Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1839: Take your people and drive me away.

This huge and incomparable magic city is the first magic city in the devil world. It is also the largest magic city in the devil world. There is no one, and it is also the last magic city at the end of the devil world.

Eternal Magic City!

Of course, some people say that this eternal magic city is the magic city in front of the devil world, not the last.

The eternal magic city, the history of existence, can not be pursued, but before the celestial ancestors, there is already the existence of the eternal magic city.

Who is the eternal magic city who casts it, and everyone talks about it.

Some say that they are the ancestors of the past, and some say that there is a mysterious existence.

The eternal magic city, the wall does not know how many billions of miles, squatting there, just like the front of the devil and the rear of the devil are separated.

The eternal magic city is gone, it is the deepest part of the eternal magic land.

The deepest part of the eternal magic land is the endless World of Warcraft, where there is endless, inexhaustible Warcraft.

Some people say that if there is no eternal magic city barrier that blocks the endless Warcraft of the World of Warcraft, the Devils have been swallowed up by the endless Warcraft, and now, the Devil may become the super world of Warcraft.

Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, everyone has to admit that in the depths of the eternal magic land, the horror of the endless World of Warcraft.

Rumors, even if the ordinary transcendence of the emperor enters the depths of this World of Warcraft, it can not escape, but also to fall there.

"We entered the eternal magic city." Parked for a while, Huang Xiaolong slowly opened the way, the moment, flew to the eternal magic city.

The four big four are not like Huang Xiaolong, Gao Changran, and Wang Faning.

As Huang Xiaolong and others approach the Eternal Magic City, the more they feel the eternal magic city.

In front of the Eternal Magic City, people are still sandier than sand, and smaller than sand.

Huang Xiaolong saw that there are countless tiny black spots around the extreme distance are also moving to the eternal magic city. These tiny black spots are the strongest of all parties from the various fields of the devil world. They are like the sand of the Ganges.

Although it was guessed that the two great monuments were born, it would inevitably lead many people into the northern colds. However, looking at the countless surging black spots, Huang Xiaolong felt that the previous guess was still too small.

Originally, seeing the eternal magic city is in front of you, but Huang Xiaolong also flew for a full half an hour before he came to the South Gate of the Eternal Magic City.

When I came to the Nancheng Gate, it was even more impassable. The strong people from all directions almost went to the South Gate. The Nanchengmen Gate was like a huge gap. It was absorbed by each group, each group, each Zongmen disciple.

As the parties gathered, they all had to flow in. Therefore, at the entrance of the Nancheng Gate, there was no friction or fight.

Looking at the fights at the gate of the city, Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention, and Gao Changran flew directly to the gate of the city gate.

Just when Huang Xiaolong wanted to enter the gate of the city with the crowd, suddenly, there was a big drink behind him: "Give me away!" The sound is like a thunder, rolling, and some weaker disciples are directly shocked from the sky. Fall down.

Everyone looked and saw the back. A group of disciples riding a huge beast was heading straight into the city gate.

"It's the people of the Valley of the Thunder!"

"The Thunder Valley Valley has advocated Mount Lu!"

Many strong people have changed their faces and have shunned concessions.

Thunder Valley is the second-largest superpower in the North Cold Region. It ranks ninth in the entire Devil World.

The mad thunder demon, in the twelve devils, ranked eighth.

Huang Xiaolong did not return, and continued to fly to the gate of the city.

Due to the retreat of the strong parties, the vicinity of the city gate was empty, and Huang Xiaolong looked very abrupt and conspicuous.

"Who is this kid, not afraid of death?!"

"Hey, isn't that the door of the six sacred gates Gao Changran? And the silver-haired old man is the six ancestors Wang Fanning!"

"The Sixth Gate Gate Lord Gao Changran? I heard that Wu Jingnan, the teacher of the konjac teaching, is Gao Changran!"

"Is it misrepresented? This is impossible. I don't dare to give Gao Changran a hundred courage."

And the Thunder Valley, who was riding on the giant beast, went straight to see Huang Xiaolong, Gao Changran and others did not evade, could not help but see.

"Little Valley Lord?" A Leiyue Valley ancestor could not help Zhang Yanshan with his eyes.

Zhang Yishan sneered, showing the excitement of blood-sucking: "Directly press the past!"

It’s just a six-door gate, and it’s not worthy of his scruples and stops.

I got the reply from Zhang Qishan. Suddenly, everyone in the Leiyue Valley no longer has to worry about it. He urged to sit down and let the giant beast continue to rush to Huang Xiaolong, and Gao Changran rushed over without speed.

These giant beasts are all born with brute force, and the bones and bones are extremely hard. If they are hit, the big emperor will not be killed and will be seriously injured.

See Zhang Qishan and other people continue to collide with the speed, the six-door door master Gao Changran changed his face, and screamed: "Let's go!" Finished, and Liu Mingmen ancestor Wang Faning both shot.

The two men took the lead and formed a huge tornado storm, which was constantly moving and pushed to Zhang Yushan and others.

Because of the scruples of Zhang Qishan and other people, Gao Changran’s two shots are still somewhat scruples and reservations. The two thought that they would stop Zhang Lanshan and others.

However, when the ancestors of the Thunder Valley saw their ancestors, they all rushed to the top of their hands, screaming and screaming, and they were extremely fierce.

Gao Changran, Wang Fanning, although they are not weak, are high-ranking emperors. However, the ancestors of the Leiyue Valley also have no shortage of high-ranking emperors, but also people join hands. In contrast, Gao Changran’s strength is fragile. I saw the tornado storm formed by the two men’s hands and was torn by the ancestors of the Thunder Valley.

The hands of the ancestors of the Thunder Valley continued to be pressed to Huang Xiaolong and Gao Changran.

Leiyue Valley Shaogu advocates Lushan laugh: "Haha, Gao Changran, you have a great emperor and want to stop the road of the Lord, but don't take your people away!"

Gao Changran, Wang Fanning looked at the power of the ancestors of the Thunder Valley, and his face changed.

At this moment, the head behind Huang Xiaolong was not like the head of one side, and he took a random shot.

I saw the ancestors of the Thunder Valley, like the sand, and suddenly disappeared. Then, all the people and beasts of the Thunder Valley were flew out and threw them into the sky, and then they reached the peaks. .

The giant beasts smashed into the distant mountains, and the bangs continued to come, and the peaks of the mountains collapsed.

Everyone in the Valley of the Thunder was buried in the gravel of the mountain, and some broke into the mountain, and then the beast that fell from the sky was slammed again.

Everyone stays.

Looking at the Leiyue Valley Zhang Yishan and others squatting in the mountains and gravel, I don’t know what to think for a while.

When everyone came back to God, I saw Huang Xiaolong, four are not like, Gao Changran has already entered the door of the Eternal Magic City.

Looking at the back of Huang Xiaolong, the crowd slammed. (To be continued.)

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