Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1899: Let them come out

"What do you think about this matter?" swallowing the heavens and reciting the heart of Chu Chuchen.

Jiang Chuchen thought for a moment and replied: "I heard that even Princess Zhaorou, the double-headed dragon empire, also signed up for the Qianshen Mountains. If we open the Qianshen Mountain ban and imprison all the disciples who participated in the Qianshen Mountains, then, Not only will he offend the young man, but he will also offend Princess Zhaorou and offend other disciples."

Although Jiang Chuchen did not explain the white, but his meaning is undoubted, although it is rare to let the singer of the sable of the purple singer owe them a favor, but in order to ignite a human feeling, offend Princess Zhaorou, offending all participating in the Qianshen Mountains Disciple, not worth it.

Swallowing Emperor nodded and smiled: "Your thoughts are the same as mine."

This point, in fact, he also thought of it.

The flaming human feelings are precious to others, but for him, it is nothing.

If it is for this reason to offend Zhao Rou, it is unwise to offend the double-headed dragon dragon empire, and the origin of the mysterious young man is absolutely not simple. Is it simple for people who have three heads of ice dragons?

And even Chen Qin is not the opponent's ice dragon.

"Let people give a flaming reply letter, let me let me start the ban on the Qianshen Mountains. It is not impossible." Swallowing the Great: "However, besides he wants to owe me a favor, I will also print the purple enamel. I have used it for 100 million years."

The purple enamel seal is the treasure of the 蟒 蟒 蟒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Sure enough, the sable of the Purple Emperor received a reply from the Emperor, and his face was as dark as water.

"This Wu Shaowu, deceiving too much!" The sable of the purple scorpion is about to smash the jade, and the eyes are twinkling.

The ancestors of the Purple Emperor Empire were stunned. Although they did not know the contents of the letter, they reacted with the expression of the fire, and they knew that the swallows had definitely rejected their request.

They originally thought that the Emperor would agree, and did not expect to refuse.

"The Great Emperor, what does that mean to swallow the Emperor?" asked the ancestors of the Purple Emperor, Huo Huihui, and hesitated.

The singer of the Purple Emperor screams coolly: "Wu Shaowu is not greedy, not only wants me to be alone, but also borrows a hundred thousand years from Ziyan."

"What?! Borrowing the purple enamel for 100 million years!" The ancestors of the sable empire are not angry.

"Wu Shaowu, you thought that without your help, I wouldn't be able to take the kid? I don't believe that the kid can escape World of Warcraft!" The sable of the purple scorpion is shrouded in cold eyes.

"Now, start the Qianshen Mountains!"

Not long after, the powerful people saw that the purple scorpion ship that had not been used for many years appeared in the sky above the swallowing empire, and then came to the kingdom of the thousand ginseng at an alarming speed.

The purple dragonfly spacecraft is a spaceship of the Zihong Empire. It is rarely used. Under normal circumstances, it is rarely used. Now everyone sees that the Zifei spacecraft is not only passive, but also murderously coming to the Kingdom of Qianshen, it is not boiling. .

"The Purple Emperor personally went out and took the Ziyan spacecraft and led all the ancestors of the Purple Empire to the Kingdom of the Thousands of Sects! It seems that the young man will not give up."

"What is the origin of the young man? Even the big princes of the Purple Emperor empire are daring to kill? And even kill the fifteen great emperors of the Purple Empire!"

"I heard that he has three ice dragons, a late nine-stage late stage, a tenth-order late stage of a great emperor, a tenth-order late peak of a great emperor, and a beast with a dragon and a blood like a dragon, only a dragon can surrender. The young man may be a pro-disciple of the Dragon World!"

Everyone has speculated on the identity of Huang Xiaolong.

There are all kinds of speculations. Some even say that Huang Xiaolong is the reincarnation of the patriarch of the Binglong Dragon. He said that the patriarch of the Binglong Dragon did not die in the hands of the sorcerer, and the soul escaped and then reincarnate.

For the singer of the Purple Emperor, the masters of the Purple 蟒 empire came to the Qianshen Mountains. Huang Xiaolong did not know. Two days later, he and Lu Xiaoqing came to the deepest part of the Qianshen Mountains.

I saw the deepest land in the Qianshen Mountains, it turned out to be golden!

Every dust, like the sands, shines with golden light, which is the result of the earth's earthy atmosphere reaching the level of awkwardness.

This kind of earthy gas is also a great advantage for the great emperor who cultivates the earthwork. If you can practice it for many years, the speed of cultivation can definitely improve a lot.

Huang Xiaolong spurred Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches, Wanlong supreme gods as the dragons swallowed, countless earthy spirits rushed out from the surrounding ground, like the waves flooded into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong exhaled, and his nostrils spewed out the golden light.

"It's not a treasure that can produce the blood-stained ginseng, the dragon king ginseng, etc." Huang Xiaolong said, he just swallowed up the gas of the earth here, the effect is not worse than swallowing the best.

Lv Xiaoqing smiled and said: "When that time, I bought the Qianshen Mountain directly from the Emperor, and used it for cultivation."

She knows that Huang Xiaolong has a lot of money.

Huang Xiaolong stunned and then smiled: "This is a good idea."

As long as he gives enough Lingshi, the Emperor may not be willing to sell the Qianshen Mountains.

"Let's go, we are looking for a ginseng." Huang Xiaolong flew forward.

"But, these **** ginseng, dragon king ginseng are hiding in the depths of the earth, rarely come out, we can hardly find out, even if they are found, it is extremely difficult to break the ground." Lu Xiaoqing brow wrinkles .

This ground, due to the essence of the earth, strong and abnormal, even the ordinary emperor first or even second order to break open is extremely difficult.

Therefore, it is too difficult to capture these blood-stained ginseng hidden in the depths of the earth, unless they can come out from the ground, but these blood-stained ginseng, the dragon king can not come out from the ground once.

"They are hiding in the ground, we are hard to find and capture, then we will find ways to let them out of the ground!" Huang Xiaolong smiled at Lu Xiaoqing, smiling mysteriously.

"Let them come out?" Lu Xiaoqing said, "Your Majesty is going to use elixir to bring out these ginseng?"

The medicinal spirit of the best Hongmeng elixir is very tempting for the **** ginseng, the dragon king ginseng, but these **** ginseng, the dragon king ginseng is a fine thing, even if there is the best sacred medicine, it is difficult to bring it out. Come on the ground.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled. "You will know when you wait." After that, he looked up and then flew to a higher mountain.

Lv Xiaoqing followed Huang Xiaolong and his eyes were puzzled.

At this time, I saw Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows flashing, and countless chaotic thunders erupted from Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows. Like a river of chaotic thunder, it continued to fall to the ground below.

These chaotic thunder instantly passed through the earth's gas and penetrated into the ground.

Within a radius of a million miles, all the grounds are thundering. (To be continued.)

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