Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1847: Snatch

After leaving the auction, Huang Xiaolong did not stay much and went straight back to the small yard.

On the road, there are countless breaths, if there is nothing to lock Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong did not care about this.

He is not afraid of these people to shoot, I am afraid that these people will not steal.

If it weren't for the Eternal Magic City to be guarded by the Demon Legion, these people would still be afraid of the existence of the Devil's Legion. I was afraid that Huang Xiaolong would take the auction as soon as he left the auction.

Although the previous four are not like the retreat of the stone sacred demon, showing the amazing strength, but the man is dead, the bird is the food and death, this is the ancient law, driven by the spaceship and the holy water, these people will not bear all the consequences.

On the road, behind Huang Xiaolong, he sensed the surrounding intentions, and Gao Changran was quite a bit timid.

When all the way back to the yard with trepidation, Gao Changran was relieved.

Although he knows the identity of Huang Xiaolong, although he knows that Huang Xiaolong can kill all enemies, but now the Eternal Magic City has gathered most of the power of the Devil, even if Huang Xiaolong is strong, can not compete with most of the Devil!

A stone sorcerer may not have anything, but with the mad thunder demon? Plus the Taiji magic door, plus the Variety of the Magic, plus the black magic, plus the criminal education?

These super-powers, if these super-powered devils attacked, they would be useless even if they were the godless army.

"Your Majesty, do we want to leave, leave first, and temporarily avoid it?" Back to the yard, Gao Changran carefully proposed to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "Retreat? Where to avoid? You think that when we leave the Eternal Magic City, they will give up the holy magic water?"

If they leave the Eternal Magic City, there is no Heavenly Demon Legion. On the contrary, these demons who peep at the Holy Water will be more unscrupulous.

Therefore, they are safer in the Eternal Magic City.

Gao Changran also knows this, but he is still worried, saying: "Your Majesty, I heard that tomorrow, the demon statue will go to the eternal magic city, and the sorcerer will only go to the eternal magic city these few days!"

"They will arrive when they arrive, and wait until they arrive." Huang Xiaolong doesn't care.

"Well, let's go out first, pay attention to the news of the opening of the demon tower." Gao Changran still has to say, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and interrupted.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Changran can only respectfully retreat.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong took out the Huangquan magic robe. For centuries, Huang Xiaolong has been using the ghost blue spring to soak the Huangquan magic robe, and after he became the Lord of Hell, he collected the magic stone and countless materials to repair the Huangquan magic. Robe, so, the Huangquan magic robe has been almost completely repaired.

Now, only this holy magic water is missing.

With this holy water, Huang Xiaolong believes that Huang Quan's robe should be completely repaired soon.

Huang Xiaolong took out the stone bottle containing the holy magic water, and banned the opening of the bottle cap. Suddenly, a blue light rose from the bottle mouth, and it was like a dream.

The stone bottle tilted slightly, and a drop of blue crystal liquid dripped from the stone bottle to the center of Huangquan magic robe. Suddenly, a swallowing sound of "咕噜" sounded, and the whole yellow spring robe blazed, and Huang Quan’s robe was held above it. The troll with a giant axe seems to have awakened, and his eyes are red and shining.

After a while, the magic light rises into the sky, and countless magic lines flash on it.

Under this drop of holy water, Huang Xiaolong can feel the yellow spring magic circle of Huangquan's robe center is being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before, the Huangquan magic array had a crack like a spider web. Now, these subtle The cracks are constantly compounding and disappearing.

A drop of holy magic water, there is such a magical effect, but it is beyond Huang Xiaolong's expectation.

According to this calculation, about ten drops, it should be able to completely repair this Huangquan magic robe.

Huang Quan's robe is the remnant of Huang Quan's devil's devastation. The troll above not only contains the essence of Huangquan's robe, but also its will. Therefore, although Huangquan's robe is a Chinese product, it is a Chinese spirit, but its The power is not weaker than the general top quality Hongmeng.

It is completely worthwhile to consume ten drops of holy magic water to make Huangquan magic robe repair.

Huang Xiaolong tilted the stone bottle, and the holy magic water dripped successively.

Every drop is blue and charming.

Every time Huang Quan’s robe swallows a drop of holy water, it makes a “squeaky” sound, and the axe troll above it shines a bit.

With a drop of sacred drop of water, Huang Quan's magic robe is full of magic, the troll whistling, wanting to break out of the yellow spring robe.

The magic light of Huangquan's robe robes the people of the Devils who peek around Huang Xiaolong around the yard.

"what is this?!"

"It must be a certain demon monster, at least the level of the Chinese product, the spirit of the spirit! No, it may be the top quality Hongmeng!"

Many of the strong demons exclaimed.

These people, there is no shortage of demons and old devils, and they are very knowledgeable.

"There are so many treasures on this kid!"

The ancestors who had been unbearable in the heart of Huang Xiaolong’s body were even more eager to move.


Finally, under the temptation of Huang Quan’s magic robe, some people couldn’t help but shoot.

One person flew up in the sky, his body was tall, and his body magic light rose. Then, the whole person turned into a huge magic light, the magic light flowed, divided into yin and yang, and the darkness and light constantly alternated.

"It is the ancestors of Taiji Devils!"

Many of the Devil's strongmen recognized the ancestors of the Taiji Demon Gate.

At the auction, the ancestors of the Taiji Demon Gate had long since ignored Huang Xiaolong.

The yin-sun group of the Taiji Devil's ancestors turned constantly, such as a huge yin-yang roulette, every turn, wherever it passes, it was shredded by its yin and yang magic, and turned into a yin-yang airflow.

"Tai Chi Devil's Tai Chi Yin Yang Wheel, Taiji Magic Door is the strongest skill!"

"It is said that the Taiji Demon Gate ancestors used to display the Taiji Yinyang round once forced to retreat to Huangquan Devil, and I don't know if it is true or not!"

The ancestors of the Taiji Devils smashed into the sky at the moment, and with the ancestors of the Taiji Demon Gate, the princes and many ancestors who were hiding in the surrounding area also shot.

A group of people broke through the air, and the magic light rushed to the sky and stirred the wind.

The strong people around the city are all shocked.

Just then, suddenly, in the yard of Huang Xiaolong, eight huge arms were stretched out, each arm was encircled with endless dark magic, and each arm seemed to be a dark troll that protruded from the dark abyss. hand.

Among the eight huge arms, four greeted the ancestors of the Taiji Demon Gate, and the other four, swept the ancestors of the Taiji Demon Gate and the Taiji Magic Gate.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The four giant arms simultaneously captured the Taiji yin and yang rounds of the ancestors of Taiji Devils. Just like shooting on a huge ball of light, countless yin and yang magic light bursts.



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