Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1889: There is a icy lake there.

Although Huang Xiaolong broke through to the peak of Tianjun's tenth stage, his strength increased greatly. However, it was extremely laborious to control these ice monsters with Hong Meng Zi, and it took ten days to control three.

This speed makes Huang Xiaolong somewhat speechless.

There are hundreds of these ice monsters. To be more than three hundred, if you control them all, you can't have more than a thousand days, that is, three years!

He refining the Wan Mang magic monument, has been delayed for two years, and then used to control these ice monsters for three years, when the day lily is cold, then the glass magic monument will certainly be the first to get the first.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved.

Among the curse of the Mantra of the Mantra, there is a magical mantra.

This magical mantra can make the other party's mind disillusioned. If it is used in conjunction with Hong Mengzi, then the speed of control may be faster?

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaolong even tried it.

Huang Xiaolong directly summoned the Mantra Magic Monument. The Mantra Magic Monument was suspended above the top of the ice monster. The magical magic curse of the monument was radiant. A light curse fell and was printed in the ice monster. Then, Huang Xiaolong condensed Hongmeng. The purple worm began to enter the ice monster body.

Under this attempt, Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed.

Sure enough, the combination of the two, the speed of controlling ice monsters increased greatly, only one more control in the past three days, now it can be controlled in less than half a day!

Huang Xiaolong’s spirit is greatly enhanced.

With his current strength, it is still possible to condense hundreds of red worms.

If he controlled all of the more than 300 ice monsters, he would undoubtedly have another terrorist army.

A legion that is stronger than a hundred solids.

You know, these three hundred ice monsters, at the beginning, can be resisted by one hundred solids and fourteen light tomorrows.

Among the more than 300 ice monsters, there are thirty or forty in the tenth or more.

Others are mostly high-order emperors.

Only a few dozen are the following.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong began to control the next ten-order ice monster of the Great Emperor.

He intends to completely control these tenth-order ice monsters, and then control those high-level emperors.

Just when Huang Xiaolong controlled these ice monsters, a few hundred thousand miles away from the icy lake, a group of people were flying fast, and it was the master of the Blue Lion Emperor Lan Chong and the Magic Eye Blue Lion Empire. There are also eclipse, Chiyou, Yan Han, Feng Chu and others.

After flying for a while, Lan Chong stopped and his brow was deep.

"How?" asked Chiyou.

Lan Chong shook his head: "It is still completely undetectable."

Since two years ago, the Blue Spirit spell in Huang Xiaolong suddenly became extremely weak. After that, the induction became weaker and weaker. In the end, it was completely incapable of sensing. He could only rely on the previous induction to know that Huang Xiaolong was probably here. North direction.

"It’s a curse of the forest not far away." A sorcerer of the Blue Lion Empire suddenly said: "Can the Emperor, Huang Xiaolong enter the cursed forest?"

Cursed the forest!

Everyone was shocked.

"Cursing the forest, the power of cursing." The nine yin corpse ancestors eclipsed and said: "You can't sense the blue soul curse. There is only one explanation. Huang Xiaolong has already expelled the blue spirit curse in the body."

Lan Chong shook his head: "This is impossible, the blue soul curse, the heavens and the world are almost incomprehensible, unless Huang Xiaolong's own strength can surpass me, can lift it."

"If Huang Xiaolong really lifted it." Eclipse sneered.

Blue Chongyi, suddenly his face changed greatly, and his voice was a little dizzy: "There is really something in the devil world that can lift the Blue Spirit spell."

"What is it?"

"The Mantra Magic Monument!" Lan Chong took a deep breath and said.

"What?!" Everyone has a big change in face, Wan Mang magic monument, what does Lan Chong mean?

"You mean, Huang Xiaolong has got the magic spell of the Mantra?!" The evil **** of the Emperor Fengchu face ugly.

The maddening demon is shaking his head: "Impossible, even if Huang Xiaolong finds the magical monument, it is impossible to immediately remove the blue spirit charm, unless he has successfully refining the magic spell, but no one in the world can Within a year, the Mantra Magic Monument will be refining and succeeding. Even if it is a Heavenly Demon ancestor, it will not be possible."

The eclipse said: "No one can do it, it does not mean that Huang Xiaolong is impossible. How many things can't be done by others, can Huang Xiaolong not do the same?"

The mad thunder demon is mute.

Indeed, in the years when Huang Xiaolong’s rapid rise, the miracles created have been too many, and the miracle is nothing for Huang Xiaolong.

What can't be done by the celestial ancestors does not mean that Huang Xiaolong can't do it.

At this time, the eclipse looked at the direction of the cursed forest in front, and the eyes blinked coldly: "This tens of billions of years, no one has ever found out where the cursing power of the cursed forest came from, how it appeared, it turned out to be a magical monument. That's it!"

Lan Chong, Yan Han, Chi You and others look at each other.

Other ancestors were also surprised.

If the Mantra is in the cursed forest, this is amazing.

When the ancestors were surprised, the eclipse flew up and flew directly to the cursed forest. Lan Chong, Yan Han, Chi You and others saw it, and quickly followed, for fear of slowing down one step. Finally, it was a mad thunder. The demon statue, the evil **** emperor sealed Chu, the ever-changing Mozong ancestors Chen Xie and others.

Soon, everyone came to the edge of the cursed forest.

Eclipse, Lan Chong, Yan Han, and Chi You did not lose speed and entered the cursed forest, but Feng Chu, Chen Xie and others were hesitating.

After all, the horror of the curse of the cursing forest, they also know that the eclipse of the four people is the supreme ruler, can not fear the power of this curse, but they are different, even if they are the tenth-order peak of the emperor.

At this time, Feng Chu could not help but envy the four people.

Supreme master!

On one day, he can break through.

How many billion years did he wait for this day?

Although the curse of the cursing power of the forest, but Feng Chu, Chen Xie and others still entered the cursed forest, of course, after entering, Feng Chu, Chen Xie and other people are also cautious, try not to touch the cursed forest Wood is a soil, even if it is a small stone of a cursed forest, it will not touch.

In this way, eclipse, Lan Chong and others searched for a month in the cursed forest.

Because Lan Chong can't sense the blue soul charm in Huang Xiaolong's body, Eclipse and others can only find it in this cursed forest.

The cursed forest is great. Although eclipse and others searched for a month in batches, they only searched for a small and half cursed forest.

"There is a icy lake there!"

The eclipse is condensed.

Several people broke into the ice lake before.

This icy lake is the icy lake where Huang Xiaolong and others are now.

"This icy lake is a bit strange, so strong and cold!" Chiyou's face is dignified: "And the soul and the eye can't see the following."

"Let's go down and see." (To be continued.)

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