxing power was blasted, and he reached the top of the real emperor. The whole platform was branded with a huge punch, but Huang Xiaolong disappeared.

Emperor Tianzi and everyone stayed.

"The gods and gods are indeed against the sky, but they are just like this." At this moment, Huang Xiaolong’s indifferent voice sounded, and Emperor Tian’s reign turned, Huang Xiaolong did not know when he was behind him.

"You, nothing?!" Emperor Tianzi’s heart sank, and Huang Xiaolong just took him a punch, and now it looks like there is nothing!

Moreover, just how Huang Xiaolong escaped from his attack.

It is said that without the divine power of the three supreme kings, Huang Xiaolong could not escape his attack.

Can Huang Xiaolong still use the three kings of the supreme king? But even if he was denied, Huang Xiaolong’s three supreme kings of God had no divine power, and Huang Xiaolong did not use the godhead.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the emperor's view indifferently. There was no opening. The emperor's face was cold, and when he wanted to shoot again, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong's whole body was shining, and the endless light rose from the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s body is like opening a gap in the bright world, and countless bright forces are pouring out from Huang Xiaolong’s body.

"This, what is this? This is not divine power? Huang Xiaolong's three supreme king gods have not moved!" There is a aging face, lost channel.

"This is a purely broken light power, belonging to the power of the bright gods, and is the most powerful force of the light of the gods, no one!" The voice of the ancestors of the Guangming Emperor Palace trembled.

For the power of light, their Temple of Light is naturally better known than others.

Because their gongs of the Emperor's Palace are mainly based on light, and it is said that their Guangming Emperor's Palace was originally the inheritance of a certain great figure in the Guangming Divine Realm. Their founding ancestor of the Guangming Emperor's Palace is a peerless powerhouse in the Guangming Divine Realm. .

"This is?!" Even the Emperor Tianjun's face changed dramatically.

Previously, he saw Huang Xiaolong's three supreme king gods, his face changed, he saw the blood of Huang Xiaolong's three great demon gods, his face changed, but no more than his face became very powerful.

Before many, many hundred million years ago, earlier than the ancient times, the heavens and the worlds were not only the five major worlds, but the six worlds, in addition to the gods, the demon world, the devil world, the Buddha world, the hell, and a large world. That is the realm of light.

At that time, the bright world was even above the gods! Be the first of the six worlds!

However, these secrets are that many emperors do not know.

When the bright world of the gods swept the heavens, there was a desire to unite the heavens and the world, and tomorrow, where the great army went, all walks of life would not be obedient.

Later, the gods and the Buddhas joined forces to block the pace of the bright gods. There are ancient records. The ancient Emperor and the Buddha joined forces and killed the ancestors of the Guangming dynasty. The battle was so dark and dark, and the landslides were cracked. The face of the gods exploded, and even the rumors hit the sky.

In that war, no one knew the specific result. The ancient Emperor and the Buddha did not talk about this war, but since the war, the ancestors of the Guangming gods have disappeared, the light gods have been weakened, and they have been suppressed by the gods and the Buddhist world. The bright world of the gods has withdrawn from the six worlds.

At that time, his emperor was not even the great emperor. However, under the chance, he was fortunate enough to feel the power of the ancestors of the light.

Now, he actually felt the same power from Huang Xiaolong!

Belong to the power of the ancestors of the light!

When Emperor Jun stood up from the throne of Kowloon, his look was very excited. To be continued.

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