Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1809: Fall of the square

As these demonic forces rushed into the depths of the demon battlefield in the field, one after another, the thundering magic swayed for nine days, and the horrible magical spirit formed a group of magic clouds at these high faces, covering the heavens and the earth.

Where the Demon Army passed, all the evils and ghosts hidden in the demon battlefield outside the field were all strangled and cleaned.

"what is that?!"

"How come so amazing magic?!"

Some of the strong men who tried to deepen the depths of the demon battlefield near the field looked at the horror of the horror that was drowning from the depths and could not be overwhelmed by the face.

But soon, they saw the endless army of demons.

These demon army, at first glance, can not see the end, the black pressure is like a dark locust, the whole world is shaking.

"Yes, it's a demon! The demon army!"

"Demon invasion!"

Some of the test-makers were afraid of screaming and fleeing.

However, these demon army is extremely fast, like the huge waves that are constantly chasing, constantly approaching, and constantly drowning. Soon, these powerful people who are frightened and fleeing are drowned and swallowed by these demon army.

The screams come one after another.

An hour and two hours, the constant demon army still rushes out from the entrance of the black hole. Soon, in less than half a day, it has occupied dozens of gods in the field of demons!

The dozens of gods in the field of demonic battlefields are crowded with countless demonic forces. These demon army, like the galaxy sand, are more than billions.

The changes in the depths of the demon battlefield outside the field quickly alerted the face of the gods around the field of demons.

One after another, the sect, one family after another, one after another, the Imperial Palace branch rang the big clock.

The bells rang through the heights of these sects, so eager, so frightened, so uneasy.

One after another, the ancestors who had not been able to practice for many years, were stunned and born, and one after another, the peerless powerhouse broke out from the ground.

These bells were only ringed when the family was facing a disaster.

"The demon army invaded the world!"

This news spreads in these gods at an alarming rate.

The parties were shocked.

One after another, the gates were opened.

Create the Imperial Palace.

At this time, Zhao Lei, Li Shan, Fang Wei, Peng Yu and others have already returned from heaven.

"Jun Yi, the Vientiane branch, just came to the news that the devil's entrance seal in the depths of the field outside the demon battlefield may have been broken. Now countless demon army has flooded into the realm." Zhao Lei opened his mouth to Li Shan and others, his face was dignified.

This is not a trivial matter of the invasion of the demon army.

And it didn't take long before the end of the battle in heaven.

Li Shan, Chen Yirong, Fang Wei, Peng Yu, Fang Mingyu and others all heard that their faces changed.

"How many demons are there?" Li Shan could not help but ask.

Zhao Lei shook his head: "It is difficult to determine, but according to the report, in only half a day, the demon army has completely occupied more than one hundred gods in the field of demon battlefields, and it is completely submerged. The demon army continues to flow in from the devil world. This speed goes on, I am afraid that in less than two months, the demon army can completely occupy tens of thousands of gods in the field of demons!"

When everyone heard it, it was a big change.

"There are so many demon army!" Fang Hao’s voice is also a bit stunned: "In the past, there was a demon army invasion, and there were not so many, at most, there were a few gods!"

Chen Yirong shook his head: "No, when the Jiuyin corpse attacked the realm of the gods, the demon army came to occupy the field of demons!"

"What do you mean by saying that this invasion of the demon army means that the Jiuyin corpse will attack the gods again?!" Li Shan’s throat was dry.

Everyone swears.

The atmosphere of the hall is dull.

This mutation made it difficult for everyone to prepare for the moment. If the Jiuyin corpse once again attacked the realm of the gods, this is absolutely a disaster of the gods, countless sects, countless families, and even countless imperial palaces will be destroyed in such disasters.

"The Great has not found it yet. What should I do now?" Chen Yirong said.

Fang Gan disappeared and has not found it until now.

"I don't know how Xiaolong is doing now." Peng Yu suddenly said.

Nothing is done, Huang Xiaolong is now the backbone of everyone.

"I contacted this kid to see." Zhao Lei took the letter out and then contacted Huang Xiaolong.

It’s only a long time past, I still haven’t seen the letter from Huang Xiaolong.

"Xiao Long should be practicing in Tianting Leichi at this time." Fang Hao shook his head.

As Fang Fang said, Huang Xiaolong is indeed still consuming the power of Qingmu Lei. Because of his close knowledge, Huang Xiaolong does not know Zhao Leixin.

Another year has passed.

When the last force of Aoki Thunder was swallowed by Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and the whole body was shining. Under the urging of Huang Xiaolong's four chaotic Thunder Pools, Jin Longlei's power, Xuangui Lei's power, Xuanguang Lei's power, Qingmu Lei The force has evolved into a chaotic beast in the body of Huang Xiaolong.

These chaotic beasts, each head, have the strength of heaven and earth, and each head has the power to tear the ordinary tenth-order powerhouse.

Huang Xiaolong constantly spurred the four chaotic thunder pools, and these chaotic beasts constantly evolved into a chaotic array.

These chaotic mines are all realized by Huang Xiaolong in the years of studying the martial arts law.

Now, Huang Xiaolong's array of realm is not low. The chaotic mines of these chaotic beasts are enough to easily kill some Tianjun ten-order late peaks and even the first-class early strong.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong stopped the blasting and evolution of the thunder, and the whole body thundered and stood up.

"I don't know how the Emperor of Heaven is now." Huang Xiaolong thought.

After swallowing Aoki Thunder Pool, just ten days ago, he just broke through to the eighth step of Tianjun. Now it is the beginning of the eighth step of Tianjun. His current strength is no longer comparable to that of the Battle of Heaven.

Now, even if it does not use the sixteen wings, Huang Xiaolong is fully confident that he can defeat the Emperor of Heaven.

"Well?" Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong found that there were dozens of messages in the letter, and he was shocked to take it out and quickly remove it.

These dozens of pieces of information are his master Zhao Lei, Fang Wei, Bei Xiaomei, and his brother Jiang Hong and others sent him, almost all about the invasion of the gods by the demon army.

"Outside the demon battlefield, the demon army!" Huang Xiaolong blinked.

This time, the demon army invaded the realm of the gods, and it must be related to the Jiuyin giant corpse. Is it true that the nine yin corpse family has refining the blade of successful death? Want to attack the gods in advance?

However, Bei Xiaomei’s letter also mentioned that Fang Qian had already heard the news and was detained in a secret space somewhere in the Temple of the Evil.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong no longer hesitated, flew out of the gate of the thunder pool in Tianting, and then left with two heads and four without breaking. (To be continued.)

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