Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1821: Devouring evil spirits

The evil spirit emperor sealed the meditation, his face was gray, panic and then retreat, and the color sternly shouted: "Huang Xiaolong, you dare! I am the evil **** emperor, you dare to kill me, the evil **** palace will not let you go, Jiuyin giant body will not Let go of you!"

Once upon a time, his evil spirits can be said to be windy, rainy, evil spirits make a come out, the world is shocked, the ancestors of the palaces are not retreating, he never thought that his evil spirits will face this Scenes, I never thought that the evil gods palace will end like this today!

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, smiled, and looked indifferently at the evil **** emperor: "The evil spirits will not let me go? You seem to have forgotten one thing. After today, there will be no more evil gods in the realm!"

After today, there will be no more evil gods in the gods!

This is said to be light and bleak.

However, the evil **** emperor sealed the Zen, Liu Yuan and others were listening to stay.

This question, they have never thought about it before, or that, just now, I have not thought about this problem.

How many billion years have you been in the gods of the evil spirits?

I am afraid that even Liu Yuan does not know how many billion years, but it is definitely more than 10 billion years.

In the past tens of billions of years, no matter how big the ravages of the gods, no matter how the heavens and the earth change, the evil spirits palace is stable! And getting stronger!

Destroy the hidden sects in the Temple of the Evil God, the ancient family, the former Baidi Palace, I do not know much.

They have never thought that one day the evil spirits palace will be destroyed like the ancient family destroyed by them, the former Baidi Palace, and will disappear from the gods!

And this day, it will come so suddenly, so fast!

According to what they had previously thought, this time the evil spirits palace will join hands with the nine yin corpse family, will sweep the world of the gods, take charge of the world of the gods, and truly command the world, this time the evil **** palace will go to the top.

Now, it is!

"Wang Hailong, you protect the emperor and go!" Suddenly, Liu Yuan screamed loudly, and then I attacked Huang Xiaolong crazy.

His whole body is madly released, and a group of blood is constantly pouring out of his body.

Zhao Wendan and others also shouted: "Take the emperor to go!" Then, like Liu Yuan, he used the ancient taboos, regardless of the loss, and then upgraded his strength and attacked Huang Xiaolong.

The original ancestor Wang Hailong, who had escaped with the evil spirits emperor, heard a few words, no longer hesitated, and put his hands on the evil gods to seal the Zen, and then sacrificed a giant figure.

As soon as this giant figure was sacrificed, it spread out and turned into a piece of heaven and earth. This piece of heaven and earth seems to be another space, and it seems to be leading to another space.

"Crazy figure!" Huang Xiaolong blinked.

The evil **** figure is the treasure of the town of the evil gods. Although it is not a treasure, it is also an artifact of the highest level of the spirit and the space system.

The artifacts of the Hongmeng spirit level, the space system, are extremely rare, and are as rare as the artifacts of the soul defense. As for the artifacts of the best products, there are even fewer artifacts.

The whole world of God, I am afraid that no more than a slap.

As long as the evil spirits, the emperor and the meditation, enter the scene of this evil god, then the evil **** figure will bring the evil spirits to the Zen and other people to instantly reach another space.

At that time, Huang Xiaolong could no longer kill the evil spirits and protect the Zen.

At the moment when the evil gods and the priests and the sacred gods flew to the evil gods, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows thundered, and the most powerful chaotic turtles in the four chaotic thunder pools suddenly flew out.

The chaotic mysterious turtle thunder pool flew out of the moment, and it turned into a boundless Thunder Sea. Thunderstorms thundered and thundered, and the horrible thunder was diffused. It was blocked between the evil gods and the sacred gods.

Seeing it, I have to fly into the map of evil spirits. Suddenly, there is a thunder sea in front of me, and they are separated from each other. The evil **** emperor screams and screams: "Give me away!" The evil spirit sword in the hand is crazy to the chaotic turtle. come.

Wang Hailong and others also furiously attacked the chaotic mysterious turtle Leichi.

However, Chaos Xuangui Leichi is the second-ranked chaotic mine pool, and is it so easy to break open?

Huang Xiaolong urged the chaotic turtles in the thunder pool to burst into a burst. Suddenly, the endless chaos of the mysterious turtles thundered and snarled, and instantly flooded Wang Hailong and others.

Wang Hailong and other people broke the air and shook the chaotic turtles, but the body shape stopped.

At this time, the city of the ancient times slammed down.

Wang Hailong and others looked up and saw that the world was dark and loud, and they completely lost consciousness and consciousness.

Huang Xiaolong's figure flashed and punched out. He directly smashed the evil **** Emperor into the ground, and the surrounding palace collapsed and buried it in the rubble.


Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and others were horrified. However, they faced the two-headed four-wing light and attacked tomorrow. They could not cure the evil gods and sacred Zen. They could only watch Huang Xiaolong sucking the evil gods from the ground ruins. In front of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked indifferently at the sacred **** of the sacred god. Just now he punched the evil spirits and imprisoned the whole body, and added the previous injury. The evil **** priest had no resistance in front of him.

The armor of the evil spirit seals the armor completely broken, the hair is scattered, and the whole body is full of blood and dust.

"Yellow, Huang Xiaolong, I will count." The evil spirit of the emperor is full of resentment and looks at Huang Xiaolong, trying to sing.

However, before he finished, Huang Xiaolong spurred the devouring power of the Devil's Supreme Deity. Suddenly, the evil spirits emperor sealed the whole body of blood, and the divine power, including the blood power of the demon god, all came out, and the source flowed into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

The evil spirit emperor sealed his face with horror, despair, mad struggle, and tried his best to break away from Huang Xiaolong. However, he found that his whole body seemed completely uncontrollable, and he could not break free.

In the distance, Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and others saw it, but it was horrified, shouting, and rushing over. However, Liu Yuan, Zhao Wendan and others were desperate, and they could not cross the four wings of the four wings. Watching the evil **** Emperor Feng Yan was swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong.

I can only watch the evil **** emperor seal the Zen little bit and go down and wither.

It didn't take long for the evil **** emperor to become a dry corpse, and finally, the wind blows and disperses with the wind.

The evil spirits of the emperor sealed the sacred body with evil spirits, and the whole body was born with evil spirits. With the engulfment of Huang Xiaolong, these evil spirits also poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong. However, Huang Xiaolong’s golden Buddha’s supreme godhead was running, and these evil spirits were quickly dispelled.

Solved the evil spirits of the emperor to seal the Zen, Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief, this time is not a white evil spirits palace, for him, devour a evil **** emperor to seal the Zen, get the blood of the demon god, which is better than the evil spirits treasure.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and looked at Liu Yuan and others. (To be continued.)

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