Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1801: Hongmen Zhibao

Seeing the sputtering light, it is the first step of some great emperors, and the second-order ancestors are also terrified. ?〔{{network

Some ancestors have shot, this is the only way to stop these lights, sore, and also a cold sweat.

Everyone is watching the ring.

I saw the top of the ring, the emperor's gaze swayed, and the heavenly runes continued to circulate, shining with terrible and mysterious light, but no matter how the emperor's view of the emperor ruined the heavenly rune, he could never turn the 16-wing in front of Huang Xiaolong. Broken!


The unprecedented sixteen wings have blocked the second form of the heavenly body!

Even the shape of the heavenly beast of the heavenly body can not break the defense of the sixteen wings.

Emperor Tianzi's face is blushing and ugly.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the Emperor of Heaven and sneered, although he only got half of the inheritance of heaven, but even if it was only half of the inheritance of heaven, the 16th wing would not be able to break the empty hand of the emperor.

The strength of the sixteen wings is only clear to Huang Xiaolong.

He now, even the power of heaven has not been used, even the power of the fourteen bright tomorrows in heaven has not been borrowed.

Looking at the face of Emperor Tianzhao's red face, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong's whole body shines, the sixteen wings illuminate, and the light of power like a vast river suddenly rushes out.

The emperor's emperor was shocked, and when he was caught off guard, he was instantly stunned by the light power of the sixteen wings.

Seeing the emperor's view under the shape of the beast, he was shocked by the moment, and everyone was shocked.

"Even if I don't have the three kings of the supreme king, I can beat you." Huang Xiaolong's indifferent voice sounded.

Emperor Tianzi’s body was stable in the air, and his face was gloomy. He pressed his heart and blood, and sneered: “Big words, Huang Xiaolong, do you really think that your 16-wing defense is invincible, nothing can break?” At this point, the eyes are bleeding: "16 wings, no ancient, good, today, I broke your 16 wings, killing you, let the heavens know, my emperor is the first One day!"

In the midst of everyone’s suspicion, the light in the hands of Emperor Tianzi flashed, and a blade of a round wheel appeared in front of everyone.

The blade of the round wheel is half black and half red. The black half has a moon pattern and the red half is a sun pattern.

This round of the blade seems to be ordinary, but some of the great ancestors of the great emperor is a big change, shocked.

"This, this is Hongmengbao, Yinyang Sun and Moon!" The ancestors were shocked and lost their voices.

All the disciples heard the words, they were shocked.

The entire roof is shaking.

"Hong Meng Zhi Bao! It turned out to be Hong Meng Zhi Bao!"

Hong Meng Zhi Bao, the ultimate artifacts that the Tiantian Wanjie and the Great Emperor are eager to have.

Hongmeng treasure, for all people in the world, it is the ultimate artifact, the power of unparalleled artifact.

"It is said that the ancient emperor has two pieces of Hongmengbao, one is the ancient heaven, and the other is the yin and yang sun and moon!" Zhang Renjie, the ancestor of Hongmeng Palace, was shocked: "This yin and yang sun and moon actually fell. In the hands of Emperor Tianzi, before the Emperor of Heaven, he cultivated the Yulong ** of the ancient Emperor, and now there is the yin and yang sun and moon, is it the inheritance of the ancient Emperor?!"

For a time, the rooftop was even more shocking.

"Old ancestors, this yin and yang sun and moon has been the ancient Emperor? How has the gods never circulated this thing?" Hong Jundi Palace Li Junhua could not help but ask.

It is no wonder that he will be so confused.

It is a well-known thing that the ancient Heavenly Emperor had a sacred treasure to the ancient heavens. However, it has never been said that the ancient celestial emperor still had a glory and sun.

Zhang Renjie said: "This yin and yang sun and moon wheel was only acquired by the ancient Heavenly Emperor, and the power of the yin and yang sun and moon is no more than that of the ancient heavens. Therefore, the ancient Heavenly Emperor rarely used it. Many of the powerful gods thought that the ancient Heavenly Emperor had only the ancient heaven. Pieces are treasured."

That's it!

Everyone is ashamed.

"However, although the power of this yin and yang sun and moon is not more than that of ancient heavens, it is definitely not comparable to those of the best products. The black dragon **** of Huang Xiaolong is the best of the spirit, and the defense is amazing, but as long as it is yin and yang. In the moon rim, the black dragon gods will also be opened!" Zhang Renjie's eyes are dignified.

Everyone was shocked and shocked. Huang Xiaolong was also an accident. The celestial sun and moon of the ancient Heavenly Emperor? The ancient Heavenly Emperor got the yin and yang sun and moon, he had already heard that the chick was the most painful guy of the ancient Emperor, and he worked with the ancient Emperor, knowing that the yin and yang sun and moon are not strange things.

At this time, the emperor's view of the whole body was full of light, the heavens and the gods were radiant, and the infinite heavenly power was poured into the yin and yang sun and moon. Suddenly, the usual yin and yang sun and moon flares burst into horror.

Throughout the sky, the sky that everyone can see is filled with this light, covered up, and only above the sky, the light is half black and half red.

Among the half of the black light, there are countless moons floating up and down, and the black moon of the round is pouring silver moonlight, and among the half of the red light, countless suns hang, hot and incomparable, every sun seems to be like They all spewed the core of the molten pulp, the temperature of horror, so that all the ancestors were shocked and rushed to resist the gods.

"Huang Xiaolong, I see if your 16th wing can stop my yin and yang sun and moon!" The Emperor of Heaven holds the yin and yang sun and moon, and the body is soaring, dominates the world, and looks down at Huang Xiaolong. Then, a wave in his hand The yin and yang sun and moon are slamming down.

This embarrassment, the yin and yang are separated, the sun and the moon rise and fall, everyone looks blankly at the yin and yang sun and moon, and there is a feeling that the heavens and the earth are being opened.

I saw above the high altitude, all the black moons and the blazing red sun suddenly swelled, and the power of the black moon and the power of the sun poured into the yin and yang.


Where the yin and yang sun and moon wheels pass, the space seems to be a thin piece of paper, which is easily and without any suspense.

Seeing the yin and yang, the moon and the moon will have to break Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong's whole body shines, and the 16 wings are once again close together and blocked in front of them.

Emperor Tianzi’s view was sneer, and in his opinion, Huang Xiaolong’s move was tantamount to finding death.

The sixteen wings are unprecedented, but this is true, but Huang Xiaolong is only seven steps in the sky, which can make the power of the sixteen wings finite, and it is impossible to drive the sixteen wings with the seventh level of Huang Xiaolong Tianjun. Blocking the yin and yang, the moon and the moon are the treasures.


In the eyes of everyone, the yin and yang sun and moon wheels are faithfully hovering over the sixteen wings.

The sixteen wings are like a bright sea, setting off countless bright waves.


Everyone stays.

I saw that the sixteen wings were closed in front of Huang Xiaolong, just like the bright wall of the gods in the bright world. (To be continued.) 8

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