Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1873: Fire cloud

In the face of the tsunami-like chaotic aura, the female landlord could not help but step back.

Not only the female landlord, but the maids of several female emperors who stood in the distance also stepped back and forth again, with a shocked look.

A few people are staring at the space ring of Huang Xiaolong's hand, and his eyes are not instantaneous.

"This is a million chaotic Lingshi, is it enough?" Huang Xiaolong said indifferently.

"One, one million and one million down the chaotic Lingshi!" The female landlord screamed for a while, and the throat snorted: "The son's meaning is that this million-poor chaotic spirit stone is all for us?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Not bad."

The female landlord sneaked into the atmosphere, and opened her face with a smile. "Enough, it's enough. You are so kind. You are so embarrassed. You can rest assured, I am going to ask Miss Fox." come."

Compared with the anger of the fire cloud, she naturally prefers this million-class chaotic stone.

"The son, not my fox fox, Miss Mei, Miss fox, is rare in the world, how many emperors and ancestors in the devil world want to see the glory of our fox and no chance, the son of this million miscellaneous chaotic stone absolute It’s worth the money.” The female landlord is even more eager to laugh at Huang Xiaolong: “Although there are countless young talents who are obsessed with the fascination of Miss Fox, but the fox lady has no belongings.”

"If the son can get the heart of Miss Huo Meimei, don't say this million, even if it is a million yuan, the chaotic spirit stone will be worth it."

At the end of the day, the female landlord smiled at Huang Xiaolong's ear: "Mu Humei is still the virgin body, and it is the body of the fox. If you do that, you can let the man really cool up."

When the female landlord attached Huang Xiaolong’s ear, a burst of meat scent came from her body. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The two groups of meat on her chest smashed Huang Xiaolong.

This female landlord is really beautiful, blowing like a blue, the voice is extremely tempting, **** is even bigger, both hands are afraid to hold it, this one-eyed, let Huang Xiaolong can not help but burst into red .

"Well, you are going to ask her to come over now." Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and said.

The female landlord giggled: "Well, the son waits a little." Then he walked away, and when he walked, the back twisted like a water snake.

Lv Xiaoqing frowned, and the eyes stunned the female landlord.

It didn't take long for Hu Qianmei to be invited.

At first glance, the beauty is touching, and then watching it is even more fascinating. It’s beautiful to look at it again, no matter how you look at it, it’s beautiful, it’s all beautiful, and this fox is itself The body of the fox, every move, has a natural temptation, and people have the impulse to be crazy.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong's determined mind, and he has to admire that this fox is a masterpiece of God.

No wonder it is known as the first beauty in World of Warcraft.

Its illusion of human form, although the eyebrows have a faint fox pattern, but this not only does not damage its beauty, but also makes it have a charming beauty.

Hu Qianmei went to Huang Xiaolong, and looked at Huang Xiaolong with a beautiful look. He said, "I have seen the son."

The sound is like a jade bead, it is crisp and moving, and there is a feeling of sourness. Its sound is like a pair of hand-free jade hands, scratching the heart.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

"Thousands of glamorous eyes, I don't know which empire is the emperor? The son is a million people, and the singer is really curious about the son."

Her voice continues to spread into the depths of Huang Xiaolong's soul. There is a natural temptation to make people lose their minds. Don't say that the heavenly ninth order is the ordinary emperor. I am afraid that I must honestly say my identity.

However, she is facing Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly and his face was calm: "I am just a nameless person. I don't care for the girl to hang my teeth. I heard that the girl played a magical song and listened to it under a few hands."

The fox smirked and smiled, and the smile made people fascinated. The scented lips whispered: "As long as the son is willing, the singer will be able to play for a few days and nights for the son."

Immediately walked to the front pavilion and sat down, then took out a magical instrument, extended the jade hand, and began to play.

A trace of magic sound, one by one notes constantly flying out of the magic piano.

These notes, in the yard, do not scatter, form a cohesive, turned into a head of ancient beauty, these ancient birds, Yang Tianming, and the magic of the magic, the sound, the heart and soul, clear soul .

Just when Huang Xiaolong, Gao Changran and others listened to the fox, the fire rushing clouds and the fire scorpion empire masters are coming to the female emperor building.

The fire cloud is wearing the purple dragon's robe, the face is beautiful, and there is a hint of purple enamel between the eyebrows, which adds a charm and noble spirit.

Although the fire cloud is the sixth emperor of the Fire Ray Ziyan Empire, its reputation is even bigger in World of Warcraft than Lan Bowei, because the talent of the Fire Cloud is extremely high, and it is recognized by World of Warcraft. Big genius.

The fire cloud has been cultivated for less than 100,000 years, and now it is the master of the second stage of the Great Emperor.

This kind of talent is not inferior to Chen Yujian of the Devils.

"The voice of the girl is very loud, and there are not many people who can hear the skills of the girl." We also followed the young master and were lucky enough to hear the skills of the girl." On the road, The purple ancestors ancestors Huo Yanxi laughed.

"I want to say that although there are countless young people in World of Warcraft, but only our young masters and thousands of charming girls are the perfect match." Another ancestor, the fire sorcerer laughed.

"I heard that the girl is a illegitimate daughter of the Silver Fox Emperor. I don't know if it is true or false."

The Silver Fox Empire is also one of the nine major empire of World of Warcraft, ranking seventh.

The fire flow cloud said: "We don't want to guess the imagination of the girl." At this time, everyone in the Purple Empire had already come to the Emperor's Building: "Come on, let's go in."

But after a while, the fire cloud looked gloomy and looked at the female landlord in front of the female emperor: "What do you say? Qianmei is playing the music for its people, now there is no time?"

The fire sacred empire empire ancestors are also poorly faced.

"Guo Mengmeng, you are not afraid, you know that we have to come to listen to the songs of thousands of girls every day. Do you dare to let the girl go to play it?" The old ancestors Yan Yanxi smiled coldly.

The female landlord Guo Mengmeng had a difficult face: "This, the other party gave a million of the chaotic Lingshi, and it was agreed by the girl, so I can't do it."

"What, a million of the chaotic Lingshi?!" The purple ancestors were shocked, and even the fire cloud was shocked.

But then the fire cloud sneered: "It turned out to be rich, let's go, take me over, I really want to see who is so rich, the shot is a million!" There is a strong killing. (To be continued.)

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