Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1891: Qianshen Mountain

The most dangerous place is the safest place. After Tan Zhihui can't escape, he will probably return to the Qianshen Kingdom.

"Let's find a place to live, live first." Huang Xiaolong said.

He is waiting for the rabbit in the Qianshen Kingdom.

As long as Tan Zhihui enters the Kingdom of Qianshen with the glass magic monument, then he has two magic monuments and the body of the demon, which is bound to be inductive.

He does not worry that Tan Zhihui can refine the glass magic monument in a short period of time. He has the blood-eyed magic monument and the body of the demon. In two years, he can refine the magical monument. It does not mean that Tan Zhihui can refine the glass magic monument for two years. .

Even the ordinary supreme genius, to refine the glass magic monument, I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years or even thousands of years, thousands of years.

It is the ordinary king of supreme, and it will take decades.

Later, Huang Xiaolong and others directly purchased a large mansion in the King of the Thousand Kings and then lived.

There are many good restaurants and small courtyards in the kings of the thousand ginseng kings. However, as if they are comfortable at home, Huang Xiaolong will usually purchase the mansion directly.

Lingshi, Huang Xiaolong is not lacking.

After purchasing the mansion, Huang Xiaolong will not close the door and pay close attention to cultivation. Although this time, the strength of the refining and magical mantra is greatly increased, but Huang Xiaolong’s self-conscious strength is still too weak.

He is eager to upgrade his strength.

In addition to cultivation, occasionally, Huang Xiaolong will take out the chaotic Leizhu that is suspected of sacred objects in the animal space, and then study, but no matter what method Huang Xiaolong uses, it is still impossible to present the real secret of this chaotic Leizhu.

Huang Xiaolong always has a feeling. Once he can present the real secret of this chaotic Leizhu, and can fully sway the power of this chaotic Leizhu, this chaotic Leizhu, the power must be extremely terrifying.

Although he chose to wait for the rabbits in the Qianshenwang, Huang Xiaolong would not wait, but let Gao Changran, Lu Xiaoqing, Yin Wuzong and other people go out to inquire about the news. Once the place where Tan Zhihui appeared, let Gao Changran and others Report immediately.

Half a month passed quickly.

That Tan Zhihui seems to have disappeared from the swallowing empire, and there is no trace.

Devil's thirty-six domain master, World of Warcraft nine empire, almost everyone is digging three feet, but no one has found out that Tan Zhihui.

Tan Zhihui itself is the tenth-order master of the Great Emperor, and the Thousand Empire has hundreds of thousands of kingdoms, and they are hiding in any kingdom. It will be extremely difficult for people to find out for a while.

It’s been a few more days.

Suddenly, the entire Qianshen Kingdom was full of excitement.

And the thousand ginseng kings are even more lively.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong retired and saw the crowded streets in front of the mansion. He couldn’t help but feel strange, and then asked Gao Changran what was going on.

Gao Changran replied: "Your Majesty does not know. In a few days, it is the day when the Qianshen Mountains of the Qianshen Kingdom opened. So in these few days, many masters of the swallowing empire will flock to the kings."

“Thousands of mountains are open?” Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

Lu Xiaoqing explained on the side: "This Qianshen Mountain is the ancestral mountain of the Qianshen Kingdom. There are countless ginsengs in the Qianshen Mountains. I even heard that there are legendary blood ginseng, dragon king ginseng, demon ginseng, Taiwu Jinshen. And every 10,000 years, the Thousand-Syrian Kingdom will open the Thousand-Sen Mountains and let everyone go in and find the place!"

Huang Xiaolong stunned: "This thousand ginseng kingdom, so generous?"

This **** ginseng, dragon king ginseng, demon ginseng, Taiwu gold ginseng, all of them are rare treasures, not something that Lingshi can buy, even if the Emperor high-ranking strong people swallow refining and chemical benefits.

Lv Xiaoqing shook his head: "This Qianshen Mountain has the rare spiritual ginseng of the **** ginseng, but this kind of spiritual ginseng is in the deepest part of the Qianshen Mountains, and these spiritual ginsengs are very spiritual, and they are naturally born and hidden. Almost no one can capture it. In the past tens of millions of years, I have only heard that two people can find this kind of spiritual ginseng. Moreover, no one can enter the Qianshen Mountain. It must be entered under the Great Emperor. The opening is limited to only 10,000 people."

“One thousand people?” Huang Xiaolong said: “How to choose the 10,000 places?”

Since the number of people is limited, there must be a selection rule.

Lu Xiaoqing said back to the road: "Before the gate of the Qianshen Mountain Range, there is a bridge of heavens that stretches for thousands of miles. This bridge of heaven can directly pass through the gates of the Qianshen Mountains. Anyone who passes the front of the Tianzhi Bridge can Direct access to the Qianshen Mountains, once 10,000 people enter the Qianshen Mountains, the gate will close."

"And, to go to this bridge of the sky, in addition to the regulations below the Great Emperor, you have to sign up, the registration is not limited, but the registration fee for each person is one hundred poems."

"This thousand ginseng kingdom will make money." Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled.

One hundred of the following chaotic Lingshi is not a big deal for some first-class or big-level factions, but 10,000 people sign up for one million, and 100,000 people are ten million.

Lv Xiaoqing smiled and said: "Your Majesty said that the reason why this thousand ginseng kingdom is the strongest kingdom of the swallow empire is precisely because of this Qianshen Mountain, and it is the richest kingdom of the swallow empire, but this thousand Participating in the income of the mountains, the Qianshen Kingdom has to pay a large part to the swallow empire."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, such a big fat, the swallowing empire could not let the thousand ginseng kingdom swallow.

Then, Huang Xiaolong learned about some things about this Qianshen Mountain.

For example, after entering the Qianshen Mountains, among the 10,000 people, they can **** each other's spiritual ginseng. No matter whether they live or die, the Qianshen Kingdom is only responsible for sending you in, and the others will ignore them.

As for how many spiritual ginseng you can find in the Qianshen Mountains, how many ginseng you can grab, it is your skill.

However, the Qianshen Mountains only opened for ten days.

Ten days later, the disciples who entered will be sent out automatically. Of course, during the ten days, the disciples inside can also choose themselves.

"Your Majesty also wants to sign up for this Qiangshan Mountain?" Gao Changran saw Huang Xiaolong with an interest and asked.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and turned to Lv Xiaoqing: "You will go to register with me tomorrow."

Since this Qianshen Mountain has the **** ginseng, the dragon king ginseng, the magic ginseng, the Taiwu Jinshen this kind of ginseng, Huang Xiaolong has to go in and look at it anyway, he must urgently improve his strength, if he can get a few **** ginseng like this The ginseng is enough for him to break through to the mid-tenth of the Tianjun.

Anyway, when Tan Zhihui appeared in the Kingdom of the Thousand Senses, he could sense it and he could come out at any time.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s name, he also signed up with him. After Lu Xiaoqing’s glimpse, Gong Sheng should be.

"Your Majesty, then let us go with you?" Yin Wu Zongzong asked.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "No, you and Gao Changran will stay in the mansion and continue to inquire about the news of Tan Zhihui and the glass magic monument."

The more people are more conspicuous, so Huang Xiaolong intends to go with Lu Xiaoqing tomorrow. (To be continued.) 8

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