Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1861: Encourage the Heavenly Demon Legion

"Kill Huang Xiaolong! Huang Xiaolong is not dead, our devil will be destroyed!"

"kill him!"

Throughout the eternal magic city, almost every corner is roaring, to kill Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong is the identity of the Lord of Hell, as if it aroused the hatred of all the Mozus of the Eternal Magic City. All the demons seem to want to kill Huang Xiaolong and then quickly.

Gao Changran and Wang Faning both rushed to report this news to Huang Xiaolong.

Hearing his identity, all the Mozus in the eternal magic city shouted to kill themselves, but Huang Xiaolong smiled.

Gao Changran, Wang Fanning, both of them saw this time, Huang Xiaolong still laughed, could not help but speechless.

"Your Majesty, let's leave first?" Gao Changran carefully "persuaded".

When I thought of the scene of the eternal magic city billions of demons rushing, Gao Changran scalp was numb.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly said: "You think, who would most like us to leave the eternal magic city?"

Gao Changran, Wang Fanning and two people.

"It is the ancestors of Jiuyin, the ancestors of the ancestors, and the ancestors of Tushenmen culverted them!" Then, Gao Changran replied without thinking, and once he finished, Gao Changran understood the meaning of Huang Xiaolong.

"Your Majesty, what you mean is that the whole thing is eclipsed, and they are behind them to help them?" Gao Changran said: "They hope to use the hands of the Mozu to kill them, and then force them to leave the Eternal Magic City?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded and said: "It should be." Then he sneered: "Since the eclipse, they want to force me to leave the eternal magic city, then I have to stay in the eternal magic city."

Gao Changran hesitated: "Just left, those demons, they?"

Huang Xiaolong shook his hand and smiled. "The thunder is loud and the rain is small. If there are some dare to shoot, then I don't mind killing the chicken to see the monkey."

"But, I heard that the maddening demon statue, the eternal demon sects and the old masters of the black sorcerer and other masters went to meet the head of the sacred army." Gao Changran worried: "If they really say the corps of the corps Long, that!"

When the head of the corps of the Heavenly Demons was dispatched to deal with Huang Xiaolong, the situation would be worse.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Do not worry, even if the 12 demon statues all the magic deities to us, the Heavenly Devils will not shoot."

Gao Changran looked at each other with a look of confusion.

Is Huang Xiaolong so sure?

At this time, there is no one in the main hall of the Devil's Regiment, the mad thunder demon, the ever-changing Mozong, and the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie and others are on the sides of the hall.

On the main seat of the main hall, there is a burly old man who is full of magical light. The old man's eyes are like an eagle, sparkling with chilling light.

This old man is the head of the army of the Heavenly Devils. He has defended the Devils for tens of billions of years and has the supreme power and status.

In the Devil World, the Twelve Devils are worshipped by countless Devils, and they are fanatical, calling for the rain, but no matter whether it is the Twelve Devils or some hidden Supreme Devils, they dare not disrespect the leader of this Heavenly Demon Army. .

Now that the Heavenly Devil is missing, the head of the army who controls the Heavenly Demon Legion, to a certain extent, represents the Heavenly Devil.

The hall is a bit solemn.

"The head of the army, the identity of the young black-haired young man of Liu Mingmen, we can completely confirm that he is the newly born new **** Lord Huang Xiaolong." The mad thunder deity first broke the silence, and the voice was respectful: At that time, the Heavenly Devils led us to fight in hell, and Hell killed me in countless powers in the Devil World. It was also a disciple of the Devils in the Devil World. We are not in the world of Devils and Hell!"

"Now, Huang Xiaolong, the Lord of Hell, appeared in my hell, and at the extreme of the Eternal Magic City, it was simply a disregard for our devil!"

"We begged the head of the army to take the shot and kill Huang Xiaolong with us to promote the power of my devil!"

The maddening demon respects justice, and the voice echoes over the hall for a long time.

The ever-changing Mozong lords, the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie and others held their breath, no opening, and their eyes fell on Wang Teng, the head of the Heavenly Demon Legion.

The ever-changing Mozongs are old, and the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie is equally high in the devil world. However, in front of Wang Teng, the head of the Heavenly Demon Legion, there is no qualification for the socket.

Wang Teng looked at the maddening demon statue and said indifferently: "When the ancestors had told me to guard the devil world, I have been observing the order of the sorrowful deity for the past 10 billion years. I have never forgotten that year. The words of the ancestors, I consciously loyal to the devil world, believe this, no one should have any objection?"

The mad thunder demon hurriedly said: "The commander of the army led the demon-defying army, guarding the demon world for billions of years, and contributing to the devil world. We are no one dear to the lord of the army, and no one dares to question the loyalty of the army chief. ”

The ever-changing Mozong lords, the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie and others also nodded.

Wang Teng nodded: "So, my duty is to guard the devil and guard the devil."

Although Wang Teng did not say it clearly, the meaning of the words was revealed, and he would not take it.

The maddening demon can't help but rush, saying: "The head of the army, Huang Xiaolong climbed to the top of the ninth floor of the demon tower. Do you watch Huang Xiaolong become an outsider of our demon world? When Huang Xiaolong becomes our demon world Ancestor, our devil must be swallowed by hell!"

"At the time, our devil will no longer exist!"

"The head of the army, you have to think twice! For the devil, please shoot!"

The voice of the mad thunder demon is extremely sincere, just like the devil's liver and brain, it makes people feel moved.

Wang Teng was unmoved and shook his head: "Fren Thunder Demon, you please come back, I can't shoot, even if I shot, it is not against Huang Xiaolong, but against the ancestors of Jiuyin." If the six great magic monuments fall into their hands, our devil world is truly no longer there."

The maddening demon statue, the ever-changing Mozong of the old, the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie and others.

Wang Teng said again: "So, if you are really good for the devil, you should kill and smear, swear, seal Chu!"

The maddening devil is arrogant: "This."

He didn't know how to interface for a while.

"Well, send the guest." Wang Teng waved his hand and ordered the guest: "Come, please come back."

The mad thunder demon saw that he could only stand up, but he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction on his face. He held a fist on Wang Teng: "The head of the army, we retire."

However, just when the mad Thunder and other people want to leave, Wang Tengdao said: "If there is a new ancestor, I will obey the law of the celestial ancestor, and lead the sect of the sorcerer, it will be effective. Don't forget the order of the sorrowful ancestors of the year."

In the past, the sorcerer of the sorcerer had ordered him to squat down the twelve demon lords. If a new ancestor appeared, he would vote for the new ancestors.

The mad thunder demon snorted and left the ruins of the ruins of the ruins.

(Recommended a veteran new book, Reagan's new fantasy book, "The Emperor". Everyone goes to a popular book, and God sees it. The starting point is 1003779332)


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