Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1834: Admit mistakes in public? !

Gao Changran and Huang Xiaolong secretly left the Liufumen General Office, so the six ancestors, the elders, the elders and disciples did not know.

Liu Ming Cheng Dan Medicine Market is located in the center of Liucheng City, so it is not far from Liumingmen.

At the speed of two people, it will arrive soon.

At this time, Wu Jingnan, the master of the konjac teaching, and the masters of the konjac sang in the medicinal market. He intended to see what good gods and herbs were in the Liuchengcheng medicinal market, but it was disappointing all the way. .

"These six meditation drugs market, these medicinal herbs and herbs are not ordinary garbage." Wu Jingnan shook his head: "I knew that I would not come out, wasting time."

The konjac ancestor Li Tong laughed and said: "Although the six meditation cities are the main city of Liumingmen, but the main city of Liumingmen can compare with our konjac master city, we sell dan in the konjac city drug market. Medicines and herbs are much better than them."

The konjac ancestors ancestors Chang Yue is laughing: "If you talk about the magical alchemy of our devil, the younger generation, or the highest number of the sinister yin, I heard that the young lady of Conno also came to the North Coldland. ""

The sentence is the daughter of the devil of the devil, the first of the 12 devils of the devil world, and the most enchanting three geniuses of the younger generation of the devil.

The sacred demon statue is the strongest demon of the ancestors of the ancestors. The rumors have already surpassed the emperor and broke through to the dominance. The criminal sect that is controlled by it is also the first force in the devil world.

The Jiantian Restaurant, created by the Tiantian Education, is also spread over the major powerhouses of the super-powers in the Devils. It is more than the Yinyang Restaurant of the Hell and Yin Family in Hell.

"Oh, Miss Eunno is also here?!" Wu Jingnan's eyes are bright and happy.

The sentence is the three geniuses of the devil world, and is also one of the four great beauty of the devil world. In the devil world, the younger generation has many pursuers, and Wu Jingnan is one of his firm pursuers.

The sentence promise can be said to be a universal response, as long as she screams, there are countless super-large factions and fewer masters, and less educated masters for their lives.

"Yes, Miss Inno has come to the North Cold Region, and now it is in the North Cold Continent." The konjac ancestor Tian Changyue smiled and said: "I heard that a few days of punishment will also come to the demon. Not born, I did not expect this Wan curse monument and the glass magic monument to be born, even he was alarmed."

The konjac ancestor Li Tongdao said: "When the demon ancestors and twelve devils joined forces invincible, shocking the world, how arrogant, unfortunately, after the disappearance of the celestial ancestors, Huang Quan Mozun, the black brake demon, the Chi Bao Mozun also All of them have disappeared one after another. Now, the only remaining nine demon lords in the devil world are distracted. Otherwise, this eternal magical monument and the glass magic monument are born, and other strongmen dare to come to my devil world, which dares to blame me for the devil! ”

Indeed, if the nine demon statues are united, even if the ancestors of the nine yin ancestors eclipse, the ancestors of the Tushenmen ancestors must also measure the consequences.

"After two days, after the teacher and the demon lord came, they solved the six meditation gates, and we went to the north cold continent!" Wu Jingnan, the devotee of the konjac teaching, smiled.

Whether the Nine Devils are distracted, whether they join forces, he does not care, he cares about the sentence.

Since the last time he saw the sentence in the prison, he was shocked to be a man of heaven.

"Solve my six sacred doors! A big tone!" At this moment, a cold scream sounded.

Everyone saw it, and when they saw it, they saw the fluctuation of the space. The master of the six-door gate Gao Changran came out. However, what surprised the konjac and others was that they saw Gao Changran coming out behind a young black man. of.

The konjac ancestor Li Tong and Tian Changyue looked at each other and saw the doubts in the other's eyes.

Obviously, they doubted the identity of this young brunette.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows have a magic pattern, and his body is amazing.

At this time, Wu Jingnan, the devotee of the konjac, stared at Gao Changran and sneered: "Who is my lord? It turned out to be a high-ranking lord. How come, the high-ranking lord is coming over now, is he trying to avenge the blood of your disciples?" Just by your eighth emperor?"

Gao Changran is the beginning of the eighth stage of the Great Emperor, while the konjac ancestor Li Tong and Tian Changyue are both the mid-ninth and the late masters of the Great Emperor. As for the other enchanting ancestors around him, they are also more than seven orders of the Emperor.

As for Huang Xiaolong, he can see that it is only a heavenly eighth order.

Gao Changran cold channel: "Wu Jingnan, do you really think that our six sacred doors are soft persimmons that you are kneading at will?!"

Wu Jingnan laughed and shrugged: "Sorry, in my eyes, it is really!" When it comes to this, the eyes fall on Huang Xiaolong: "Boy, do you want to mediate for the Sixth Gate? I advise you not to be good. I intervene in my konjac teachings, save me from getting into the fire, and then I am tired of my own sect."

Obviously, in his view, Huang Xiaolong should be Gao Changran to be a lobbyist. Huang Xiaolong should be a young master of the super-devil in the devil world. It should be a bit of an identity.

Of course, no matter what identity Huang Xiaolong is, in the eyes of the konjac, it is worth mentioning.

The young master of the top ten super-devils in the devil world, he all recognized that Huang Xiaolong is obviously not.

Huang Xiaolong said: "You can't afford to see yourself, a konjac, it's not worthy of my visitor and mediation."

Wu Jingnan stunned and then became angry: "Kid, you are looking for death!"

At this time, the konjac ancestor Li Tong was a brow, staring at Huang Xiaolong: "Who is you? You are too mad."

No one has ever dared to despise the konjac.

The konjac is the fifth force in the devil world, and the stone sacred demon is one of the twelve demon sects. Although it is only ranked sixth among the twelve devils, it is also a master of the tenth-order late peak of the emperor, and it is not ordinary. The tenth step of the Great Emperor.

Now, this young black man actually said a konjac.

Moreover, this young black man is only a heavenly kingdom.

If Li Tong didn't think that the identity of the young man was not simple, he was afraid to rush to the same sentence.

"I have always been like this." Huang Xiaolong said lightly: "We are here today, indeed for the disciples of Liu Mingmen. What konjac disciples have killed the disciples of Liumingmen? Now, if you all hand it over, Let the six meditations be disposed of, and then you will admit your mistakes on the top of the city of Six Meditations. Then, this can be done."

This time, he came to the Devil World. If it is not necessary, he does not want to have a big conflict with the Devils.

Wu Jingnan, Li Tong, Tian Changyue and others are stunned. Some can't believe what they heard. What did the young man say? Let them hand over the disciples who taught the konjac to the six meditation gates? Also let them admit their mistakes on the door of the city of Six Meditations? !

Wu Jingnan first laughed, and the laughter grew bigger.

Li Shan, Tian Changyue and others are looking at Huang Xiaolong with a cold face. (To be continued.)

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