Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1883: Kill your dragon bear family!

With the opening of the real dragon, a dragon screamed, as if from the ancient floods, the vast dragons swept the world. ★★

Chiyou, Yan Han, and Lan Chong were shocked to see that the true dragon mountain was full of light and vibration, and countless rocks fell, and the tyrannical dragon power continued to spurt out.

Zhenlong Mountain is like a real dragon that has come alive, and it is the real dragon.

"This, this!" Lan Chong eats.

They can hardly imagine that a true dragon that has fallen into a real dragon that has been turned into a living fossil can be resurrected.

Even the ancestors of Jiuyin's corpse eclipse are also shrinking, saying: "With Long Yuanshi as the base, urging the real dragons to awaken the will of the real dragon, and activate the dragon power in the body, peerless Array!"

A peerless big battle!

There are not many that can be eclipsed as a peerless array, and this real dragon is a big one.

When Huang Xiaolong attacked the evil spirits palace, Feng Chu urged the evil spirits to scream and awaken the will of the evil king. The evil king ancestor is also a supreme master.

However, after all, it is only a trace of will, and there is no body, and the real dragon in front of this real dragon is the real body of the real dragon. In its body, there are still dragon veins, and there is still the residual power of the real dragon. And this true dragon will be much stronger than the will of the original evil ancestor.

Therefore, this real dragon is far from being comparable to the previous evil spirits.

At this time, the infinite endless power of the true dragon is still ejected from the mountain body, shining brightly, and illuminating the entire Dragon Bear Valley.

The rock is still rolling down, and each time it rolls down, Longwei strengthens one point.

In the end, a lifelike real dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The original eyes of Zhenlong suddenly opened, and the whole world was shocked. The maddening demon and other people waiting for the cliff outside also felt a strong shock.

"What happened?!" Cui Huajie, the teacher of the black-browed demon, was shocked.

"A good Longwei, this is definitely the master of the Tianlong Dragon!" The maddening demon face is extremely dignified.

Dominate the Tianlong strong!

Cui Huajie, the master of the black-browed demon, and Chen Xie, the ancestors of the Mozambique, all took a breath.

A dragon in a dominant position, the strength is absolutely terrifying.

"Under the cliff, is it the land that dominates the Tianlong strongman?" Chen Xie, the ancestors of the genius, is suspected.

The mad thunder demon shook his head: "should not be."

"I don't know if they can successfully hold Huang Xiaolong, or kill Huang Xiaolong smoothly." Cui Huajie said.

The evil **** emperor sealed the cold channel: "With the strength of respect, it is the dragon of the dominating world. If it is still killing, then even if you are the master of the Tianlong, you can't shelter Huang Xiaolong."

The mad thunder demon and others nodded.

Although the dragon in the dominance is horrible, it is certainly not the opponent of the ancestors of the nine yin corpse.

At this time, a loud bang suddenly came from under the cliff.

The power of terror continues to sweep the world.

"Under the next hand?!" Frenzy and other people were shocked.

As the mad Thunder and other people guess, the bottom has indeed played against.

To be exact, Chiyou, Yan Han, Lan Chong and others are joining forces to attack the real dragon.

The three men were able to penetrate one after another, but the bombardment of the real dragon in front of them was blocked by the real dragon.

The real dragon in front of him is like a dragon that has been completely resurrected and resurrected. The dragons are bursting, and the dragon scales are constantly open, like a piece of golden god, each dragon scale is solid as a chaotic gold wall.

The real dragon dragon claws are big, and each claw is swung out, which makes Chiyou, Yan Han, and Lan Chong three people dodge.

Looking at the power of the real dragon in front of the eyes, the aging ancestors of the nine yin corpses gradually became dignified, and the power of the real dragon was stronger than he had imagined.

Seeing Chiyou, Yuhan, Lan Chong and others can't attack for a long time, and the eclipse flies up and comes over the real dragon mountain, and suddenly both palms are shot down.

The eclipse of the giant palm, such as the two pillars of the sky, with the power to destroy the land, immediately blasted.

Under the eclipse of the giant eclipse, the original power is amazing, and the dragon of the mighty dragon is actually much weaker.

Inspired by a strong threat, the real dragon is a sigh of relief, and the whole body of the dragon is jetted.

The clan of the dragon bear clan in the mountain's abdomen saw the eclipse of the eclipse, and his face changed. The whole body flashed and turned into a dragon bear body. The arms like a mountain suddenly swayed, and the cockroaches dominated. The force of the chaos law is constantly infused into the real dragon array with the dragon element in the body.

Under the power of Cong Yuanzong's dominating chaos law and the dragon's perfusion, the real dragon has once again doubled in shape, and the four claws simultaneously greeted the eclipse.


As the countless chaotic bangs exploded, the whole world was shaking. The ground around the Dragon Bear Valley began to crack and began to appear as a huge rift.

The dragons and valleys of the ancestors were shocked. Every inch of the space in the Dragon Bear Valley was tempered by the sacred dragons and bears, and after 10 billion years of blessing, every inch of land was solid and abnormal, even the Great Ten In the late stage of the stage, the strong attacker could not leave a small pit on it for a few years, but now, it is like a crisp wood board, it does not break open!

Even the mad thunder demon outside the cliff, Feng Chu and others are scared to retreat.


The nine yin corpse ancestors eclipsed and stunned. Originally, he thought that he would be able to shake the real dragons under the heavy blow. Even if it could not be shaken, it could weaken the real dragon, but did not expect the real dragon. The big array actually withstood his blow!

The eclipse is cold and vocal: "There was a strong master who was in the blessing of the real dragon. Who is this? The current patriarch of the Long Xiong clan Cangyuan Zong?"

Chiyou, Yan Han, and Lan Chong were shocked.

Cangyuan Zong? Cangyuan Zong also achieved mastery?

Cangyuan Zong did not speak.

"Cangyuan Zong, even if there is a blessing in the real dragon, you can't support it for a long time. I advise you to hand over Huang Xiaolong. You can now hand over Huang Xiaolong to it." Eclipse sneered: "Why do you think the dragon bears take it?" Protecting Huang Xiaolong from the danger of being killed by the genocide? What benefits did Huang Xiaolong give you?"

Cangyuan Zong still has no openings.

After waiting for a while, I saw that Cangyuanzong still did not respond. The eclipse was flashing and shouting loudly: "If this is the case, then I will break this real dragon and destroy your dragon bear family today!"

"The light of the nine yin!"

A glimpse of the eclipse, arms outstretched.

As the eclipse lifted up, the void split, and the black and black were dark and dark, and the purple-violet-like light column fell from the void.

This light column seems to gather the most evil, the most chilly and darkest force in the sky. As soon as it appears, the entire Dragon Bear Valley land is instantly layered with layers of black ice. These black ice, with strange light, seem to freeze everything. .

Looking at the light of the nine yin falling in the void, Chiyou, Yan Han, and Lan Chong are all shocked and panicked, for fear of being touched by the light of the nine yin. (To be continued.) 8

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