Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1886: Finally arrived

Rao is Huang Xiaolong who knows that the strength of Cangmutian is amazing, but he heard that Cangmutian actually said that he would help him to directly open a space channel and directly reach the cursed forest. He was still shocked. ★★

From the Dragon Bear Valley to the Cursed Forest, it’s more than a trillions of miles, and Huang Xiaolong is a four-and-a-half-day ride on a spaceship.

For such a long distance, if you want to transmit, you need a level transfer matrix.

However, now, Cangmutian does not need any level of transmission, relying on the power of one person, open a space channel, let Huang Xiaolong and others directly pass.

This kind of strength has already come out of what Huang Xiaolong can imagine now.

Cang Mutian saw Huang Xiaolong look surprised and smiled: "Nothing to be surprised, with your talent, one day I will definitely reach the realm of mine, and you can do it by then."

Huang Xiaolong came back to God and hesitated. He asked: "Mr. Makita, you are now dominated by high-level?"

Cang Mutian and his master, the Lord of Hell, are friends, so Huang Xiaolong respected his predecessors.

"Mastering high-level, it's easy!" Cang Mutian shook his head.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised, not even!

Originally, he thought that Cang Mutian could even retreat with the ancestors of the nine yin corpses, and should have the power to dominate the high ranks.

Cang Mutian said again: "As far as I know, there is only one person who can dominate the high-order, and dominate the high-level, difficult!"

There are only one person in the world!

Huang Xiaolong took a breath of air.

It seems that it is much harder to dominate high-level than you think.

"The reason why eclipse was repelled by me was because I used the real dragon mountain and used the stone platform to take advantage of the power of the dragon bear valley. In fact, if the real strength is, the eclipse is not much weaker than me." Cang Mutian said: So, you will see eclipse later, be careful."

Huang Xiaolong sank in his heart and nodded.


Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold, and no matter how strong the eclipse is, sooner or later, he will kill it by himself!

"Mr. Makita, who is the one who dominates the high class?" Huang Xiaolong was very curious about this person.

Is it the king of his master, Hongmeng? Or are you some unknown hidden gods?

Cang Mutian shook his head and closed his mouth.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he had to give up.

Subsequently, Cangmutian asked Cangyuan Zong to give the original stone to Huang Xiaolong, and then began to open a huge space channel.

Although the strength of Cangmutian is amazing, it is not a one-and-a-half-day event to get through such a space channel. It took half a day to complete.

Half a day later, a huge black hole appeared in the sky above the real dragon.

This space black hole, it is no problem to accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

"Well, you are going in now. Because there is no support for the formation, this space channel can only exist for a maximum of half a month. Therefore, in this half month, you have to go to the cursed forest and come out, otherwise, space. When the passage collapses, you will be exiled to the unknown space, and it will be difficult to return to the devil world by then." Cang Mutian reminded Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "The younger generation remembered."

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong, Gao Changran, Lu Xiaoqing and others did not stay much, took out the spaceship, and then took the spacecraft into the space channel.

Cang Mutian looked at the disappearance of Huang Xiaolong and others, and said with emotion: "The three kings of supreme, the blood of the three devils, and the heavens and the world have such a demon sorrow! It is unwise to eclipse and enemies." ”

"Yeah, I heard that this Xiaolong practice is less than a thousand years, and it is horrible to think about it." Cangyuan Zong also said with emotion.

Just as Huang Xiaolong took the spaceship in the space passage, the news that Cang Mutian was still alive spread, and for a time, the whole World of Warcraft boiled.

"What? Cangmutian?! Are you saying that the Cangmu Field of the Dragon Cubs is still alive?!"

“It’s true! I heard that the Dragon Bear Valley of the Dragon Cubs is below a cliff at the end of the Fire Thunder Empire!”

"Who is the one who is now on the Canglong Bears and who is sure that the Cangmu Field is still alive?"

"I heard that it is the ancestors of the nine yin corpses, the ancestors of the ancestors, the sorcerer of the sorcerer, the ancestors of the sacred ancestors, and the ancestors of the ancestors of the blue ancestors. They are chasing Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong was hiding in the Dragon Bear Valley. Cangmutian used only one hand to repel the eclipse of the four people! Chiyou, Yanhan, and Lan Chong were seriously injured and almost died in the Dragon Bear Valley!"

Everyone is rumored to be arguing, and they are all speculating about the strength of Cangmutian. They are all speculating about the relationship between Huang Xiaolong and the Dragon Cub.

Whether it is any of the nine Empires of World of Warcraft, or any of the Devils of the Devils, or the top powers from other circles, they are in a heavy mood after knowing that the land is still alive.

For them, the Cangmutian and the Shanglong Bears are enough to change the current pattern of World of Warcraft and even the entire Devil.

Huang Xiaolong and others who are shaking outside and catching up in the space channel are not aware of it.

Nothing goes all the way.

Five days later, Huang Xiaolong and others finally came out from the other end of the space channel.

Looking at the cursing forest in front of him, Huang Xiaolong took out the ancient stone, and then urging the power in the ancient stone to protect the entire spaceship, which drove the spacecraft into the cursed forest.

After entering the cursed forest, Huang Xiaolong let the four do not control the spacecraft, speed up again, and come to the north of the cursed forest.

With the speed of the spaceship, there are two more days, you should be able to rush to the icy lake of Lv.

However, the closer it is, the more nervous Huang Xiaolong is in his heart, for fear that the ancestors of the nine yin corpses will be eclipsed, and Chiyou and others will suddenly sneak out.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaolong’s fears were not born, and he came to the north of the cursed forest all the way.

After coming, according to the approximate location of Lu, Huang Xiaolong provoked the power of the blood-stained magical monument and the body of the demon, trying to sense the magical monument.

"In that!" Soon, Huang Xiaolong felt a familiar atmosphere with the blood-eyed magic monument, looking to the front, letting the undead and the four did not simultaneously spur the spacecraft, speeding up again.

As the induction became more and more intense, a large icy lake appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Huang Xiaolong has a happy heart.

Finally it is here!

Because of the eclipse, the chasing and killing of Chiyou and others, this road can be described as hard work.

Huang Xiaolong and others did not come out of the spaceship. Huang Xiaolong asked the four to directly control the spacecraft to break open the surface of the icy lake and then to the bottom of the icy lake.

As soon as it entered the bottom of the lake, an extremely cold gas was constantly wrapped up.

This cold is comparable to the cliffs of the Dragon Bear Valley.

Huang Xiaolong quickly called out the paradise.

At the same time, the ancient stone of the Cang dynasty radiated a ray of light, resisting the curse of the surrounding shackles. (To be continued.) 8

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