Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1806: The spies of the evil **** palace

After Huang Xiaolong, the king of Hongmeng, Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong and others left for a long time, all the talents came back to God and the Tiantai Square was quiet.

Emperor Jun's eyes flashed with the cold light that others could not detect. After Huang Xiaolong and others left, he and the masters of Tianting also left.

Subsequently, the Emperor's Palace of Light, the Temple of the Emperor of the Cthulhu, the family, and the Zongmenmen also left.

Soon, the center of the Tiantai Square is empty.

Windy, constantly passing.

Huang Xiaolong, the three kings of supreme, the blood of the three devils, and the news of the pro-disciples of the king of Hongmeng, shocked the world!

A few days, the first house.

The king of Hongmeng, Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong, Huang Xiaolong and others sat on the main hall, and there were two people crouching under the main hall. One was the ancestor of the Hongmeng Palace, Han Qing, and the other was Zhao Tong, the disciple of Hongmeng Palace.

The two crouched there, the whole body trembled, and the eyes had a despair.

Especially Zhao Tong, on the floor under the arm, has been wet.

Jiang Hong looked at the two people coldly, and Zhou Dongdao, the ancestor of the law enforcement of the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, said: "Put the two people down, all of them will be abolished, Zhao Lei will drive out of the Hongmeng Palace, at least Han Qing, Kill directly."

Zhao Tong is completely soft and there.

But Han Qing suddenly screamed: "The Great, I didn't do anything wrong, you can't abolish me, and I can't kill me. You can't because Huang Xiaolong is your younger brother, you will confess your vengeance! Huang Xiaolong killed me in the preliminary round. Disciple of Hongmeng Palace, I have revenge for the disciples of Hongmeng Palace, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

Listening to Han Qing, he dared to question and counterclaim Jiang Hong, and the ancestors of Hongmeng Palace, such as Zhou Dong, were all changed.

Zhou Dong and others glared at Han Qing, and they were about to speak. Jiang Hong shook his hand and stopped Zhou Dong and others. Jiang Hong looked at Han Qing and his face was indifferent: "You thought I didn't know, actually you are the evil **** palace. The spies hidden in the palace of Hongmeng?"

what? The spies of the evil spirits palace! Zhou Dong and other ancestors.

Han Qing’s face changed dramatically, and then he shouted: “The Great Emperor, you have nothing to say. I am the ancestor of the Hongmeng Palace. I have been loyal to the Hongmeng Palace. You can’t arbitrarily make a crime to cure me! ”

When Jiang Hong saw this time, Han Qing was still sophistry, his eyes were cold, and then to the old ancestor Wang Andao: "Put those few disciples."

Wang Chuan is responsible for the information hall of Hongmeng Palace.

"Yes, the Great." Wang Chuan respectfully should, and then go on, and soon took six Hongmeng Emperor disciples to come up.

Han Qing saw the six disciples of Hongmeng Palace, his face changed greatly.

These six disciples of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace are also placed in the Palace of the Hungarian Emperor, and they are effective under her seat.

Han Qing suddenly turned his hand and screamed out. He shot the six disciples of the Hongmeng Palace, and the six disciples of the Hongmeng Palace were terrified.

No one thought that Han Qing would suddenly shoot, and dare to shoot in front of Jiang Hong and the king of Hong Meng.

When Jiang Hong saw it, he snorted and did not move. His eyes flashed a little, and a mysterious rune tore through time and space. The heavens and the earth seemed to stop, and Han Qing’s palm was stopped there. Then, Under the unbelievable eyes of Han Qing, then dissipated.

It seems that after a very long period of time, it seems that it only took a second.

Heaven and earth have come back.

Han Qing fell there.

Jiang Hong looked indifferently at the drop and there was a desperate Han Qing: "What else can you say?"

Han Qing suddenly laughed and laughed. She looked at Jiang Hong, King of Hongmen and Huang Xiaolong with sarcasm.

"Jiang Hong, the king of Hongmeng, Huang Xiaolong, you three don't like it. Even if I am dead, you can't live for a long time. Our evil gods will inevitably sweep the world and unite the heavens and the world. You all will die!" Laughing.

Hongmeng Palace ancestor Zhou Dong and others face each other, this Han Qing is crazy, right? Dare to dare to speak in front of their great emperor and the king of Hongmeng.

Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent: "A district of a evil **** can sweep the world? Behind the evil spirits palace, what is the respect?"

Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s mention of Zun, Han Qing’s eyes flashed a trace of confusion and mistakes. It seems that Huang Xiaolong did not know how to respect it.

"Let me want to guess your identity." Huang Xiaolong continued to whisper: "He is the ancestor of the nine yin corpse."

Han Qing was shocked.

Even Zhou Dong, the ancestor of Hongmeng Palace, was shocked.

Behind the evil spirits palace is the nine yin corpse family? !

If this is the case, then the problem is serious.

Suddenly, Han Qing screamed and screamed, and the whole body broke out with horror. The whole person exploded like a huge planet, and the devastating power swallowed up.

Hongmeng Emperor Zhou Dong and other ancestors changed their faces. I did not expect Han Qing to choose a self-destruction.

Jiang Hong saw it, as if he had expected it, one right hand, only to see that the horrible force that killed many of the great powers of the Emperor suddenly narrowed down, and then came to Jiang Hong’s palm and turned into a ray of light. Then, When Jiang Hong’s palm was held, the devastating light dissipated.

The king of Hongmeng sat there and never made a deal.

"You go ahead." Jiang Hong waved his hand to Zhou Dong and others who were shocked.

"Yes, the Great." Zhou Dong and others respected it, and then went to the king of Hongmeng, and retired.

On the main hall, there are only three Xiaolong.

"The younger brother, the evil spirits palace really colluded with the nine yin giants?" Jiang Hong asked Huang Xiaolong, a face dignified.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then said the information he knew and Jiang Hong, the king of Hongmeng, and mentioned that the eclipse should refine the blade of death.

"This refining blade of the death is successful, comparable to the ancient heavens?" The king of Hongmeng also looked dignified.

For the eclipse, he did not pay attention to it, but if the death blade of the other party really has the power of ancient heaven, then he also has to pay attention.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "And, I guess the other side is only able to refine this blade of death in the millennium."

The king of Hongmeng, Jiang Hong, both of them are a lock.


The king of Hongmeng, Jiang Hong stayed for a few days. After a few days, the two left. The Golden Horn Mavericks also left with the king of Hongmeng and returned to the land of Hongmeng. Its injury has not completely recovered. The corpse of the corpse is on the way, so it is necessary to completely restore the strength before this.

Zhao Lei, Bei Xiaomei, Fang Wei and others also left.

Only Huang Xiaolong stayed.

Huang Xiaolong stayed, naturally it is necessary to enter the Tianting Leichi cultivation.

On the same day, Huang Xiaolong came to Tianting Leichi.

Tianting Leichi is where the heavens are heavy, there are heavy Heavens and Heavens will be guarded, and Huang Xiaolong will arrive. These Tianbing days will not stop. Finally, Huang Xiaolong came to the gate of Tianting Leichi.

(Yesterday on Weibo and qq sent a screenshot of the draft of this month's invincible world, not to show off, is to clarify one thing, to clarify the cost of God's see is not as much as everyone imagined, many authors mistakenly believe that God See the mobile side at least fifty-six thousand a month, in fact, these two months have not even 20,000, this month invincible world mobile side of the draft fee is only 14,000, even the Sanyang pigs see my list of bills are Say, your manuscript fee is much lower than I expected. He added four exclamation points at the back! So, God sees that he is completely disappointed with the mobile side. The next book must go to the creation of the world, go to qq book city, more depressed Yes, this morning on qq, the author of the emperor asked me how much this monthly fee, depressed I am not in the mood to update now!) (to be continued.)

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