Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1823: Enmity

Huang Xiaolong looked at each other's charming smile and said indifferently: "Sorry, I don't plan to sell it, and even if I want to sell it, I am afraid that you can't afford it."

As Huang Xiaolong said, even if he really wants to sell, even if it is the Southern Palace, he can't afford it, and he can't afford to sell the Nanjiang Imperial Palace.

That Deng Kang heard, but it was a burst of anger, sneer: "The kid, there is a price for anything in the world, how do you know that I can't afford the Nanjiang Emperor's Palace? I have a million of chaotic Lingshi, will you The scepter is bought!"

Listening to the other side to think of a million of the next product chaotic Lingshi to buy the bright Scepter, Huang Xiaolong not only not angry, but has a feeling of wanting to laugh.

Fang Gan stared coldly at Deng Kang: "Deng Kang, what do you mean! Xiaolong just saved you, you are planning to enmity, do you want to **** it?"

A corner of Hongmengbao has more than one million pieces of chaotic Lingshi, and Dengkang gives one million. There is no difference between it and the rush.

Deng Kang looked at Fang Gan, and coldly said: "Fang Qian, you seem to have made a mistake. First, you have not saved us. We are still in the evil spirits palace. Can we escape or go? Things, therefore, you should not detain the name of the enemies on me."

Let's do it.

At this time, Deng Kang told other ancestors of the emperor's palace that he was rescued: "I advise you not to take care of yourself. This is something between my emperor's palace and the emperor's palace. Before you plug it in, It's best to measure your own weight. It's not good if you have trouble with your own palace and family."

This is a threat to Akasaka!

Before that, some of the Emperor's ancestors who wanted to speak for Huang Xiaolong also changed their faces. Even many emperors' ancestors began to retreat. They kept a certain distance from Huang Xiaolong and Fang Gan, so that Deng Kang could not misunderstand.

Between the Nanjiang Imperial Palace and the Imperial Palace, as long as it is not a fool, you will choose the Southern Palace.

The Southern Palace of the Imperial Palace is the super-emperor palace of the 12th century. Its strength is far from being comparable to that of the Imperial Palace.

However, there are exceptions. The four emperors of the Emperor Palace who are deeply involved in the party are still standing beside Huang Xiaolong and Fang Gan.

"Very good, it seems that you are planning to do the right thing with my Nanjiang Imperial Palace, the Quaternary Palace?" Deng Kang looked at the four ancestors still standing next to Huang Xiaolong, Fang Qian, his face sinking and sneer.

At this time, another ancestor who colluded with Deng Kang also came to Deng Kang.

This ancestor is the palace of the bliss, and the ranking of the Quaternary Palace is not as good as that of the Southern Palace, but it is also amazing, ranking 16th in the realm.

Originally standing in Huang Xiaolong, the faces of the four ancestors around Fang Gan changed.

One of them immediately greeted Deng Kang: "Deng Kang, others are afraid of you, the Southern Palace, the Palace of Paradise, and I am not afraid of the Imperial Palace!"

Wandi Emperor Palace, ranked forty-three, this person is the ancestor of the Emperor's Palace, and the party is the end of the worship, there is a life of love.

The other dozens of ancestors who had colluded with Deng Kang also came to Deng Kang.

Deng Kang sneered: "Since this is very good, don't blame me for being ruthless!" When he said this, he said to Huang Xiaolong: "Boy, I advise you to sell me the scepter now, so Can get a million of the chaotic Lingshi, otherwise, I will wait for you to shoot, you can't even get a baby!"

The fourteen wings behind Huang Xiaolong will be tomorrow, although it is the peak of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor, although the strength of the party is not weak, but they are confident that they can be trapped for a while, as long as they are trapped for a while, he will instantly Huang Xiaolong took it down! When Huang Xiaolong is the slaughter, he has the final say.

Because Deng Kang and others were imprisoned here for many thousand years by the evil spirits palace, they did not know about the outside world. I don’t know that Huang Xiaolong is the king of supreme, and I don’t know the battle of Huang Xiaolong’s heaven. I don’t know that Huang Xiaolong is the king of Hongmeng.

As for the situation of the evil gods outside the palace, I don’t even know.

"In fact, Hongmeng treasure, in your hands of a heavenly kingdom, that simple is a scrap iron, you can not play the power of Hongmengbao." Deng Kang said: "As long as you give this token to me, I have This scepter will wait for it to go out, and will surely block the evil gods and seal the Chu and lead everyone to escape!"

"Yes, here, Deng Kang's brother is the strongest, and he majors in the Guangming system. Only he can play the true power of the scepter. Boy, you better give the scepter to Deng Kangxiong, otherwise When we can't escape, you are harming us. You will be the enemy of life and death in our palaces!" The ancestors of the bliss palace yelled at Huang Xiaolong.

The party has been blown up.

The other party is shameless to this point! The other side is clearly in the hatred of the emperor's palace.

Sure enough, in the glory of the ancestors of this eclipse palace, many emperor ancestors looked at Huang Xiaolong with a dissatisfied look.

Only Huang Xiaolong was full of self-confidence and smiled calmly. He looked at Deng Kang: "Don't you want to know, how did I get in?"

Deng Kang and others can't help.

But then Deng Kang smiled and said: "Boy, you should have used some ancient sacred charms and then escaped from the evil spirits palace, sneak in! Do you want to say that you are killing the Quartet, screaming at the evil gods Feng Chu and the evil spirits of the Emperor Palace are not in the ancestors, and then forced in?"

In the words of Deng Kang, there is no doubt that everyone in the bliss palace is laughing.

When Huang Xiaolong came in, they naturally did not believe that the evil spirits of the Imperial Palace had strong defenses and strong guards. It is estimated that even the ordinary surpassing the emperor is difficult to come in.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and did not explain it. He waved his bright scepter and said: "The bright scepter is in my hand. Since you want to grab it, do it, I am in a good mood now, let me not give you a chance." If you admit your mistakes now, you still have time."

"Don't admit mistakes?" Deng Kang stunned, thinking that he had got it wrong, and then laughed with everyone in the bliss palace.

Deng Kang’s face sank and stared coldly at Huang Xiaolong: “You don’t know how to be tall and thick, so if you are, then don’t blame me!” When it comes to this, both hands suddenly come to Huang Xiaolong, and the speed is extremely fast. Then came to Huang Xiaolong.

Even the party is hard to react.

At the same time, the bliss emperor and other people have also shot, stop under the dry, fourteen wings light tomorrow and a few people.

Looking at Deng Kang who took it to himself, Huang Xiaolong grinned and suddenly shot Deng Kang in his hand.

When Deng Kang saw it, he couldn't help but sneak a smile. This kid seems to be an idiot. A small little kingdom would dare to stop him from attacking? This is just a car stop!

Deng Kang’s gesture changed, and he also greeted Huang Xiaolong’s palms and decided to give Huang Xiaolong an unforgettable lesson!

The two palms huddled together. To be continued.

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