Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1856: Respect is not as good as life

After seeing Chen Yujian’s call for the ever-changing konjac, he urged himself to take a shot. Huang Xiaolong said in a light way: “If this is the case, then I respectfully die.”

Huang Xiaolong Devil's Supreme God is urging, and the amazing Supreme Magic is insane and violent. With Huang Xiaolong's supreme magic, the surrounding space actually sounds a kind of screaming.

This is the sound that can only be formed after the magic reaches an amazing level.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong seems to have thousands of chaotic trolls awakening, the whole person completely changed into a look, the eyes of the magic light flooded, the magic power enveloped the world.

Chen Yujian, Chen Yinuo, Qin Hongbao three people were taken aback.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong moved, and Huang Xiaolong slammed out with a punch, and rushed to the other side's chest.

The three saw that Huang Xiaolong’s fist had an amazing magic flame.

As Huang Xiaolong slammed out, the space collapsed instantly and a huge black hole appeared.

With this huge black hole, Huang Xiaolong instantly slammed into the chest of Chen Yujian.

When Chen Yujian felt the power of Huang Xiaolong’s fist to destroy the earth, the calm face finally changed greatly, but at this time, he wanted to avoid it again, and he could only madly push the magical array of the konjac.

"Amazing magic! Give me a drive!" He stunned.

Countless magic lights suddenly emerged like a blasted levee.

On the konjac, one after another, the magic array is running, and the layers of defense are stretched out in an instant.


Huang Xiaolong hit a fist on the enchanted chanting of Chen Yujian. Suddenly, the layered defenses of the versatile konjac were like the decaying planks, and instantly burst, all bursting!

One after another, the magic array was stunned by Huang Xiaolong’s amazing punching force and stopped running.

Huang Xiaolong’s boxing force easily passed through the konjac and slammed into Chen’s chest.

The sound of broken bones rang like a firecracker.

Chen Yujian screamed screamingly, and the whole person flew up from the 222 steps, throwing it extremely high and far, and finally fell from the heights to the foot of the mountain.


From the foot of the mountain, there was a huge shock.

Chen Yujian’s screams are still screaming at high altitude.

Huang Xiaolong took back his hand and the whole body was in a state of momentum. The magic light in the body completely converges. It is like an ordinary young man. He did not seem to have done it before.

At this time, a curse formed by a magical gas formed from the void, and instantly fell into the body of Huang Xiaolong. This is a curse, which is the punishment of the person who took the tower to the tower.

For this curse, Huang Xiaolong did not put it in his heart. With his current connotation, he could easily dispel this curse without leaving a little sequela.

Huang Xiaolong did not look at Chen Yujian who was lying at the foot of the mountain without moving. He lifted his footsteps and continued to walk to the top of the mountain. He had just delayed and had some time. Although it was not long, he had to speed up.

The faster you pass through each layer, the more magic you will be rewarded and the more refined you will be.

While standing at the foot of the mountain at the foot of the twenty-sixth and twenty-seven steps, Qin Hongbao looked at the back of Huang Xiaolong's head to the top of the mountain, and he was completely stiff. He had no reaction for a long time.

Until Huang Xiaolong had reached the 300th step, the two talents reacted back to what had just happened.

Chen Yinuo looked at the foot of the mountain, and Chen Zhenjian, who had no movement at all, was undulating. It seemed that something was jumping in uneasiness inside, and the cherry mouth was slightly open: "Just, just now, just now!"

For the first time, she found that it was so difficult to express things.

Qin Hongbao is afraid of both eyes, as if he still did not pull out from the scene.

The scene just now has been deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul. This is a scene that will not be erased in his life.

After a while, the two of them awoke, took out the letter, and reported the incident on the second floor to the outside gate.

"What?! Chen Yujian was shot by a punch!"

The ancestors of the criminal day watched the contents of the letter of the Yinuo, and they were all shocked and opened their mouths.

With the punishment of the heavens, the excitement of the ancestors of the Chiyou Mozong, soon, the news spread, the square blasted, and the eternal sects of the genius were equally shocked, but at the same time, the sorcerer His face was ugly, his eyes were so flamboyant, and he was anxious and upset.

Outside, Huang Xiaolong did not know that after a few minutes, he had already reached the four hundred steps, and this stopped and began to rest and restore the power of the body.

Because the second layer adds gravity, the body's divine power consumption is much larger.

After half an hour, Huang Xiaolong continued to run upwards, always maintaining a speed, three steps per second.

When it reached 800 steps, Huang Xiaolong stopped and rested.

However, the second floor has two thousand steps, which is twice as many as the first floor.

Therefore, when Huang Xiaolong set foot on the second floor, it took almost three hours.

Just as Huang Xiaolong stepped on the second floor of the mountain, like the first floor, the hollow hole opened and countless magic lights poured down.

This time, the magic light was dumped for six hours, twice as much as the first layer.

Huang Xiaolong discovered that after accepting the second layer of magic light quenching and baptism, his strength has risen to the peak of the eighth step of Tianjun.

The devil's supreme god, the blood-eyed magic monument is even more radiant, the blood of the blood-eye magic monument is more intense.

After stopping a dozen breaths, Huang Xiaolong began to walk into the third floor entrance. Suddenly, the third layer of the magic tower was dazzled, and the strong people around the square were shocked.

"A dozen hours, even two layers!" The demon sage looked at the third layer of the magic light, can not help but sigh.

If it took time to remove the magic light, it only took four hours?

Four hours!

Thinking of this, even if it is the head of his twelve devils, he can't help but feel a sigh of relief.

time flies.

Blinking, more than a month passed.

When more than a month passed, Huang Xiaolong stepped into the ninth floor entrance.

When you go up to the magic tower, you will have more resistance. For example, the second layer has more gravity, while the third layer has more lightning damage on the basis of gravity, and the fourth layer is based on gravity and lightning. On the basis of the gods and souls, the fifth layer is based on gravity, thunder and punishment, and the spirit of the attack, and more poisonous fog.

Moreover, every time you go up, the mountain will become steeper and the steps will be a thousand steps.

When Huang Xiaolong walked into the ninth floor and looked at the huge peaks in front of him, Rao was psychologically prepared, and he also took a breath of cold air. He saw this huge peak, and it was completely straight. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there was no inclination. Degree, and the entire peak, like a mirror, is extremely smooth, reflecting the dazzling radiance.

Huang Xiaolong’s throat swallowed.

Imagine the power of space, the power of chaos, the gravity, the thunder, the attack of the soul, the poisonous fog, the sea of ​​fire, the snow, the sword, and so on. Then climb this line, and the sleek peaks will be one. What kind of scene?

I am afraid that there are so many enchanting geniuses, even the first step is not stable. (To be continued.)

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