Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1828: Eternal magic land

After swallowing the Taikoo Thunder, Huang Xiaolong discovered that his strength has improved a lot. I did not expect this Taikoo Thunder to be a big complement.

In this way, it will take a long time for him to break through to the mid-eighth stage of Tianjun.

Although the Tianjun eighth-order mid-term and Tianjun eighth-order early stage are only a small step, the strength is definitely not as simple as upgrading by 10%.

By the time of Huang Xiaolong's current realm, every time he upgrades a small step, his strength will be greatly improved.

After swallowing the Taikoo Thunder, Huang Xiaolong still did not trust, and continued to carefully look through the ghost gods, confirming that nothing happened, this completely let go of the heart.

Huang Xiaolong did not leave the secret room, and continued to swallow the town of Tianbai evil Dan cultivation.

time flies.

Soon, more than two months passed.

When the emperor's palace was just around the corner, Huang Xiaolong came out of the secret room.

When coming out of the Chamber of Secrets, Fang Qian and other ancestors who still stayed in the Black Dragon spacecraft looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange look.

After coming out of the evil spirits palace, for more than two months now, they have already contacted the disciples of the outside emperor or the martial art. From their mouths, they also know the battle of Huang Xiaolong’s heaven, and know that Huang Xiaolong is the king of Hongmeng. The pro-disciple disciple knows that Huang Xiaolong has been passed down by the Lord of Hell, and is now the new Lord of Hell!

Looking at Huang Xiaolong again, Fang Qian and the ancestors sometimes did not know how to call it.

Under the prince of Pluto?

When Huang Xiaolong saw Fang Gan and other people’s expressions, he knew the side’s thoughts and smiled: “Uncle Fang will be the same as before, just call me Xiaolong.”

After a while, he finally nodded.

When Huang Xiaolong, Fang Gan and others came out from the Black Dragon spacecraft, they had already got the news that the people of the Imperial Palace had long been waiting outside for welcome.


When I saw Fang Gan, Fang Hao and Fang Mingyu flew over and flew, and cried.

Zhao Lei, Li Shan, Chen Yirong, Peng Yu and others followed closely and flew over.

Fang Qiang, Fang Wei, Fang Mingyu and others reunited, and there was no such thing as a joy to "remember the old". Huang Xiaolong did not speak, stood by and smiled.

After a while, Fang Wei came to Huang Xiaolong and looked at Huang Xiaolong in a complex and gentle face. He said, "Thank you."

The news that Huang Xiaolong is the Lord of Hell has spread throughout the realm of God, and she naturally knows it.

Huang Xiaolong laughed: "It's not a thing, you and I don't have to say thank you."

Fang Hao nodded and did not "back".

"Little Dragon." At this time, Zhao Lei came over and looked at Huang Xiaolong quite richly. Some jokes: "Your boy, went to hell, and became the Lord of Hell. If you go to the Devil in the future, , may also become the devil of the devil."

Huang Xiaolong stunned and then smiled: "This is really possible."

If it wasn't for the sake of sending the party back, he would have intended to destroy the evil spirits palace, and after the emperor's palace, he went to the devil world.

Going to the Devil World, of course, is to find the six magical monuments in the Devil World. Now, he already has a blood-stained magical monument. If he finds the other five magical monuments, he may really become the Devil of the Devil.

Zhao Lei heard the words, but he smiled and said: "Your boy, it is really stinking, so good, waiting for you to become the demon empire in the future, then your master, I will call you the ancestors."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "When I don't want to call you Master of the Devil."

Everyone laughed.

Later, under the invitation of everyone, I entered the Imperial Palace.

Huang Xiaolong, Fang Gan, Zhao Lei and others first, those who were rescued from the evil gods palace followed.

In the Temple of the Evil God, after everyone was rescued, the original intention was to "bajie" the palace of emperor. Now that Huang Xiaolong is an identity, he is naturally more determined.

Therefore, as long as they do not let them go, they intend to say "Lai" in the emperor's palace for several years.

After entering the Imperial Palace, Zhao Lei, Fang Wei and others have already prepared a banquet, and the entire Imperial Palace is a festive celebration.

Huang Xiaolong won the first battle of heaven, this is the first joy, and now it is rescued, this is the second joy.

Since Huang Xiaolong won the first battle of the Heavenly Court, he has not yet celebrated the feast at the Imperial Palace.

The banquet lasted for a day and a night, and it only dispersed.

Returning to the palace of the kingdom of the gods, Huang Xiaolong stood on the foothills and had a lot of thoughts.

At the banquet, he already knew that Emperor Tiandi had already made a decree. The heavenly court had already sent troops to annihilate the Guangming Emperor Palace, the Lonely Emperor Palace, the Jiulong Imperial Palace, the Baihua Emperor Palace and the Qiandu Emperor Palace.

Since the Guangming Emperor Palace Blue and others have escaped, the heavens have received almost no military expenditures, and they have received a lot of treasures from the Guangming Emperor Palace.

"Emperor, Emperor Jing." Huang Xiaolong eyes cold.

The Thunder of Taikoo will naturally not be so.

Huang Xiaolong took out the letter and contacted Bei Xiaomei to let her Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce investigate the whereabouts of the Emperor of the Blue Emperor and the evil spirits of the Emperor, and not kill the two. Huang Xiaolong’s heart was always awkward.

Huang Xiaolong stayed in the Imperial Palace and waited for the news of Bei Xiaomei.

A month later, Huang Xiaolong went to a beastly space.

The Leizhu, which is suspected of sacred objects, always makes Huang Xiaolong feel that the space is not so simple.

Now, he already knows the realm of transcending the great emperor and calls it the master.

His master, the king of Hongmeng, the brothers Jiang Hong, Di Jun and others are the masters of the situation, but, above the ruler? Huang Xiaolong even thinks that this suspected sacred thing is not a thing of this world.

The beastly family of the beastly space saw the king of Huang Xiaolong coming back, and he was very happy, so he did not have to bow down and "squat".

Huang Xiaolong stayed in the animal space for some days, but he could never explore the secret of the hidden space of the animal.

A few months later, Huang Xiaolong had to return to the Imperial Palace.

However, just after returning to the Imperial Palace, Huang Xiaolong received the letter of Bei Xiaomei.

"Blue escaped to the bright gods?" Huang Xiaolong took a look at the letter, could not help but wonder: "Feng Chu went to the devil?!"

Originally, Huang Xiaolong thought that if Feng Churu escaped from the realm of the gods, he should go to the Heilongjiang sinister corpse and look for the shelter of the nine yin corpse, but did not expect to escape the devil world.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong continued to look down and looked surprised: "The Devil's Mantra and the Glass Magic Monument are born?!"

Bei Xiaomei said in the letter that the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce found out that the reason why Feng Chu went to the Devil World was because the Magic Man and the Glass Magic Monument of the Six Great Magic Monuments of the Devil World were born!

And it is very likely that it is in the eternal magic land of the devil world.

As for whether it is, I have to check it out again.

"Eternal Magic Land!" Huang Xiaolong blinked, even when he came to the collection of the Imperial Palace, he found all the information about the Devil and the Eternal Devil.

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong had a good understanding of the Devil and the Eternal Devil.

The eternal magic land is at the end of the devil world, and the holy land of the devil world is called the two origins of the devil world.

(The plot turns, the devil's trip is just around the corner, sorting out the ideas, so today is a little more) (to be continued.)

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