Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1901: Glass magic monument was robbed

Tan Zhihui urged the practice method and tried to refine the glass magic monument. However, no matter what method he used, his power could not penetrate into the glass magic monument.

The glass magic monument is like an extremely smooth chaotic mirror. His magical force slides out when it touches the glass magic monument.


Looking at the dazzling glare of the glass magic in front of him, Tan Zhihui was angry.

For this glass magic monument, he was chased all the way by the devil's thirty-six domain masters and the nine major empire masters of World of Warcraft, even his sect, his family, have been poisoned.

Now, he is unaccompanied, he can say that he paid everything for this glass magic monument, but he got the glass magic monument for two years, he used all the methods, can not understand the glass magic monument.

Sometimes, under his anger, he even wanted to smash the glass magical monument, but no matter how he smashed, how to burn it, he could not damage the glass magic monument.

Gradually, Tan Zhihui calmed down and began to feel the power of the glass magic monument.

In the course of the two years of refining and refining the glass magic monument, he can feel the glass magic monument can remove any power attacking it.

Perhaps he can start from this aspect.

Soon, the day passed.

However, he still has not made any progress.

Just as Tan Zhihui was complacent and wanted to refine the glass magic monument, the three figures were coming to the peak where Tan Zhihui was at a very fast speed.

These three figures, although the breath converges, but any one of the three people contains the power to destroy the earth.

The three people are all the tenth-order late peaks of the great emperor.

The three-person suits are all wearing dark red robes, and there are squatting heads on the chest, and they are stunned, and their eyes are miserable green and horrible.

And the appearance of the three people is exactly the same.

Half an hour later, the three stopped in front of the peak where Tan Zhihui was.

"That is the Tan Zhihui in this mountain?" The man in the middle said, although the three looks exactly the same, but the three are still a little different.

For example, in the middle, there is a knives in the brow, the person on the left, the lips are purple, and the person on the right, without an ear.

"Big brother can rest assured that my six-winged golden mosquitoes will not smell wrong." The man with purple ink on his left side began.

Six-winged golden mosquito, one of the ancient gods and beasts, is extremely sensitive to odors.

However, this six-winged golden mosquito is extremely difficult to tame, and it took him hundreds of thousands of years to tame it.

With this six-winged golden mosquito, he never lost his hand.

The man in the middle nodded and said: "I will wait for you to shoot, you block Tan Zhihui to go, we must kill Tan Zhihui as fast as possible!"

Once they start, the power of volatility will surely alarm the strong.

Therefore, they must kill Tan Zhihui as soon as possible and capture the glass magical monument to escape.

The other two nodded and the whole body was pumping.

The man in the middle flew to the top of the mountain and suddenly pressed down.

I saw that the mountain peaked loudly and instantly turned into countless dust. The ban on the arrangement of Tan Zhihui in the hole suddenly exploded.

Tan Zhihui was shocked and fled with a glass of magical monument.

"It's you!" Seeing the face of the three people, Tan Zhihui's face changed greatly: "骷髅三祖!"

The demon teaching is the sixth super power in the devil world, and the three ancestors are the three ancestors of the demon teaching, and the three strongest devils.

Seeing that it was three people, Tan Zhihui did not dare to fight, and immediately fled to the right, but he just left, a figure appeared in front of him, and the face was a giant palm.

The giant palm is sprayed with endless poisonous gas. This poisonous gas is extremely horrible. Everything is corrupted, and it smells like a dead body. It is like a dead body that has been dead for millions of years. It smells bad and makes people turn stomach. Want to vomit.

Tan Zhihui's face changed and he panned quickly.

However, just as he was retreating, behind him, the wind blew, he did not think too much, the shape of the illusion, leaving a shadow in the space.

I saw a giant palm swept away from him, banged on the ground in the distance, the ground cracked, the ground moved, the palms moved, all died, no life.

Seeing the power of the three ancestors, Tan Zhihui’s face was even more shocking.

When the three ancestors smashed Tan Zhihui, Huang Xiaolong asked the four to drive the spaceship to Tan Zhihui.

With the constant approach, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong's face changed. This devastating force came from the direction of Tan Zhihui. It should be that several masters are struggling to kill.

Did someone first discover Tan Zhihui?

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong makes four different, and Guangming makes people speed up the speed of the spacecraft again.

Ten minutes later, when Huang Xiaolong came to the peak of Tan Zhihui, he saw a huge poisonous palm printed on the ground, and it was shocking. Everything was dead.

Huang Xiaolong's eyesight search, his body flashed, came to a large pit in the distance, only to see an unrecognizable body lying inside, the body is being continuously eroded by poison gas.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank.

Although he has not seen Tan Zhihui, this corpse is 90% is Tan Zhihui undoubtedly!

Unexpectedly, he was still a step late, the glass magic monument was taken away, and with the strength of the late tenth stage of Tan Zhihui, the other party can kill it in such a short period of time, showing the strength of the other side.

Huang Xiaolong's brow wrinkles, urging the blood-eye magic monument and the Wan curs magic monument, inducing the position of the glass magic monument. At this time, the glass magic monument is going to the neighboring Honglian Kingdom outside the Qianshen Kingdom at an extremely fast speed.

Huang Xiaolong stood up, his feelings on the glass magic monument have become weaker and weaker, so he has to fully catch up with the other side.

This time, if you are escaped by the other party, it will be difficult to find the glass magic monument next time.

However, just when Huang Xiaolong was going to catch up, suddenly, a few sounds broke through the air, and several figures were broken, all of which were seventh-order and eighth-order masters.

When a few people arrived, their eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong and the body.

"It is Tan Zhihui!" One person recognized the body of Tan Zhihui.

Suddenly, a few people jumped into a block and surrounded Huang Xiaolong and Lu Xiaoqing.

"Kid, who is killed by Tan Zhihui? Say, do you see something?" One asked Dr. Huang Xiaolong.

Tan Zhihui is the late tenth stage of the Great Emperor. Huang Xiaolong was the peak of the tenth stage of the Tianjun. Lv Xiaoqing was the peak of the tenth stage of the Tianjun. It was obviously not killed by Huang Xiaolong.

"Then they talk nonsense, directly search for the soul, and then kill it." Another person began.

However, at this moment, suddenly, above the sky, a giant palm snapped down and directly shot all of them into the ground.

Four does not appear to be around Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and a fire broke down on the body of Tan Zhihui. The body of Tan Zhihui was burned out, and then the spacecraft was called out and left the place.


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