Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1858: Leaving the Devil Tower

Just now, at the time of the 8th and 9999th steps, the top of the mountain was empty. There was nothing at all, but now when I came to the top of the mountain, there was a huge magic hall!


Huang Xiaolong looked down at the foot of the mountain and found that there was no change in the way.

In doubt, Huang Xiaolong looked at the huge magic hall in front of him.

The huge magic hall is triangular, far away, like a huge cone, the magic hall is surrounded by four, there are countless magic lines flowing, these magic lines are like flowing magic sand, and the ancient times are non-stop.

At the bottom of the entrance, there is a strong magic that constantly overflows from the inside.

After Huang Xiaolong noticed nothing, he went in to the entrance of the magic hall.

As soon as I entered the entrance of the magic hall, I came to a huge square. In the middle of the square, there was a giant demon squad. Huang Xiaolong looked around and finally looked at the giant demon squad and then walked forward. The past.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong came to the edge of this giant demon.

Looking at the magic light that the Mozu screamed in silence, Huang Xiaolong stepped in carefully.

When Huang Xiaolong stepped in, suddenly, his eyes were dark, and he came to a magical sacred place. This magical glory could not reach the sky, but could not reach the end. Then, the endless magic light came from this magical space. The gushing out, and these magic lights are completely different from the magic light of the previous eight layers.

The previous magic light, more is biased towards light, but now this endless magic light is extremely viscous, like magic light melt.

Looking at the tsunami, the magic light from all directions, Huang Xiaolong was shocked, the devil's supreme godhead was motivated, the magic poured out, forming a layer of defense on the body surface.

However, when these magic lights came in, Huang Xiaolong discovered that his magic defense had no effect at all. These magic lights instantly broke through his magic defense, and Huang Xiaolong was glued by these magical forces.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong was completely overwhelmed by these magical powers.

When these magical forces drowned, Huang Xiaolong had the feeling of being in a mudslide, and could not breathe at all, and could not move at all.

Huang Xiaolong is a strong man of Tianjun. It is reasonable to say that even if he is holding his breath for a hundred years, it will be fine, but now, when he is submerged by these magical powers and cannot breathe, Huang Xiaolong definitely feels that he is suffocating, and a feeling of suffocation and death is on his mind. .

At this point, he seems to be a mortal, he became a mortal who needs to breathe.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, and the magic also stuck to his eyes. In addition to the darkness, only the darkness was left.

At the moment of suffocation, Huang Xiaolong suddenly entered an ethereal spirit. He seemed to hear the deepest sound of this magical field, as if he heard the sound of these magical flows.

Huang Xiaolong Devil's Supreme God is automatically motivated, and the magic coming from all around is constantly pouring into Huang Xiaolong's body.

Soon, the Devil's Supreme Godhead is like a huge black hole that swallows, madly swallowing the infinite magic that flows into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

As these magical forces continue to flow into the body of Huang Xiaolong, the dragon body of Huang Xiaolong has been tempered, washed and reinforced by these magics over and over again.

The heart of **** on the chest is even more radiant, with the light of layers of hell.

Although the light of **** is also black, but it is different from the magic light of the devil world, the light of **** is black with a kind of blood, with a kind of chill, and the magic light of the devil is black with a violent, with a deep Dark green.

At this point, the blood-eyed magic monument flew out from the body of Huang Xiaolong, and the Huang Xiaolong continued to rotate around. The two blood eyes on the magical monument completely smashed open, like the two blood eyes of the peerless Warcraft that awakened from the magical world, with blood red Light.

The axe trolls on the robes of Huangquan also woke up, swallowing the magic light around them, and the konjac also flew out. The mouth of the mouth produced a kind of absorption power, and the magic light was absorbed.

Huang Xiaolong was immersed in the ethereal state. Previously, the faint magic made him feel suffocated. Now, he is lying in the magical world, swimming in it, extremely comfortable and stable.

Soon, a month passed.

Huang Xiaolong, who had been shrouded in magic, had no trace in the magical powers of the magic. But after a month passed, Huang Xiaolong’s place slowly spread a little bit of light.

This light, through the heavy magic, continues to bloom.

As time goes by, the magic is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting bigger and bigger. Looking at it from afar, Huang Xiaolong is like a huge sun in the magical field.

A strange sound from Huang Xiaolong continued to spread, resounding the space of this magical space.

This abnormal sound is the sound of the heart of hell.

With the beating of the heart of hell, the heavy magic is even more mad to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong continues to swallow this magic with amazing speed.

Huang Xiaolong, who was originally in the late eighth stage of Tianjun, broke through to the peak of the eighth stage of Tianjun, and still continued to improve at an alarming rate.

Finally, when it broke, Huang Xiaolong’s whole body was shaken, and the light was bursting. The surrounding magic was shaken away.

Tianjun nine steps!

After breaking through the nine steps of Tianjun, the Magic Magic is madly pouring into Huang Xiaolong.

After another ten days, the magical power of the magical dragons finally stopped.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, and two magic light burst out in his eyes. He shot straight out of the tens of thousands of miles, tearing the void, and it took a long time to dissipate.

Huang Xiaolong looks inside the body.

This magical infusion of the magical dragon casts his supreme magic body, called the body of the demon. This body of the demon is not a special deity, but it is thousands of times more powerful than many special deities, even no more than him. The Yuanlong **** is weak.

Everyone who climbs the nine-story tower on the magic tower can get the body of this demon. In the same year, the demon ancestors also have the body of the demon.

The demon tower is the supreme treasure of the birth of the most original source of the world of the devil world. The dragon body of Huang Xiaolong inherits from the demon tower. With this demon tower, after Huang Xiaolong in the devil world, you can easily engulf the devil's most original source anytime and anywhere. Energy, no matter how you cultivate any kind of magical power.

At this time, the magical pattern of Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows has been completely stabilized. However, the magical power of the dragon has spread from the eyebrows, making Huang Xiaolong like a supreme ancestor.

After seeing the inside of the body, Huang Xiaolong looked at the blood-stained monument on the side of his body. After this magical infusion, he was deeply touched and connected with the blood-stained monument.

If it is close to the Wan curiosity monument and the glass magic monument, even if it is 100 million miles, Huang Xiaolong can feel it confidently.

For the time when the World of Warcraft is looking for two big magic monuments, Huang Xiaolong is more confident.

"I don't know how it is outside." Huang Xiaolong took back the blood-stained monument, the konjac, and so on. When he stood up, his body shape was blurred, and he left the magical demon. When he appeared again, he had already come outside the demon tower. To be continued.

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